
Jul 25, 2007 20:23

Date: July 25th
Time: Roughly 7am
Location: Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire
Characters Involved: Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: PG-13

The usual sleepy images danced before his eyes, strange scenes of a cracked garden wall, wrapped in green vines. A small hand gripped his, holding with unnatural tightness, the noise of a small child's cry. He tried ( Read more... )

status: complete, character: narcissa malfoy, status: invitation only, location: malfoy manor, character: lucius malfoy

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gilded_ice July 25 2007, 19:42:26 UTC
Narcissa lay boneless in her deep sleep, the covers drawn up to the base of her breasts, arms uncovered. Her long hair was loose, scattered over the pillow like threads of fine gold, and her face was relaxed, expression neutral and untroubled. The lines on her face were faint, the marks of age gentle, and they defined rather than disfigured her features. If there were white hairs stemming from her scalp, they were difficult to see, hidden amongst the blonde.

Narcissa slept reasonably heavily, but as Lucius put an arm around her body, he disturbed her, and she was awoken. It was a comfortable awakening, though, warm and soft, and she instantly recognised the strong arm cradling her. It had been the same one for many years, after all.

"Mmm ..." she said softly, not yet opening her eyes, as she turned to face her husband. "Good morning, Lucius." Her eyelashes rose and she looked up into his face, the peace of the morning stealing over her. Smiling faintly, she looked around the pool of light cast by his wand, and asked, "What time is


vincere_aut_mor July 25 2007, 20:34:43 UTC
Lucius watched her wake, clarity sparking almost instantly in her eyes. He shifted closer to kiss her neck "Good morning. About half seven," he said lazily. He'd been awake perhaps a couple of hours, paying little attention as time passed. He had no firm plans today, perhaps he would send a few owls this afternoon, or re-balance his books. For now, he had plenty of time to spare with his wife.

He breathed deeply at her neck, enjoying the faintly sweet smell that clung to her from a warm night. She smelled like summer, like warm skin, though pale and flawless as ever her hair looked slightly paler to him, perhaps lightened by the sun.

Lucius reached for his wand, his other hand moving to cover her eyes carefully. For a moment the room was plunged into darkness once again whilst he reversed the spell upon the windows. The bright morning light blinded him for a moment, quickly recovering he moved his hand slowly from her eyes.


gilded_ice July 25 2007, 22:05:25 UTC
Narcissa had squeezed her eyes shut beneath Lucius' hand, touched by the kind gesture. And the kiss to her throat had suggested a vaguely amorous mood. The pale morning sunlight making her look like a radiant ghost in her soft, dove-grey nightdress, she stretched like a cat and then tucked herself breast-to-chest with her husband, looking up at him through her lashes.

"Are you busy, this morning?" she asked, in a voice thick with sleep. Usually Lucius liked to utilise the morning hours for business, but there was an indefinable laziness hanging in the air, and she rather thought she might persuade him to linger in bed. She'd held sway over rather pressing matters when they were in their twenties - she was sure, after so many years of practise, that she still had that talent now.


vincere_aut_mor July 25 2007, 22:27:26 UTC
Lucius watched her stretch, warmth pooling in his stomach at the swell of her breasts and arch of her back. He had always been convinced that women must be taught these tricks at a young age, the precise ways in which men could be captured by beauty. But after years of marrige he could only assume these ways to have come naturally to Narcissa. Her movements contained more expression than anyone but a person who had spent years in her company could appreciate.

"No," he said slowly, extending the vowel so that it was almost a question. "I thought after you had dressed we might take a walk. However..." he placed a hand on her shoulder, pushing her onto her back with ease. "There is no need to hurry."

