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stebbinsthescot August 8 2007, 05:49:58 UTC
"Well, ah..." Talking about his political views in this setting made Stephen uncomfortable. On the one hand, the guy had asked. On the other, politics were bound to be a sensitive issue with this crowd. Stephen took care to keep his voice low as he answered and chose his words very carefully.

"I think in this particular case what the Ministry's done is absolutely awful. But I guess that goes without sayin' for anyone here." He gave a glance around the crowd, then looked back to Percy. "I think the Ministry just needs t' change its whole policy on the Registry thing. I dinnae think it's a bad idea in essence, but to execute someone out of suspicion just cause they're on the Registry..." He shrugged. "I guess if it takes a protest or whatever t' get that out there, fine with me. It's just from what I've seen in the Muggle world, protests tend t' go a little too far t' be taken seriously by anyone but the people involved."

He felt at once rather proud for expressing his views in what he judged to be a pretty good summary, and afraid that Percy was going to disagree wildly with him and start some sort of a scene. Then again, Percy Weasley didn't seem like that much of a scene-starter in any case.


a_weasley_apart August 13 2007, 21:51:19 UTC
Percy took in the other man's words quietly, only nodding to show he understood. And agreed; that was his problem, he felt the same way Stephen did. The Ministry's policies had been allowed to get out of hand. They'd lost sight of protecting and serving their constituents, which should be the ultimate duty. Percy found it personally sickening to think about.

"I don't disagree on any point," he said very cautiously. His position at work was precarious enough as it was without risking word getting back to his superiors that he was in any way speaking against the Ministry. "A protest strikes me as an excessive, not to mention chancy, way to respond. But I cannot deny that regular channels have already proven... less than effective."

Maybe it will take shock tactics to get their attention. But he wasn't about to say that aloud. Or maybe it will just push them into clamping down harder, afraid of losing control. He was afraid the response was more likely to be the latter, and then what? Unfortunately, he didn't have a viable alternative to offer. And Percy was one who rarely made a move until he had his entire plan mapped out from beginning to end.

Which in this situation seemed unlikely ever to happen. His thoughts and opinions on the subject were far too tangled.


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