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19:05 diva_myron March 8 2007, 11:46:35 UTC
And so this was it: the new era for the band had started. With one last nod thrown his bandmates' way, Myron led the band to the stage. (But really, wasn't it something much bigger than a stage?) To thunderous applauses of some hundred (and still arriving!) guests, Myron strutted his way through to the front wearing a mysterious smile and a bluish-gray suit with a silken taupe shirt inside. Needless to say, he was beauty incarnate. Albeit, a very peculiar beauty: thin and tall and very pale, like an undertanned solar plant somewhere in Arctica. Or not.

"Greetings and salutations, dear ladies and gents!" he spoke into a microphone with no electric wires attached to it, or anything at all. "Well, that, and all that other social crap," Myron added with a mischievous grin and a wink sent into the cheering crowd, which immediately responded with a roaring laughter. "I hope our headmistress doesn't ban me from performing here again," he said lowering his tone, as if in apprehension of possible punishment. (Oh it was so nice to be back on stage again!)

"Well, before we are though, let us try and jam out some songs for you, both new and old--" at this Kir's lead guitar rendered some raw riffs, eliciting another round of cheers from the audience. "Needless to say, of course, our pack is very glad to be here, to perform before such an amazing audience. And we come bearing gifts!" Myron's slightly hoarse laugh echoed around the place, as he grinned at some young Ravenclaw, who gasped in complete surprise. "Oh no, I am afraid I will have to disappoint you, my dear- it's not a library full of precious books, although I would very much like to do that sometime soon. We come with a humble offer of our..."- the lead singer of Weird Sisters paused dramatically, looking over the audience with a teasing smile -"NEW ALBUM!"

And at this good old Lipgloss's glorious sound tore the stage, as the Weird Sisters started their concert.


Re: 19:05 fire_n_freckles March 8 2007, 17:59:37 UTC
Ginny's smile could not have been wider. She was one of the lucky ones seeing this concert for the second time in her life. Of course, the first time she had been there with Neville, and this time, she (more or less) had Harry on her arm. Her dress had become tighter after the meal, and she suddenly wished that she had had the smarts to just come in something lose. But it was what it was, and quite honestly, she loved it.

She moved around the room, trying to find Harry; where had he gone off to? She saw many familiar faces, but none were his, and she began to get a bit frustrated. He should have never left her side! Now they would never find each other...


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 10 2007, 02:39:23 UTC
There was a glimpse of red hair, a dash of green and Hermione had grasped the youngest Weasley's shoulder.

"Ginny!" Hermione had to hold back some obnoxious squealing as she wrapped her arms around her friend. "You look so beautiful!" She observed the other girl with a fond eye, her hands on her own hips as she looked her up and down.

It was her own fault really, for letting so much time pass since they'd last met. Hermione remembered having organized The Weird Sister's to play at Harry and Neville's birthday party and while they weren't her favourite band, she associated them with fond memories.

Ginny wasn't the only one to misplace her date in the crowd, Hermione assumed he'd be with his sister, or some other familiar face.


Re: 19:05 fire_n_freckles March 10 2007, 02:42:53 UTC
A little giggle escaped her as she returned her friend's embrace.

"Hermione!" she squealed, equal parts mocking her friend and excitement at seeing her. At the compliment, she struck a pose, showing off the beautiful gown she had (more than) splurged on. She hoped that this dress would be something she could wear again. And again.

"You don't look so bad yourself!" she called over the music, admiring the red gown. Hermione had just about the best curves. "I haven't seen you all evening! Where have you been?"


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 10 2007, 02:44:12 UTC
Merlin Ginny had grown up, there was no doubting that. Although she was still much shorter, she was every bit a woman. The green material clung to her in a most lovely way and she was certainly catching a few eyes.

"Thank you! Malone volunteered to make it for me. It's a beautiful thing." He'd made the dress for her for almost nothing, the least she could do was drop his name at every available moment.

Upon being asked where she'd been, Hermione couldn't hold back the wide grin. "I've been around..." Her eyes danced as she chuckled under the music. "I managed to find myself a date..." Hermione finally added, standing close to the other girl so she didn't have to raise her voice.