His arm stretched across her, above her shoulder to prop him up as he looked down at her. Lucius was undoubtedly far stronger than she was, but there was no question that if she were to wish it he would allow her up in an instant. He leaned down to kiss her, slowly and with every intention of taking all the time in the world.


gilded_ice July 26 2007, 00:15:23 UTC
He was still very strong, his hands firm, but deft in their touch. With age came a more mature sort of passion, and it was that which filled Narcissa as they kissed. They were utterly unhurried, among the soft cushions and smooth sheets, and Narcissa's heartbeat was quickening and her nightdress distinctly ruffled as she slid her slim, pale hands up over Lucius' chest, to his throat -

To the collar he had to wear like a dog. Narcissa closed her eyes and sighed, kissing her husband with her fingers spread over the band. "I hate this," she whispered, very softly, voice dull rather than passionate. Her fingers stroked the skin around its circumference. "When are you going to get this off, Lucius? I can't stand seeing you wear it, it's barbaric ..." She hissed sharply, fingers sliding away and arms sliding around his neck to draw him close over her. Her husband was a proud man; she knew how it galled him to be tagged and collared, even worse than it galled her to be home before dusk fell and to have to report each movement to the


vincere_aut_mor July 26 2007, 10:32:26 UTC
"When?" Lucius asked, a little incredulously, but with softness. "Surely you realise, Narcissa, that it is not that simple. What would you have me do, write a letter to the Minister? Ask nicely and perhaps he will relent?" irritabilty flooded his voice. "I know it is barbaric."

He sighed, stroking back the stray hairs that had escaped onto her face. "I'm sorry. I know you must feel frustration too, your every movement monitored. We have to prove to them that the collars aren't working Narcissa. The Wizarding World needs to believe that the activities they despise so much are continuing, despite the Ministry's assurance that these collars provide safety." Lucius paused, looking distacted for a moment "A hinderance it may be, but in part we must be thankful for this collar" he lifted his hand to his throat, tugging lightly on the collar "this links us to many others, to those disatisfied with the treatment of werewolves. Of people such as Severus. It is a foundation which we can use."


gilded_ice July 26 2007, 13:22:17 UTC
"I'm dissatisfied with the werewolves," Narcissa said, relenting only slightly when her husband's fingers stroked her hair, clearing her forehead. "The beasts shouldn't be allowed to roam the streets as it is. But you -" She made a frustrated sound in her throat. "You're not a half-human animal, Lucius, they have no right to do something like this to you ..."

She sighed and stroked her husband's collar bone with one slender finger. "Your plans, Lucius, to prove to the Ministry that they're not working ... how are they going? Have you made much progress?" Her eyes searched his, and she tapped the collar again. "And are you including Snape in your plans? Lucius, if you do, be careful ... especially now he's indulging in beastiality, I don't think he can be greatly trusted."


vincere_aut_mor July 26 2007, 14:19:51 UTC
Lucius smiled a little, he thought to make a joke of her comment that he was not half-animal, but there was too much seriousness in Narcissa's expression. "In their eyes I may as well be, Narcissa. When the War was over, when I pleaded my case, they had no clue what to do with me. It was the same with Severus. Generally there is forgiveness, but still enough suspicion. Sufficent enough that they must make the appearance of taking action ( ... )


gilded_ice July 26 2007, 14:55:39 UTC
She narrowed her eyes, patently unconvinced. "I'm not saying it just because of who he's sleeping with," she said, the distaste for his choice of bed partner quite evident on her lips. "The point is that he's forming a close relationship with someone who is quite, quite firmly on the side of - Lucius, he could pass on what you say to the werewolf, and then where would all your plans be?"

Lucius was a man of incredible self control: not when sleeping or having sex or drunk did he lose command of his tongue. And she knew Snape was even better. But that made her more nervous, not less - what could he be concealing from Lucius?


vincere_aut_mor July 26 2007, 15:19:41 UTC
Lucius fought the desire to roll his eyes, sometimes it seemed that Narcissa thought him an incredible fool who desired their downfall. Of course he knew that she was simply concerned, just as a wife should be. He shook his head, dismissing the sarcastic answer that formed upon his tongue Oh, dear, and me having already told him all of our most inner secrets"I haven't told Severus a single detail, I haven't even mentioned an intent. He is agreed that the collars are worthless, and taxing. Our conversation was mild, I gave little, and Severus gave little. I am choosing not to trust in him Narcissa, just as I am sure that he has chosen not to trust in me." Lucius met her gaze steadily, letting her know he was unwavering on this point "there is no bad feeling between us, and I should wish to keep it that way. Severus may no longer be prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with us, but there is an understanding." For a moment he thought of countless scenes that in some way bound him to Snape, things that he would not have desired to share ( ... )


gilded_ice July 26 2007, 18:19:30 UTC
Oh, her husband wasn't stupid. Narcissa knew that. But he sometimes took more risks than she was comfortable with. They had been incredibly lucky, twice, now. She did not think their luck would hold a third time if Lucius pushed it.

