
Dec 08, 2006 00:33

Date: Thursday, 7 December 2000
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Spinner's End
Characters Involved: Cormac McLaggen, Mandy Brocklehurst, Severus Snape, anyone else who feels the need to threaten or check Cormac out before they leave Spinner's End.
Rating: R

What big teeth you have ... )

status: complete, character: cormac mclaggen, character: mandy brocklehurst, character: severus snape, location: spinners end

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mind_over_mandy December 9 2006, 05:43:49 UTC
A smile spread over her lips as she caught the veiled compliment and moved further into the room. She had hardly allowed herself the vanity or the time out of her old armchair to primp and preen over the last year and had quite forgotten how nice it was to have ones appearance appreciated.

The sudden motion of Severus rising and moving towards her was enough to nearly send her shuffling backwards towards the stairs. She nodded softly and watched as he transfigured the robe before handing it to her, in her hands she could feel the soft warmth it gave off, "Ohh.." A pause. "Thanks, Professor." She said with a nod before starting to move away. Stopping though as she realized he wasn't quite finished with his 'gifting'.

The mere mention of the contraceptive potion was enough to cause heat to rise in her cheeks, staining them a bright red.

She'd never even been felt up!!

And here he was offering her contraception. Unbelievable.

Keeping her head low she mumbled her understanding, wanting nothing more at the moment then to turn tail and head back to her cozy, cave-like room and not leave it again for a month. What had she been thinking in accepting this date?

What she had been thinking she could never be sure, but what she had not been expecting was Perry's concern or Severus' contraceptive.

This was a prime example of why she chose to stay in her room.

Though even through her mortification and the furious blush staining her cheeks she had to admit the care and concern was endearing. It was more than obvious that her housemates cared.

Ducking away from Severus and attempting to hide the color in her face she moved towards Cormac, "Are you ready?" Her voice a hushed whisper. She needed to get out of Spinner's End then before Severus insisted on sending Zak or Perry along for safe measure.


aimless_cormac December 9 2006, 23:43:50 UTC
He noticed her extreme blush and raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Instead of pushing it with the imposing man so close, he just nodded.

"Very ready," he told her with a smile. "After you."

He gestured for her to leave first and followed her out of the house. Walking a bit from the house, he held out his hand for her.

"Don't worry, I've done this a good number of times. I've yet to splinch anyone. Well, okay, there was that once, but she's fine now."

He flashed her a grin to let her know he was kidding and waited for her to take his hand.


mind_over_mandy December 10 2006, 01:30:50 UTC
A brow rose in questioning as his hand reached for hers. "Only once?" She sighed and blew a stray strand of blonde hair from her face. "I suppose I like my odds then." A grin spread across her lips as her hand slid into his.

The color had begun to drain from her cheeks as they strode down the path, and she chanced a look up at the nearly full moon. She could feel it upon her skin, pulling at her, and she gave a slight, involuntary shudder. Half in fear that it might bring forth the wolf inside her this night, half in fear of what she knew it would bring forth in mere days.

She nodded softly as they came to a halt, nerves slowly calming in anticipation of the apparition. It was quite unlike her to put such blind trust into another person, but Cormac was charming, he put her at ease. So even as her heart raced she waited for the familiar senstion of apparition with no sense of foreboding or doom. Hoping that he was as capable of this as he appeared.

Though then there was that whole bathing suit bit to get over.


aimless_cormac December 10 2006, 02:25:52 UTC
He smiled over at her, appreciating her trust and near calmness regarding the apparation. Focusing on his home, he visualized it to perfection and then he apparated. The feeling was something that though accustomed to, never stopped leaving him slightly put off.

Arriving safely, as he'd known they would, he flashed her a playful grin. He squeezed her hand before releasing it. The entire situation was a little awkward considering how little they actually knew of each other.

"So," he drawled, "this is my home."

He gestured toward the large house before them. Seeing it with new eyes, he appreciated its beauty. Still, his eyes couldn't help but notice the little things that had changed since his father's death. The gardens were more meticulous than ever, having everything to do with the fact that his mother no longer tended them, but the house elves did instead. There were no candles in the window sill, no wreath on the door. He could order them put up, but neither of them felt particularly jolly this year.

"Dinner ought to be ready."


mind_over_mandy December 10 2006, 04:24:16 UTC
With the full so near, the apparition left her more unbalanced then usual and for a moment she felt slightly nausceous as she looked up to the stately home. There was no denying that it was indeed a beautiful manor, espescially the way the moonlight illuminated the place at night. Even if that same moonlight was making her skin feel as if it might leap from her body at any moment.

