Weasley Christmas Dinner

Dec 25, 2007 16:42

Date: December 25, 2001
Time: A little after 6 o'clock
Location: The Burrow
Characters Involved: As many Weasleys that come and Harry, if he would like.
Rating: We'll start at PG and see where the craziness takes us.

Christmas is a time for family and friends. )

character: katie bell, character: percy weasley, status: complete, character: molly weasley, location: the burrow, character: charlie weasley, event: holiday fluff, character: arthur weasley, status: invitation only

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charliesdragons December 27 2007, 04:57:01 UTC
Charlie dressed casually for dinner, pulling on one of the many "C" jumpers that his Mum had made for him over the years. He pulled it on over a pair of beaten jeans with holes in the knees and a few minor scorch marks... honestly, Charlie hardly owned a pair of jeans that weren't in some way burnt or scorched. He finished his look with a beaten pair of trainers and his warm jacket. He knew that this was his Mum's crowning glory every year, Christmas dinner. And though he always looked forward to it, this year he just wasn't much in the spirit.

They arrived, gift in tow and sat when they were instructed to, smiling and chatting jovially. He leaned over and kissed his wife, giving her the look he did rather often... the look that said that he just knew he was the luckiest man in the world.


lioninthegarden December 27 2007, 05:04:56 UTC
She smiled brightly to him after the kiss. She knew that she was just as lucky. She was wearing a green striped sweater and jeans. She wasn't too dressy. She kissed him again lightly before she entered the Burrow with him. Some small part of her was a little quesy about being there, but it was Christmas. They had had the morning with her parents and her brothers.

The gift was there, the chatting was happy and jovial. She slipped her hand on his as they watched the Weasley family joining up.


arthurs_molly December 27 2007, 05:37:51 UTC
When Arthur had squeezed her hand, she squeezed his tightly in return before placing her napkin in her lap with her free hand. She twined her fingers with her husband's, rubbing her thumb along his hand. She looked around the table once everyone had pulled up their chairs, giving a small nod of approval to herself. She was determined to let today go smoothly, with no arguments or fights, and she wasn't going to say any thing that could possibly be taken the wrong way.

She released Arthur's hand for a moment as she began to serve him, passing each item to Charlie as she finished piling things on her husband's plate. She always served herself last, and she wouldn't be persuaded otherwise. It took her minute to find something to say, and she bit her lip lightly as she thought.

"How was everyone's Christmas?"


artiebear December 27 2007, 06:04:33 UTC
Arthur smiled and looked around the table, he was glad the family was together. They were off to a great start, and he had a feeling it would only get better. He squeezed his wife's hand gently when she rubbed his hand with her thumb.

As the plate piled higher, Arthur's smile widened. Aside from presents, the food was the best thing about Christmas. He sometimes wished she would not serve herself last, but he had learned not to argue years ago.

"Yes, how has Christmas been so far?"


charliesdragons December 27 2007, 20:24:22 UTC
Charlie smiled at his Mum as he was served. Sure, he hadn't forgotten the last time they were together, but if she was going to be nice he was going to let it go. He tucked into his dinner... her cooking was always incredible. He just couldn't wait to take a bite, and dug in the moment his plate was filled.

"Christmas was nice, actually." he said with a nod around mouthfulls of food. "We spent the morning with Katie's parents and her brothers. It was lovely, really... aside from Brian." he chuckled. Her older brother was still obviously ticked off at him, and made it very clear during their "talk".


lioninthegarden December 28 2007, 03:57:26 UTC
Katie nudged her husband lightly with her elbow after he mentioned that her older brother was the only bad part of the holiday, "Well what did you expect, love? He's just let you run off with his sister without some explaination. Would you do that with Ginny? Just let her run off and marry someone you didn't know without making sure that she was taken care of?" she asked with a small smile, "He didn't mean anything by it, really."

She chuckled as she watched him hork down his food. It wasn't as if he never had an appetite, he was usually long done before she was. She had noticed that. She settled in to her dinner with a small smile, "Yes, we have breakfast and this morning with my family and tonight with you. We had last night to ourselves, so it is a very good Christmas. We kind of got a little bit of everything."


arthurs_molly December 28 2007, 17:38:35 UTC
Molly held her tongue when Charlie and Katie mentioned Brian's reaction to Charlie running off and marrying Katie, as it just cemented her notion that besides proposing to his bride-to-be, Charlie hadn't done anything by the book. Even Arthur had done every thing by the book, even though it meant getting his head bit off by her father.

