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redheadedjokers July 16 2007, 04:49:23 UTC
Fred and George closed the shop an hour early, to give everyone who wanted to go to the memorial a chance to go home and change. Zak had, originally, been given the day off, but he insisted on staying for at least half a day, rather than go home ( ... )


thelastgranger July 26 2007, 01:44:50 UTC
Hermione was trying to blend into the background, become invisible, just for now. Everyone's faces... The sadness, misery and loss imprinted across them made her stomach churn ( ... )


redheadedjokers August 3 2007, 04:16:37 UTC
George was the first to spot Hermione making her way towards them. She looked like she was going to cry any moment. "We wouldn't have missed it," George replied, hugging her. He sureptitiously handed her a handkerchief, just in case. "It's not pranked, I swear."

"Good evening, Hermione," Fred smiled... as brightly as he could manage, given the situation. Both twins were unusually solemn. Appropriate for the situation, yes... But still, they could usually manage to dredge up some humor. Unfortunately, there was nothing funny about the whole situation. Fred had even dressed in subdued colors (without any nudging from Tori). "It's been ages. I just wish it was under better circumstances."


thelastgranger August 3 2007, 12:15:54 UTC
She nestled herself under George's arm, casually dabbing the corners of her eyes when she was sure no one was watching. "Thanks." Hermione managed after a moment.

"Hey, Fred." His smile was more appreciated than he'd probably know and easily the most cheerful thing he'd seen since this whole thing started. "Yeah, same here, I've missed you boys." There was something about the twins, even in a time like this they just made you feel better just be being them.

"I'd forgotten how devastatingly good looking you both are. Clearly that's a sign we should make sure we see each other more often. Because that's just a crime against nature." Hermione looked up at George with one of her best smiles.


redheadedjokers August 4 2007, 23:57:46 UTC
"Anytime," George replied, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"Yes, we've really got to start meeting in places other than fancy parties," Fred added with a smile.

"And sad occasions"

"And pubs, when you're drunk," Fred finished, then frowned.

"You never come to see us anymore," they both told her.

"Is it Ron?" Fred asked. "We sent him away, up to Hogsmeade and now you have no reason to come to Diagon Alley?"

"Of course, if he's being a git or anything," George added, "you'd let us know, right?"


thelastgranger August 7 2007, 13:05:14 UTC
"You make it sound like I get drunk all the time!" Hermione managed to interrupt them before she made herself dizzy looking between them.

Of course it wasn't because of Ron! "Hey, come on now! You guys are busy! You boys could invite me to visit, you know." It wasn't all her fault and this wasn't fair, two against one!

Hermione let her arm rest around George's waist, regardless that she frowned at him. "He's not a git. But you'd know better than me. He's out and about..." Hermione shrugged, it was best not to think about it. "I don't see him all that often, he's busy with his job and a few lady friends I'm sure." And he had every right to shag whom ever he liked, he was a big boy.

She tried to brush it all off and smile but she had to sweep a few more tears from her cheeks, it was all a bit much.


redheadedjokers August 12 2007, 16:43:06 UTC
"Not all the time, no..." Fred replied, raising his hands in defense. "Just the last time I can remember seeing you at The Leaky."

"And you should know, by now," George added, rubbing Hermione's arm, "that you're welcome to drop by any time. Our doors are always open for you."

"And besides," Fred smirked, "we all know Ron is hopeless..." He leaned in a bit closer to Hermione, "After all, we sent him up to the Hogsmeade shop because we thought it would light a fire under his arse... But maybe we were wrong and he hasn't been moping about because of you."


thelastgranger August 14 2007, 06:43:13 UTC
"That was so long ago..." Hermione shook her head, remembering the morning after their night out when she'd woken up in the twins apartment with the worst hang over she'd ever had. "You'll have to let me take you out for dinner one day."

She felt sheltered next to George, as if she could escape the misery for a few moments. "I know."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "He's clearly upset about someone else." And that thought made her stomach flip in a very unpleasant way. "Because I waited for him for how many years?" She'd moved on with her life... Really... Well sort of. "But it doesn't matter, I'm a big girl."


redheadedjokers August 23 2007, 04:12:48 UTC
"You're welcome to take me anywhere," Fred replied, with a sly wink. This was immediately chased by a slight clearing of the throat. Fred looked around to see Tori standing not far off with an amused eyebrow raised. "Err, you remember my girlfriend, Tori, right? Tori Castille, Hermione Granger... If you don't remember each other."

