Another Fine Web...

Mar 11, 2008 21:04

Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2002
Time: 6:30 in the evening
Location: Upper Floor Private Room at the Boar’s Head Inn, Little Cawthorpe (near Muckton)
Characters Involved: Millicent Bulstrode Morsus, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Augustus Rookwood, Lucius Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass
Rating: PG-13 at least for violent intent, I would imagine ( Read more... )

character: millicent bulstrode-morsus, character: rabastan lestrange, character: augustus rookwood, character: daphne greengrass, character: lucius malfoy, character: bellatrix lestrange

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toujoursfideles March 25 2008, 16:58:59 UTC
The part of Bellatrix's anatomy that simply craved action was starting to get bored. The part of her mind that railed against any criticism of the Dark Lord howled. However, with a glance to the uncomfortable Daphne, the yet unfamiliar Millicent, and the one who seemed to waver in his devotion, Lucius, Bellatrix kept her expression cryptic. Could these three be trusted with the truth of His continued presence - that He may yet return again? Could they even understand? Or would they simply think her mad? She resolved to discuss this with Augustus later, as she could conjure no criticism to his history of loyalty.

But these were days for wearing many masks. Perhaps one for the truly loyal, another for this new collaboration, and as always one to show to the public. If no immediate action was possible, she was content to fuel the ideological discussion. The blissful future of an entire world ruled by the purest wizards, where muggles took their proper place of servitude and entertainment would have to be brought up in more familiar company.

"Indeed. Much was given up to the cause," Bellatrix agreed with Augustus. In truth, she viewed her Lord's sacrifice just as dear - for this was a timeless struggle between right and wrong, between the tyrannical rule of the mob and the natural rule of the elite. "Much was sacrificed. But our bid for power is not yet out of reach. We should paint the issue as a matter of equality in the wizarding world, and then slowly, ever so gradually we restore the proper balance of power while keeping the mob so entertained they wont even notice. But those are thoughts for later days."

She gave a small, wistful shrug before turning to address Lucius directly. She rather enjoyed addressing gentlemen while she sat and they stood. It rang so similar to a royal holding court. Although this was not an aura she was keen to radiate, as for the moment she needed to play nice with her brother-in-law.

"I know it is your desire to win your campaign through perfectly legal means, and I have no desire to contest your intentions. After all, I'm sure some here could provide some assistance in that vein," she began, managing to keep any trace of malice and mockery out of her voice. Their personal bickering could be set aside until power was theirs; then they could fight quite contentedly for the rest of their days. "But if such a time arises when you require assistance beyond the scope of the law, you will have resources available."

She made this a statement to Lucius instead of a question to the group with a purpose in mind. Though she had already vouched as much for herself to Lucius, it gave the others an opportunity to agree, to voice their dedication, a clever device she gleaned from the Dark Lord. Besides, if Lucius was too scared to get his hands dirty then she would take responsibility for this forming troupe, that should any of them be in need they might act cohesively and for the mutual benefit of them all.

Breaking eye contact with Lucius, she directed her expectant gaze to the others in the room. She hardly expected Daphne to respond at all, but had higher hopes for Millicent. Surely the young woman would understand that this was an inquiry of commitment, and to see if she could respond appropriately to her elders' unspoken questions.


vincere_aut_mor March 26 2008, 19:17:04 UTC
Lucius listened to them, and found himself agreeing with Augustus. Nothing he had resulted from the Dark Lord's promises. Every scrap of power, respect, his wealth and family, all gathered through his own endeavours or fortune of birth. They had received no remuneration for the terrible things they had done. As a young man his actions had weighed heavily on his conscience, only soothed by his conviction that the Dark Lord held an absolving power. The world would be right, and he would be rewarded.

He wouldn't promise that to a new generation. He could try to make things better, he could attempt to forge a world that could encompass their views--though certainly within reasonable degrees. He would not allow any desire for the extermination of muggles or mubloods to turn their world into anarchy.

Undoubtedly, he still felt that the rightful place of purebloods was to lead. They should preserve the traditions and truths of the wizarding world. But he was weary of the beliefs that had led to nothing. Hatred of those without pureblood was futile. Certainly he didn't like them, and felt superior, but their existence did not bubble his blood. He was indifferent to them, simply desiring to exist in a politcal climate that would offer all protection from both sides.