Managing a smile as her nerves and stomach calmed she nodded, her hand tingling somewhat from where he had squeezed it, "It's.. bii- beautiful." She said with a laugh. "Forgive me, I've been living at Spinner's End for nearly a year now.. And before that it was encampments throughout the woods." She laughed, "It's been awhile since I've seen a proper English estate."

Not that Severus hadn't been infinitely generous in opening his home to the pack and caring for them, but even with the transfiguration and enlarging charms the home was still filled to bursting with residents. It wasn't exactly a sprawling demense by any definition of the word.

Inwardly she chided herself at her ridiculous words and and shook her head nearly ready to apologize again. Honestly not believeing she had admitted to him how the pack had lived before the war ended. Though even now with a roof over their heads the conditions were not much better. Her hand absentmindedly fingering the collar at her neck with the thought. Really she shouldn't be allowed to socialise any longer. She was a mess.

Resolving to just keep her mouth shut for the rest of the night, or as much as possibly atleast, she nodded softly, "Ok."

"Oh! I forgot to bring the dessert!"


aimless_cormac December 10 2006, 05:36:52 UTC
He watched her cautiously very aware of how off balance she seemed. When she mentioned how she had lived before moving into the home with Snape, he couldn't help but feel ridiculous with how sorry he'd been feeling for himself. Even after everything, he was still well provided for and fairly safe.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I could never deal with that. The wilderness would be hell on my styling needs."

He flashed her a playful grin, knowing that it was a little stupid but not sure what else to say. Dwelling on things wouldn't help her relax or make the evening go any more smoothly. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel self conscious.

"Oh, it's okay. I didn't have the nerve to remind you in front of Snape. We have plenty of food here."


mind_over_mandy December 10 2006, 05:51:43 UTC
Stifling a laugh she nodded and smiled, "You get used to it in order to survive, but after I was bitten appearances just didn't seem so important. I was lucky though, honestly, to have June, Remus and the others."

Possibly the first time she had admitted that aloud. "Even as reclusive and closed off as I've been.. I wouldn't have survived on my own." She returned his grin and shrugged before starting for the house.

"Anyhow. I've not willingly left the house, without the pack, in nearly - well a long time, and certainly didn't do so to discuss the war or lycanthropy. Merlin knows I hear enough of it at home."

Admitting exactly how long she had been a recluse sounded awful, even to her own ears, and when had Spinner's End become home?

"Well, I feel awful as I did say I would bring some. I'll have to send you home with some later; no doubt Zak will have doubled what's there by morning." She said with a playful grin.

"And Severus really isn't quite so bad. Once you get past the image of him as an overgrown bat, and the gruff, snarky exterior, or the Snape is a vampire theory, and well that whole murdering death eater bit doesn't help, but..." Her face screwed up, perplexed, "Well, he's been good to us, the pack, I mean. Giving us his home, brewing the wolfsbane monthly, and tending our wounds after the full. There must be some good in him somewhere to do all that for nothing."


aimless_cormac December 10 2006, 06:07:12 UTC
"Well, for someone who doesn't care about their appearance, you certainly look beautiful tonight."

He took her hand again, wanting to be closer to her after her sharing. Her admission of not leaving the house in quite some time made him even more desperate to make this night enjoyable for her.

"Then I suppose I can understand their over protectiveness. They probably couldn't understand why you would finally leave the house only to come here with me." He couldn't say he understood it himself. Considering how their conversation had started, he never would have imagined it to end this nicely. "Why did you decide to come here? My charming banter, obviously, but what bit did it for you in particularly."

He walked with her toward the house as they spoke. He could only nod at her idea of Severus. He did sound oddly kind, but he wasn't ready to speak about his father just yet. It was bad enough having to broach the topic of his mother.

"Mandy," he stopped her before they could go inside the house, "my mother's inside. She's a kind woman, but she hasn't been feeling well lately. Just ... don't be too shocked if she comes by."


mind_over_mandy December 10 2006, 06:26:55 UTC
She felt a familiar heat rise into her cheeks as he complimented her again. "Thanks." She managed to mumble, suddenly finding interest in her feet, though her head turned to look at where his hand had found hers again.

Instinct took over as she almost jerked her hand away. His hand taking hers before apparition had all be a part of the process, but this, this casual, familiar touching was enough to turn her again into a skittish rabbit. For the moment though she was content to return the gesture, even if her shoulder was itching to pull her arm away.

"No, you're right, they couldn't." She said with a chuckle as she thought back to the earlier conversations about her evening out. "I think it caught them all off guard, judging by their reactions."

She paused for a moment to think about the question that had been posed. Studying the grass intently, "Oh, umm.. Well.. I'm not sure.

