“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”

Mar 03, 2007 18:04

Date: 2nd of March.
Time: 8pm
Location: Hogwarts - The Leaky.
Characters Involved: Hermione Granger and Conall Aurelius.
Rating: G.

Owl Post.

Now Hermione was usually much more self confident than most people she knew. She believed in herself and in her abilities. But, for some reason, when it came to Conall Aurelius, she just didn't know. Maybe it was because she really didn't know enough about him, with everyone else in her life, she just knew them so well, what they'd like and what they wouldn't. She knew that when they said one thing, they really meant another all together. So, when Conall had agreed to accompany her tomorrow night, did he mean he wanted to? Or something else?

This was much too confusing.

After their last meeting, tea, catch up, appointment, date, Hermione had placed the book he'd given her on her desk, drawn to the curl of the writing and the subtle smell of jasmine. But Hermione was a woman of the world, she wasn't the type to sit back and receive gifts just because he was a gentleman. If he could give, he could receive and Hermione had stumbled across the perfect thing.

Everyone had journals, they were a nifty way to keep in contact with one another and it was interesting to see what people had to say. Plus, it was sometimes quite useful just to get your head straight and figure things out. As far as she knew, Conall didn't posses one and when she'd seen it in Hogsmeade, there'd been little to no deliberation before she'd had it in her hot little hand.

The parcel was wrapped in soft fabric, to protect the latch and the leather, before wrapped in plain brown paper and the sting sealed shut with the same makeshift seal she'd came up with upon receiving his first letter. Along with the non-descript parcel was a folded piece of parchment.


I hope that you've enjoyed your week and are well. In my travels I spotted this and thought it suited you so nicely. Although it might be slightly confusing at first, the instructions slipped inside the cover should help.

Are our plans still in place for tomorrow night? I of course will not hold it against you if your plans or your mind have changed.

Fond Regards,


status: complete, character: hermione granger, type: owl post, character: conall aurelius

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