He looked at Daphne again, so strongly reminded of Draco that he realised he wasn't listening to Bellatrix. Where would this meeting lead her? What influences had brought her here today, when she seemed so unsure of herself? It could surely not mean good things for her. For a second, a flashed memory of Draco screaming came into his mind, and he shook it away.

This isn't the same, he told himself, listening to the rest of Bellatrix's words.

He said nothing as Bellatrix addressed him, then looked away.


mrs_morsus March 28 2008, 02:01:05 UTC
Millicent was most attentive as Augustus and then Bellatrix entered into the conversation. It was most important to air all viewpoints here where they should be able to be somewhat open with each other - not that any one of them would be completely trusting; it was beyond their scope or experience. Millicent’s sensitivities were totally engaged in the undercurrents throughout the room. She had been focused on drawing Daphne into the conversation and supporting the others as appropriate in order to facilitate the conversation. Now, as two of the senior members of the group expressed opinions on the more delicate but important matters that must be addressed, Millicent was thoughtful and began to carefully weave her way through the usual minefield of these sort of gatherings.

She nodded her agreement to Augustus as he finished his inquiry about how it was that their discriminations of the past were so untenable and yet the Blood Traitor’s were not. It was an excellent point, one that might be used to their advantage. One that must be used to their advantage if Lucius was to succeed in his bid for Minister. Before she could reply, Bellatrix began to speak.

It was clear that Bellatrix would never be their poster child for Pure Blood moderation - not that Millicent saw that as a problem. They weren’t in public here and with the silencing charms in place there was no one to overhear whatever they might wish to say.

When Bellatrix voiced the word “equality”, the pathway ahead crystallized for Millicent. If they could co-opt that watchword for their use, make it their province, it would go far to become a rallying cry that could lend the broad base their former violence never sought nor needed.

“Lucius as the great Equaliser? How intriguing!” She turned to Lucius to see if he was as thoughtful and receptive to the concept as she was. Perhaps his antagonistic relationship with his sister-in-law would not permit him to adopt her suggestions. This was a time to set aside their intrinsic rivalries and past positioning with the Dark Lord in order to work together for the future. It was not a certainty that those closest to the top, Bellatrix and Lucius, were capable of it.

Open discussion of activities outside the law was more problematic for Millicent. Had she been in private discussion with Bellatrix, she might have seized the opportunity to compare notes and request advice on her Dark Arts library. But here, whilst trying to distance themselves from the past, Millicent feared open discussion of any form of violence would be counter-productive. There would be plenty of opportunity for that in the future, if they could restrain themselves now. She felt the need to diffuse the strong impression of condoned violence if possible, or they would lose whatever ground they had gained with Daphne; might gain with others… Millicent treaded softly on this minefield, hoping to find the eloquence to express her support to Bellatrix without scaring off Daphne.

“There are a myriad of resources and support we can provide that may well circumvent the need to venture outside the proscribed norms. We might explore avenues to attack the current discriminatory policies, particularly those with any connection or support of the Blood Traitors, concurrently with the campaign. There are many, shall we say, “creative” election tactics to be explored that we have not yet considered.” Here she paused, definitely for effect and turned to glance at Bella before extending her supportive expression to Lucius. “Naturally, the resources needed for a successful election must be extended.”


vincere_aut_mor March 28 2008, 10:43:03 UTC
Lucius weighed the possibilities in his mind; his insistence upon working within the law had been a protective reflex. For the most part, he had behaved well since receiving the tracking device. Any indiscression on his part would have been a disaster. Lucius wasn't certain that even he could convice his way out of Azkaban again under present circumstances. The last thing he wanted was for the over-zealous actions of a nostalgic group to place him there again.

Though they seemed to have grasped the notion of moderation, Lucius still did not trust his sister-in-law not to become enamoured by the idea of a return to the 'good old days'. Moderation was not a word that described Bellatrix, and regardless of her present good behaviour, she was impulsive and dangerous.

