card is attached to a gift for every person.
Merry Christmas to my favourite Irish barman! I picked
this out especially for you. I hope you enjoy the hols in Ireland, and I hope to see you stop by at the flat on New Year's Eve.
- Parvati
Happy Holidays! I'm so glad you're coming to our party.
this is for you to thank you for all you've done for me this year and for being a wonderful new friend! Merry Christmas!
- Parvati
Lavender! I miss you already!
Anyway, I thought I'd wait until after you'd gone to Paris to give you your
gift. I hope you like it! See you when you get home.
- Vati
PS - Tell Zinnia and your dad I say hello and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas boys!
I wanted to thank you for all you've both done for me. I appreciate it more than I can say - giving me a job, saving me from that creepy German bloke - everything.
Here's a little something to show my thanks. I know it'll be devoured by tomorrow eveningm, haha. Can't wait to see you at the party. I love you both!
- Parvati
Happy Holidays!
I know we haven't chatted much since you started dating Ginny I quit I started working at Alecto's, but I just want you to know that I'm still thinking of you two.
Here's a little something for the both of you, and
this is just for Wini. Enjoy the hols!
- Parvati