"To be honest I found you rather dodgy to begin with, and then you didn't seem quite so bad. Just a shamelss flirt. Harmless, I should think. Though I really don't even know how or why it happened. At first I was insulting you, then we were arguing, discussed politcs, and well.."

She grinned, "Personally I think it was the politics that did it, y'know. I'm in, or well I was, in politics before last Christmas. Anyhow, I'm still trying to figure out why and what I agreed to."

Stopping at the porch she looked up at him, taken by the sudden serious tone of his voice. Somehow she didn't think his mother would take to kindly to the young werewolf in her home, but Mandy simply nodded and looked towards the door. "It's fine. I'm sure."


aimless_cormac December 10 2006, 07:06:26 UTC
"I'm not sure if I should be more offended because you think I'm a bit dodgy or because you think I'm harmless." He shrugged, trying to push down his old habit of needing people to respect and look up to him. "Though, I suppose, when compared to Severus Snape and a pack of werewolves I come across as harmless as a kitten."

He did find it encouraging that she came to him because of their shared interests. That, beyond her obvious curiousness toward him, might actually make it possible for them to become friends.

"It should be fine. She probably won't even come down."

Despite her pain, she was still a kind and loving woman. She would never want to do something to hurt of embarrass him.


mind_over_mandy December 10 2006, 07:31:05 UTC
"Well according to, well what seems to be, your usual practice, I'd choose the latter." She grinned and pulled her arms tight about her waist from the chill. Though she wasn't in complete agreement with his statement; afterall Zak was a werewolf, and the most gentle soul she'd ever met.

"Perhaps. Verdict's still out on that one. You may turn out to be a lecherous arse yet..."

She looked back towards the door, "So, is it part of your plan to keep me out here all night, McLaggen?"


aimless_cormac December 10 2006, 07:45:12 UTC
"Well, there's still hope then. I'm endeavor to prove just how much of an arse I can be later. Now, I'm going to go about earning your trust so you don't decide not to wear that swim suit later."

He grinned, opening the door for her. The smell of cooking hit them as they came in. He was pleased that only the smell of bread and light traces of their meal was present. It would be stronger to her, but he'd asked specifically that nothing too spicy be made.

"Let me know if something isn't good for you. Don't hurt yourself just to spare my feelings."


mind_over_mandy December 10 2006, 08:10:52 UTC
"Alas, your true character emerges." She said with a slight pause, "Brilliant, really. I do so enjoy fending off arrogant arseholes." She smiled and stepped through the door. "Though that does sound a bit counterproductive, to earn trust simply to break it later? Dodgy, really."

The smell of dinner was pleasant, strong to her sensitive senses, but not overpowering. Not unlike the smells that filled Spinner's End as Zak slaved in the kitchen daily, perhaps a bit more heady, thicker, and her stomach rolled gently in hunger. Though the smell of holiday food did nothing more than make her feel guilty over her inability to present her packmates with gifts.

"Thank you." She smiled genuinely, the gesture appreciated.

"Though I doubt that will be necessary, I'm sure everything is fine."

She shrugged and looked about the foyer, waiting for Cormac to lead her towards the dining room.


aimless_cormac December 11 2006, 01:28:55 UTC
"All right, fine. I'm not the least bit dodgy. The worst thing you have to worry about is insulting me and watching me get in a snit. But even then, I pout."

He walked with her toward the dinning room. The inside of the house was all dark woods and ornate furniture. Seeing the quite formal set up on the table, he frowned. The table was too big, their places set too far apart.

"This looks boring," he muttered. He would shrink the table if he didn't think his father would come back from the dead to flay him. So, instead, he flicked his wand and moved the plates so that they were sitting across from each other mid table rather than at opposite ends. "Much better. Now we can play footsie under the table."


mind_over_mandy December 13 2006, 05:31:46 UTC
"Footsie?" She asked with a raised brow, walking to the other side of the table. "Honestly, Cormac, we're not first years anymore."

A teasing grin played on her lips as she settled herself into the chair and looked up at him. "You needn't worry over being insulted by me. I'm really rather harmless. Well, there is that whole big bad wolf image, but honestly I'm hardly ferocious."


aimless_cormac December 14 2006, 04:08:25 UTC
"Footsie is like hand holding. You're never too old."

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Emily, his mother's favorite House Elf, peek her head in and clap happily when she saw the two of them sitting at the table. It had been a long time since she'd had any reason to lavish on guests. He'd had to stress very heavily that a five course meal would not be necessary.

"Not a big bad wolf then? I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed. I rather liked the idea of you being all feral. I suppose I'll have to settle for a sweetheart, but I have the feeling that you're underestimating yourself."


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