"It's nice to see you again, Hermione," Tori said, in that California accent of her's. "I'm just sorry it's under these circumstances."


thelastgranger August 23 2007, 09:24:29 UTC
Hermione looked up to see Fred's girlfriend and gave her a small smile, wishing her eyes weren't so watery. "This is the problem when you're not related to your brothers by blood, they don't feel wrong about flirting with you." Hermione teased, poking out her tongue at Fred. She was a very lucky woman, for a girl with no real family she certainly had managed to find herself some wonderful brothers.

She was more than glad for a subject change and turned her attention to the other girl. "Nice to see you too, we really must make sure we all get together for reasons not associated with misery."

Tori seemed the easy going type and Hermione assumed you would need to be when it came to dating Fred Weasley. But they seemed happy, everyone seemed pretty damn happy.


redheadedjokers August 26 2007, 17:12:15 UTC
Tori chuckled softly. After almost a year of dating Fred, she was well aquainted with his perchant for hitting on almost anyone of the female persuasion. It didn't bother her. In fact, she actually liked it.

"It's part of his charm," she smiled, indulgently. "Keeps things interesting. Besides, he's just so cute when he gets all flirty, isn't he?"


thelastgranger August 27 2007, 01:47:47 UTC
She looked between them, they suddenly seemed like the perfect couple. "Part of his charm, hey?" Hermione would have to take her word for it.

"Hmm, I suppose he's alright. But I've always been more partial to George myself." Despite the fact Tori seemed terribly comfortable with Fred's flirting, she wasn't going to outright agree Fred was 'cute'.

No matter how adorable he might be.

Hermione looked up at George and gave an over-exaggerated wink. "If only he'd stop resisting my charms."


redheadedjokers September 2 2007, 01:23:44 UTC
Tori shrugged. She might have gone for George, actually, if wasn't always so busy. Both she and Fred had thought that his hiring Zifeng would inspire George to try actually dating... Sadly, George never made a move and now the shop's accountant was dating someone else.

"There you go, George!" Fred grinned, clasping his twin around the neck. "Hermione's perfect for you! She's smart, funny... And she likes to talk. Since you seem to find that so important..."

"There's nothing wrong with a little conversation, once in a while, Luv," Tori quipped, casting a wink at George and Hermione.

George smiled and winked back at Hermione. Fred did have a point... Too bad Hermione was more like a sister to him, than possible girlfriend material. Besides, he had a feeling that dating Hermione might not go over too well with a certain younger brother of his...


thelastgranger September 2 2007, 01:37:38 UTC
Hermione rolled her eyes, typical Fred. "You forgot gorgeous, Fred." She poked her tongue out at him, laughing at Tori's comment.

"Well there's nothing else to it then George, looks like we've got no choice." She gave a large swallow as if it was an extremely daunting task. "We best get it over with quickly, while I'm suitably out of my mind enough to forget you're like my brother."

Closing her eyes tightly she wrinkled her nose and extended her cheek up in George's direction. "Get it over with quick!"

It was good to have a distraction from the happenings even if she most certainly hadn't forgotten about them. It just made it easier to have something else to focus on.


redheadedjokers September 2 2007, 14:46:58 UTC
George, obligingly, leaned over and gave Hermione a quick peck on the cheek. Lifting his head, he thought about what he'd just done. "Still too much like kissing my sister," he said, wrinkling his nose. "Sorry, Hermione."


thelastgranger September 2 2007, 15:45:40 UTC
Hermione laughed, relaxing against him and opening her eyes again. "It wasn't too bad, George, but I agree, it'll never work between us." She gave a sad shake of her head, as if she was devastated by the turn of events. "The prankster and the bookworm will not have a happy ending, it seems."

There were very few people in the world Hermione was actually comfortable with. When she'd been younger she'd disapproved of Fred and George so much that she'd never really got to know them. Now she knew them, she wouldn't trade them for anything.

"Well, brothers of mine and Tori, I best head off to deal with my heartache alone. And get a drink. A big one."


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