Besides, Katie had a point, as Molly highly doubted any of her sons (Arthur included, for that matter) would allow any young man to run off and marry Ginny without permission or their blessing and let him escape unscathed. However, it wasn't her place to say anything, and she wasn't going to, though she was beginning to wonder if perhaps now would be a good time to give their little announcement and get it over with. That would certainly fuel some dinner conversation ( ... )


artiebear December 28 2007, 18:00:04 UTC
Arthur chuckled when Katie brought up her brother's reaction. It was amusing, and he couldn't really blame him. If someone had done that with Ginny there would be problems. The entire Weasley clan would be on that person.

He continued to shovel food in his mouth as he listened to his wife speak the nearly choked when she said they had an announcement. He looked up mouth still full of food, then nodded and finished chewing slowly, "Yes we do. Your mother and I have been thinking and discussing and we were thiking about expanding the family."


charliesdragons December 29 2007, 18:30:08 UTC
"What?" Charlie said as his Father made the announcement. He stopped eating completely and thought for a moment. "You're kidding, right?" he asked as a broad smile crossed his face. He thought his parents were joking! "You have to be kidding, right?" he asked again, looking over at his wife for reassurence.

"Seven children aren't enough?" he sputtered. "Merlin, Mum and Dad... can't you just wait a while for grandchildren?" Charlie wasn't angry, per se, but he had to admit it was a terrible idea in his opinion. His parents had struggled for years to get all the children raised and provided for. And while he loved his siblings, even he himself had struggled for them, sending a good chunk of his paychecks home for years to try to help provide for them. He never looked at it as a burden because he loved every single one of his siblings dearly, but at the same time his parents were getting on in age. Was it safe for his Mum to even be thinking this?


lioninthegarden January 3 2008, 02:46:50 UTC
Katie didn't think that they were joking. They seemed happy about it. Afterall, why would they joke? These were the people that had had seven kids just to get a girl. Why shouldn't they have another baby? Well other then Molly getting on in years, but she assumed that they were smart people.

"You have talked to your doctors to insure that you can do this safely, right?" she asked, looking at Molly and Arthur. She didn't seem too shocked, her parents had talked about it too and decided against it, but they still had a 14-year-old.

That and she wasn't surprised, because she had gotten the feeling that Molly suffered from empty-nest syndrome rather horribly just from her overreaction to her and Charlie getting married and how she went on about how her children were inconsiderate and ignored her. She hoped they were doing it for the right reason.


arthurs_molly January 3 2008, 03:19:56 UTC
Molly was a bit offended that Charlie thought she and Arthur were joking about the subject, as if there was one thing Molly didn't joke about, it was having children. Besides, even if she never planned to share the fact with her children, she had been thinking about having another baby for some time now, but this was the first opportunity that had raised for her to have one without interfering with daughter-in-laws becoming mothers themselves and with Britain being relatively safe in their world. She bit her lip before addressing Charlie and Katie's concerns, searching for Arthur's hand and giving it a firm squeeze ( ... )


artiebear January 3 2008, 23:45:39 UTC
Arthur shook his head when Charlie thought it was as joke. He could just imagine what Molly was thinking, especially with the seven is enough comment. They had a fairly lengthy discussion about this, went through all the steps and everything. It wasn't like they were trying for one right away. She had answered everyone's questions so there wasn't much he could say.

"We are serious, we went through the percautions. Now we just wait." He smiled and squeezed Molly's hands, not wanting to add anything more. He didn't want to stay silent, but there wasn't much he would be able to add.


a_weasley_apart February 23 2008, 07:16:54 UTC
Percy had been grateful enough when his mother interrupted the conversation around the table with her announcement. He hadn't done much with his day: stopped by the office for a couple of hours to take care of some things while the place was quiet, stopped by the cemetery to leave a bouquet of winter roses for Penelope. And now he was here.

However, the announcement itself was met with less relief. His initial reaction instead was confusion, and then shock. Another child? His parents were seriously intending to have another child, at their age, more than two decades after their last? When they finally had some peace, some spare time, some money to save and use for indulgences?

He'd known his mother was lonely, and impatient at how long it was taking for her children to start providing her with grandchildren, but was this the answer ( ... )


arthurs_molly February 26 2008, 21:43:52 UTC
Once she had answered Charlie and Katie's questions about the decision she and Arthur had made, Molly turned her attention to the rest of the table. Her eyes landed on Percy, and at first she was afraid of what he was going to say, given that he was a bit pale, but her fear dissolved when he began to speak. She had known the decision to have another child would most likely be met with a reaction of shock from their other children, but when Percy said that he would gladly support them in becoming parents again, Molly smiled ( ... )


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