"But your plans, Lucius. How are they proceeding? Nothing seems to have happened in a long time ..." She was anxious: this state of indecision left her more nervous than outright action or no plans at all. If Lucius was dithering, things were difficult, and it was not safe to act.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" she asked. "Anything you need me to do?"


vincere_aut_mor July 26 2007, 18:51:18 UTC
"Things are progressing steadily. It is essential that details are cared for. It will be very dangerous..." he hesitated, Narcissa would settle for all or nothing. At this point he would prefer her to know nothing, but when it all happened, Narcissa was adaptable but was it too much to expect her to take it all in her stride? This should be her decision.

"You know my feelings concerning you knowing any details which might implicate you, but I think after so many-" sour words flew through his head dissapointments, failures, displys of inadequacy. "That is, after the risks I have taken...it must be your choice."

"Some time in the reasonably near future you and I will take a trip abroad. When we return there will be something that has happened, and our reaction to it will be vital. Your options... You can stay abroad, perhaps a week longer than I do. I will return, deal with matters, then you can come home. Alternatively, you return with me with no idea of what will happen and must deal with it the best you can. Or I tell you ( ... )


gilded_ice July 27 2007, 13:08:01 UTC
All through the first war, Narcissa had maintained a position of not knowing what her husband was up to. She knew when he went out to do things for the Dark Lord, but she did not know what they were, and even when she saw the results in the Daily Prophet the next morning she did not ask for details. She'd tried to do the same in the second war. It hadn't worked.

Now, Narcissa was all to aware of the risks of what they were doing. And it would endanger her to know what was going on. But if they were caught, she doubted much clemency would come her way. And she wanted, this time, to know. For once, it was probably safer to know.

"Tell me the bare bones of it, Lucius," she decided. "You know I can act my part perfectly, and I think, this time round, I will make better decisions if I know what you're doing."


vincere_aut_mor July 27 2007, 13:24:59 UTC
Lucius took a deep breath, forming in his mind the words he would use. It came to this: He could use delicate phrases, trusting that Narcissa inferred more from them than was given. Or he could lower the barrier, tell her with the same coldness that was employed with very deed that he never bothered consuling his feelings about. Gut instinct and intellect were all, and the thought How do I feel about this? was given an immediate by-pass. Lucius was not prone to soul searching, to wasting emotion. There was no room for it. He never experienced the thrill of killing that many of the Death Eaters did, but he felt no remorse either. He employed that feeling now, a defence against the thoughts he was afraid to feel pulling at him. Oh, not pity, or revulsion at his own actions, but fear for Narcissa and himself.

He looked at her without feeling, avoiding her eyes. He told her everything.


gilded_ice July 27 2007, 14:17:53 UTC
It was daring, and it was dangerous. Narcissa listened, interrupting only for clarification, and when he was done, she was silent for a minute or two as she thought it over.

"There's not all that much I can do, then," she said, and shook her head, with a half-admiring, half-amazed expression on her face. "I don't know how you think of these things, darling, but you do." She lifted her head to kiss him, slowly and lingeringly, on the lips.

"Where shall we go, when we take our trip, then?" she asked. "Tuscany would be lovely in the late summer, or the early autumn ... remember the last time we went there?" Her lips curved in a reminiscent smile, and she kissed Lucius again, with more feeling.


vincere_aut_mor July 27 2007, 16:09:59 UTC
No relief flooded through him at her approval. He had never asked, nor desired for her approval in matters of this nature.

Lucius was unresponsive to her kiss, lost in the detailing of his plan. Her words floated about him, anchoring only when a smile touched her lips and he softened. "Tuscany, I think that would be ideal."

Her kiss was returned with equal vigour as he moved to lay by her side, a hand lazily sliding along her thigh. The nightdress was silky and easy to ease upwards. "Late summer, I think. I thought perhaps you would care to do some entertaining during August. Perhaps something on the grounds." It was said distractedly. Her skin was soft and warm, and talking seemed such a tragic waste when he could be kissing her.


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