The best part of waking up... is waking up other people in the process.

Jan 29, 2007 09:57

Date: Monday, January 29, 2001
Time: Morning
Location: Spinner's End, bedroom then kitchen
Characters Involved: Peregrin Derrick, Pansy Parkinson, open to other Spinner's End residents but not mandatory :)
Rating: PG-13

For once Perry had a free morning, and as these didn't happen often, he intended to make good use of it.

...Unfortunately an early-morning routine is hard to break out of, and 7 a.m. was much earlier than he cared to be awake. He shut his eyes and tried to sleep, then turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling a while, then scratched his Ministry-issue "necklace" which had a tendency to itch while he was trying to sleep. Of course, that only made him more restless.

So, he turned onto his side and began poking Pansy in various places, waiting to see which would wake her.

It probably would have been kinder to let her sleep. But it had felt like such a long time since he'd been able to be home and with her. Now that the dueling season was starting their was constant practice, and when he got home he was usually too tired and too sore to socialize. If he didn't seem at all awkward to be living back in Spinner's End, and with his girlfriend, it was because he didn't have the time or energy for awkwardness. He was trying to make Pansy as comfortable as possible, of course, but he was only home in the evenings.

And actually, now that he had his pack and his girlfriend all in one place, he wasn't nearly as concerned about finding a new flat.

...Which was all probably why he felt enough at ease to be prodding awake his easily annoyed girlfriend. "...Pansy. You up yet?"

status: complete, character: pansy parkinson, character: perry derrick, location: spinners end

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