
Apr 18, 2007 23:09

Date: Easter Sunday, 15 April 2001 (Backdated)
Time: around 2 a.m., then again around 4 a.m.
Location: Seamus’ Flat in The Leaky Cauldron
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan. Charlotte if she wakes up
Rating: G

Seamus was tired after an extra long shift at The Leaky Cauldron. It was a Saturday. It was a very late night. There had been two parties in The Leaky Cauldron - both competing with each other on drinks, noise, and as the night went on, off-colour jokes and insults. Tom had even put down the current copy of Transfiguration Today long enough to be certain that Seamus was making sure the parties didn’t 1) come to blows; or 2) destroy Leaky property. As long as those two things didn’t transpire, the parties were nothing but good news for The Leaky with Galleons aflowing.

He took down his wards as he entered his flat, replacing them carefully and adding more silencing charms to be certain he did not awaken his flatmate and lover, his Char. He closed the door to their bedroom, missing Socrates who was staying with Susan at Trésor Littéraire. He would have welcomed a greeting from the white loyal beastie. He felt almost too tired to sleep, not a surprising reaction to too much work and too little respite from it this weekend. It was Easter Sunday. He wondered if he was the only wizard in Diagon Alley that knew it.

He opened a Butterbeer for himself and collapsed on the couch, putting his feet up on the low table in front of it. In so doing, he moved aside a box that had been delivered earlier in the day, now the previous day according to the clock. He hadn’t looked at the contents then, but he did now. The card. The frame. Two books. Coupons. He removed the frame from the box and tried to imagine a picture of himself and Charlotte, perhaps their engagement photo in that frame and displayed in their home. He tried and failed. The current couple ensconced within the frame were looking quite comfortable where they were and in no mood to vacate that space for him and his Char.

He put the top back on the box, still o’ertaken with surprise at her sending a gift at all. Then he finished his Butterbeer and went to bed.

status: complete, character: charlotte aurelius, character: seamus finnigan

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