Re: 19:05 fire_n_freckles March 10 2007, 02:45:06 UTC
Her immediate reaction was to goggle at Hermione bringing a date. Of course, Ginny never expected Hermione to sit around and wait for things to happen with Ron for the rest of her days... But it was still weird to think of her having a romantic life that didn't include her infuriating-yet-lovable older brother.

Waving her hand to wave off Hermione's comments, she clarified, "No, not tonight. Where have you been these past few months? I haven't seen you in ages! And you have a date? Have you gotten engaged while you haven't been speaking to me, as well? Well, where is he? I'd like to meet the boy who thinks he's good enough for my best friend." She looked around, searching for someone who might be Hermione's 'type'.


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 10 2007, 02:45:38 UTC
Ah, yes, well she had a point there. "Working, studying. You know how it is." Hermione shrugged, taking hold of her friends hand and tugging her towards where the drinks were located. "Come on, let's grab a drink."

She snorted at Ginny's comments, rolling her eyes. "Engaged? Most certainly not!" It wasn't a big deal, they'd had a cup of tea and he'd accompanied her to this work thing... Hermione was still struggling to beleive she'd managed to say 'work thing' so many times.

"Come off it. He's... Well he's pretty amazing." Hermione was blushing as she ordered herself a glass of champagne. "No one is meeting him, ever. I don't know how he deals with my insanity, I'm not inflicting yours upon him as well." She teased.


Re: 19:05 subtle_simmer March 10 2007, 19:27:48 UTC
Severus was eager to leave the Entrance Hall and the display of the memorial. It had been draining enough to make the thing, he did not want to look at it any more tonight. It was fortunate that his first encounter upon entering the room was with two young women who, if not precisely 'allies' in his scale of non-friendships, were at least relatively tolerably disposed towards him.

"Ladies," he greeted with a nod. Miss Granger, in particular, appeared slightly flushed, while Ginevra appeared excited. Two women in such a state could only be assumed to be deep in discussion of their present romantic interests. "Forgive my interruption, I shall not detain you. Miss Granger, the Headmistress feels it is the duty of staff to 'mingle' properly at this function, as you know."

This was reason enough, in his mind, to command a dance at her earliest convenience, but he sorted through his words to present it as a civil request rather than an order. He then included Ginevra in the presentation so as to satisfy all Minerva's demands. 'You will dance, Severus, and you will be polite. And not just with your colleagues.'

"Therefore, if you would accompany me in a dance during the course of the evening, it would be an honour. You, as well, Ginevra."

Of course, he couldn't care less if they refused - he'd asked, which would have to satisfy the Headmistress. Then again, to have an opportunity to enrage Potter by dancing with Ginevra was always welcome.


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 11 2007, 01:59:26 UTC
Hermione was actually glad for the interruption, it was probably best she didn't loose herself in gossip before the night could really even begin.

"Good evening Professor." She greeted, doing her best to control the giddy girly feeling that had settled over her. "It's not a problem. We were just finished actually." Hermione shot a grin at Ginny that clearly said 'I'm not telling you who he is, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah'

Taking the glass the barman handed her, Hermione pressed it into her young friend's hand. Hermione gave Ginny one last broad grin before turning to The Potion's Master.

"The first dance of the night is all yours." She gave a brief curtsey. "If you'd like." Hermione was almost astounded at her own good mood. Although she always polite it wasn't often she was glowing with some kind of unexplainable happiness. The song was upbeat, but still easy to dance to, The Weird Sister's always managed to find a happy medium.


Re: 19:05 subtle_simmer March 11 2007, 03:10:50 UTC
((continued here))


Re: 19:05 subtle_simmer March 11 2007, 03:08:55 UTC
((continued from here.))

It was impossible not to be amused at such antics, and almost as difficult not to answer in-kind as her giddiness was nearly infectious.

"You are quite unusually effervescent this evening, Miss Granger," he said gravely, offering his arm as they moved toward the dance floor. "I hope you have not been over-imbibing in champagne already this evening. I am already doomed to half-carry Nymphadora Tonks round the dance-floor at some point this evening. It would be most tiresome to start the evening in the same fashion."