There were three potential routes here; he agreed to their working beyond the law, and worked to ensure that it would be unwise for any of them to be less than loyal. He agreed, but if it came to a point where his reputation or freedom was at risk, publically opposed them. Or he stated no wish for involvement in illegal matters.

But could he win the election through strictly legal means? It was true what Augustus had said, Weasley's prejudice was far more palitable to the community. Whatever Lucius would say, the history of his actions would always be against him, and it would take a mere reminder of this from Weasley to shatter any hard earned credit.

Lucius met Millicent's gaze. He knew what Augustus wanted, and suspected he knew what Bellatrix desired, but what did Millicent want?

"It would be foolish not to take advantage of the resources availiable, but of course legal channels will always be preferable. There is no need to unnecessarily risk our own personal freedom. But of course, I fully acknowledge that the present circumstances are likely to make it impossible to work within the remit of the law."


toujoursfideles March 30 2008, 01:23:46 UTC
At Millicent's words, Bellatrix loosed a small approving smile. Her tongue was silver enough to hopefully assuage Lucius, and she suspected that the young woman would have spirit enough to make herself truly useful to the cause.

Insane she may be, but stupid she was not. Bellatrix knew full well when to conceal her pleasures from society, and knew all to keenly the very real threat that discovery would return her to the hospital or Azkaban. But she was hardly going to stand by and allow this new movement to sway from exercising all possible tools, and she would have refused to participate with an organization too squeamish to contemplate what most found uncomfortable. Lucius' words pleased her immensely.

You see, Lucius can be reassonable. And you know firsthand his ability to act when necessary. Quibbling asside, you know he is not governed by fear.

The Dark Lord had instilled in her a profound belief that the distinction between "good" and "evil" was largely superficial - all that mattered was power. Since their opponents, governed by a blindly obedient belief system, were too afraid to use the Dark Arts they left themselves a weakness to vulnerable to exploit. For a moment Bellatrix allowed her mind to wander to a charming fantasy... doing away with the entire traitorous Weasley clan. Before she became wholly engrossed, she snapped back to attention. As she expected no concrete reply from Daphne, she could not fight the desire to push their discussion forward. Diplomacy, however, was not her strong suit. She knew the coming days would require little of her version of campaigning.

"So from a political perspective, what needs to be done?" she asked, addressing the whole group. "Peace and quiet? Hardly seems to breed the societal discontent we'll need to see Lucius in office. However, I suspect violence of any kind would simply provoke old fears and work against us. I fear that gone of the days of mysterious disappearances. Should we take public positions, or distance ourselves from the politics completely?"

She craved Augustus' clever mind for this. Of all those gathered, his was the wisdom she trusted most. Unfortunately, she feared that Lucius would be calling the shots. And loathe as she was to address Daphne, this was the time for the young woman's input.


laural_daphne March 31 2008, 21:09:50 UTC
Daphne sat silently taking in all the information thrown out and directed toward her. Her attention now away from the window and directed toward the group. She felt slightly appeased to the thought that they were not going to try violent ways to get what they wanted.

She was comforted by the fact that Lucius was on her side, and that comfort grew as the conversations went on. Her posture and body language reflected this comfort. In the back of her mind, she knew it was very likely Draco who changed him and hoped that Draco would make as good of a change in herself.

She couldn't help but show surprise when Bellatrix actually said something that sounded reasonable, even though her choice of words could have been a little less saddened by the facts she stated. But everyone knew where Bellatrix's mind was.

As she watched Augustus and Bellatrix, she couldn't help but rise an eyebrow slightly. Physically they could make a good pairing, but Daphne feared that Bellatrix would drag Augustus away from his calm demeanor and into her world of psychosis.

"You don't want to be seen as if you're suddenly taking a political position, or that your interests in this campaign are anything other than in your public persona would be interested. Public positions from some people could be disastrous for his campaign. The public wants to see Lucius disassociated from his ex...companions. They want to know that he'll look out for everyone's good and not just be another Shingleton. Also I believe Master Malfoy already has a lead over the blood-traitor because Mister Weasley is seen as just as much of an imbecile as his children. No one wants to see another Minister who can be stepped on so easily." She had finally decided to talk and give her opinion. They all seemed to be aiming to win her over and she was not going to be easily swayed.


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