Small Blessings

May 21, 2007 18:51

Date:May 21, 2001
Time: Afternoon
Location: Tresor Litteraire
Characters Involved: Charlotte Aurelius and Susan and eventually Seamus
Rating: PG
Things had been insanely hectic. She hadn’t really had much downtime since the Easter fiasco at his parents’ house. She had been moving, getting ready for a wedding, taking a honeymoon, decorating a new home, and running a shop. She was going over invoices and the calendar to think about a summer promotion and ordering schedule. She was sitting at her desk going over the paperwork. It seemed the longer that the shop was open; the more paperwork there was to do.

She popped a bite of apple turnover into her mouth. She had developed quite the liking for English pastries since her wedding. She counted out the days in her head, thinking for a minute. She could do a promotion in mid-July, provided that business kept as it was. It was steady and fairly lucrative. She enjoyed the work. Socrates was sleeping on her foot under the desk and she nudged him lightly in affection. She loved her dog.

She was looking over the calendar for a moment; she had placed an order at the end of April for some new display material on Quidditch. It hadn’t come in yet. She thought for a moment, looking over the calendar, counting out the days since the order and stopping at two red dots in the corner of her calendar boxes. She tapped pen on the calendar box for a minute before it dawned on her what those little spots meant. Oh that was right, she had put them down on there to calculate her schedule when she had been too stressed to deal with things.

Charlotte tried to remember if she had had her cycles on those two spots. She bit her lower lip slightly before it dawned on her. She had missed two periods. Her mind traveled back to that late night discussion that she and Seamus had had. ”…a family ‘twood be naught but a pleasure to your Seamus, Sweetheart.” A family.

Seamus would be thrilled. Though there would need to be that way to be certain before she told him what she thought was good news. She disturbed Socrates by pulling her feet out from under his head and the dog gave her a sleepy grumble of displeasure. She got up and hurried out into the main store.

It was fairly empty, which wasn’t uncommon around lunchtime. She usually headed over to the bar to check on Seamus, but she had something far more important to do. “Mademoiselle Susan?” she asked, peeking around a stack to find her assistant. If she ever needed assistance, it was now. She’d ask Fleur, but Fleur was in France now. It wasn’t as easy to be in contact with her anymore.

She needed a female friend to help her figure out if she was indeed pregnant with the next Finnigan grandchild. Wouldn’t Beven be thrilled?? She wasn’t entirely sure how to do it though. She hadn’t been to a physician since she had been in France. It wasn’t like she knew where to go or what to do. She only hoped that Susan knew.

status: complete, location: diagon alley, character: charlotte aurelius, character: susan bones, character: seamus finnigan

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