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 11 2007, 04:37:04 UTC
"It's rare everything comes together so nicely, is all." Hermione gave up trying to smooth out the grin from her face and took the offered arm. "My mood has nothing to do with alcohol, I assure you." Besides, he knew what she was like when she'd overindulged and this light-hearted joy wasn't it.

The dress almost matched her mood, bright and flowing and Hermione straightened the bow on the front as they walked.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Sir?" Hermione asked as turned to smile up at him. She offered him her hand once they reached the floor, her hand extending to rest on his shoulder.


Re: 19:05 subtle_simmer March 12 2007, 06:36:10 UTC
"Do you expect the world to shift on its axis, Miss Granger?" he asked with a smirk, easily resting his hand at her waist with proper decorum. "You cannot really expect me to admit such a thing, even if I were?"

Considering he'd just left the memorial standing in place of honour in the entrance hall, and seen Nymphadora Tonks on the prowl, he was not in much of a pleasant mood, at all. At least Miss Granger, if dressed somewhat more flamboyantly than usual, was at least properly covered.

Unable to spot Remus in the crowd, and therefore uncertain if the Metamorphmagus was already digging her claws into him, Severus forced his attention back to his present partner and gave her the courtesy of his undivided attention.

"If you will forgive me for saying so, Miss Granger, I do not think I have ever seen you looking so well. Is there a particular reason for your unusual degree of good-cheer?"


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 12 2007, 06:57:43 UTC
Hermione shook her head as she laughed. "Well, I can hold hopes that you're not having a bad time."

Merlin was she glad she'd chosen this dress over the black creation Ciaran had shown her... The neck plunging lower than anything she'd ever consider wearing, especially in front of colleagues! This dress was modest, but fun and everything Hermione wanted more of in her life.

Her eyes definitely sparkled at mention of her good-cheer and it was her turn to briefly glance around to room, searching out long blonde hair and a distinctly muggle tuxedo. When she didn't see him after a few moments her eyes shifted back to his. "Must just be the celebration and of course the company." It was written all over her face, from the obvious time she'd spent on her hair, the colour in her cheek and the smile on her lips, that she was a girl with a crush.

"It's sure to be a lovely night, Professor."


Re: 19:05 subtle_simmer March 12 2007, 07:24:09 UTC
No amount of book-intelligence, or even the observational powers of a spy could enable Severus to have a clue what was going on, here. Well, perhaps a slight clue - but he was sure to bungle it, completely.

"I see," he said, smirking slightly as his gaze followed hers about the room. "You are clearly carrying a torch for someone, and that is what has you in such a dither."

The lighting was dim, but he still didn't think he saw a towering, gangling red-head.

"Where is Weasley, anyway?"

Had he known a thing about fashion, he would have known a girl would never wear a red dress on a date with a red-headed man, which ought to have been obvious, but there you are.

He did spot Nymphadora in the crowd, and his own countenance darkened considerably.

"You'd best find him before he finds a more interesting companion," he said with a hint of jealousy in his tone.


Re: 19:05 thelastgranger March 12 2007, 07:39:35 UTC
Yes, she was clearly that transparent. "You could call it that, yes." Although she raised her eyebrow at his mention of a Weasley and shook her head. "It's not Ron..." Hermione said simply with a shrug of her shoulders.

It was easy to see the change in his expression and although Hermione had no idea who, she may have been able to pick up why. "I'm sure to find him later." Hermione smiled up at him, giving his shoulder a brief squeeze to catch his attention. "Besides, if he prefers other company, best I know it now. I can only hope he's most interested in me, otherwise I suspect I'd go quite mad."

He was a smart man and from what she'd observed of Remus, they both were happier than she could ever remember. "I don't think there's anything to worry about." Hermione's wide smile returned and she did in fact catch a glance of her date.

"Although you never know, my date might be rather concerned I've found myself a more interesting companion." Merlin her good mood was rather astounding and she could only hope would be contagious.


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