
Feb 07, 2008 08:22

Date: 7, February 2002
Day: Thursday
Time: Late morning
Location: Weasley Wizard Wheezes, to start out. The boys could end up any number of places...
Character(s) Involved: "Christian Bartel", "Steven Jaymesson", any
Complete or incomplete: Incomplete

Realizing that it had, indeed, been a while, since Bartel and Jaymesson had made one of their "business trips" to London, Fred and George spent several hours, after breakfast, getting re-accostomed to their new bodies... again... Once again, Tori (one of only two people who knew the truth of the two Americans' existence) helped coach them on their accents, so that the boys could pull off a standard American dialect to near perfection.

However, the purpose of their "visit" to Britain, this time around was to promote their new business, Bartel & Jaymesson's Magical Prostetics. Granted, the business had been simmering, in London, for almost two years now, what with the eyes they'd made for June Conners, as well as several other special orders. But Christian and Steven... THat is... George and Fred... were looking to expand the business, perhaps globally.

Satisfied that they could fool even their own mother, and getting approval from Tori, on just how well they acted like "crazy Americans", Christian and Steven apparated out of the flat, to the front of Weasley Wizard Wheezes shop. After all, it was only fair that the Americans pay their respects to their English business partners.

"Good morning!" Christian grinned, as he approached the girl at the counter - Isabell was her name, newly hired just a few weeks ago. "Are Fred and George around?"

"I'm sorry," the girl replied, with a small frown, "but they went out of town, this morning. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well doesn't that just beat all," Steven sighed, coming to the counter and idylly playing with a random toy. "We come all this way and they're not even here. I suppose we'll have to take our business elsewhere, Chris."

"It's not like we told them we were coming," Christian pointed out. "Those boys are busy, what with their two stores now. And I hear business is expanding. Fred and George are in need of a break."

Just then, Tori entered the main shop, from the back. "Mr. Bartel, Mr. Jaymesson," she smiled politely, in her best immitation of Daddy's business voice. "What brings you here?"

"Just business," Christian shrugged. "We're hoping to expand our prostetic business, I don't know if you remember. And we were hoping to drop in on the twins, and pay our respects, but it sounds like they're not here."

"No, I'm sorry," Tori replied, regretfully, "but they left early this morning and won't be back for several days."

"And they didn't take you with them?" Steven asked, smooth his receeding hairline and leaning over the counter. "Aren't you and Fred still a hot item?"

Tori smiled, trying not to laugh. "We're still together, if that's what you're asking," she informed Steven. "But you know how those two can be, when they've got an idea brewing... Which reminds me..."

With a flick of her wand, Tori summoned twoes small box, from the back of the store. "I was supposed to put this in the Post, for you," she explained, handing one box each over to Christian and Steven, "but since you're here, I can just give it to the two of you, in person."

"Mints!" Steven exclaimed, as he opened the box and dove into the first little dispenser he grabbed. Within moments, a light flurry of snow was drifting from his mouth, with each breath. "You have no idea how much I've missed these."

"I think I can guess," Tori replied, with an amused smile on her face.

"Well, if Fred and George aren't here," Christian sighed, taking a mint of his own. "I suppose we should wander about Diagon Alley, a bit, before our first meeting. Thank you for your help, Tori."

"Yes, thank you," Steven repeated, giving Tori a flirtatious smile, which she ignored.

"Have fun, gentelmen!" she called, as the two turned and left.

group: www employees, character: christian bartel, character: george weasley, location: weasleys wizard wheezes, status: open, character: steven jaymesson, location: diagon alley, character: fred weasley

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