Owl to Severus; Owl to Deirdre

Nov 27, 2006 15:57

Date: Monday, 27 November 2000
Time: Very early in the morning-- in fact, 0437
Location: St Georges Rd, St Margarets, Middlesex
Rating: G

Owl to Severus )

status: complete, status: invitation only, character: severus snape, type: owl post, character: deirdre burke, character: myron wagtail

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Owl to Severus - in the afternoon diva_myron November 28 2006, 02:33:32 UTC
Dearest Severus,

You are cheerful! I bet it looks stylish on you. How I wish I could face your countenance sooner than later. We absolutely MUST meet for drinks. When are you going to be free? On that note, soon I'm going to be completely free. I'm almost near the completion of my next "masterpiece", if you will-- Kir and I are giving it the finishing touches and then some more. But in early 2001 it should be out. I hope you will like it. I think you will like it, because the nature of the album is a bit different than what I've been doing so far.

Severus-- do tell, are you in love? (and on that note - I'm not intruding upon anything, am I?) As far as I now, Love is the only feeling in this world that can lend such effects. Not just effects, it changes the very nature of life, the very lenses we use when looking at the world. I think your Weltanschauung has changed, somewhat. Not too drastically, thank Merlin, because otherwise you'd turn into another Myron, and now that would be boring, because I'd know all about you, and there wouldn't be a sense of mystery left in discovering you.

Hm, and I think I am slightly behind on the Ministerial news--

GOOD GOD! I can't believe they're doing this to you! Severus! And all the other poor people on the Registry. How! How cruel the new Minister is, why did he decide to do this? It is an infringement upon our most basic human rights! What are they going to do about the international conventions on human rights? We must file complaints, I do think. Or flee to other countries of Europe. Yes, that's the best way I can see from here. Severus, if you'd like - my Dad owns a very beautiful place in the Mediterranean. We could flee there together. Well, you with your love, and me- me with--. Ah who cares. But yes, we could flee there. I am serious.

Is it wrong that I kind of miss Hagrid? I should visit Hogwarts sometime. I miss its walls.

My funk shall be restored, I assure you, my friend. Thank you for your reply. You brightened my day. I will be drinking my bergamot tea and thinking of you - happy. It makes my heart happy as well. Love is such a beautiful thing, no?

I once thought I might love you too. I think, I actually still do, to some extent. You're not going to avoid me because of that, do you? I don't know why.

Now, I must go and tend to lily petals. I am preparing a bed of lily petals.



Owl to Myron subtle_simmer November 28 2006, 18:20:58 UTC

I look forward to the new album, congratulations.

Have you forgotten to whom you write? Me? In love? Impossible.

However, for lack of better terminology, I am with someone. It is a bit complicated, or rather, trying to describe the indescribable is complicated. This is a very recent development, and I am unfamiliar with the vernacular.

Doing, and done. I have just returned from my excursion to the Ministry, and have the dubious distinction of being the first thus adorned. I presently wear a handsome black leather collar - at least they kept the colour to something tolerable. Moreover, mine is further adorned with a magical etching, just visible against the black, to denote me as having committed 'violent crime'.

Rather redundant, don't you think?

I thank you for your offer. I am making contingency plans for relocation if the situation worsens, but for now, I will see it through. As to Hagrid, he is as he ever was, and would be revoltingly effusive in his pleasure if you were to come and visit.

I will not avoid you, Myron. For a brief time, I wondered if my unsettled state was focused toward you - a pathetic admission which proves my lack of savvy in this venue. However, I quickly realised the true source of my disquiet, and once I was able to accept the truth, and the identity, no one else would remotely suit. I lack your ability to 'love everyone', even if I were to someday find myself capable of loving anyone.

Lily petals? Good lord. I hope this is not some ritual in the etiquette of relationship-making which I must emulate! Lillies make me sneeze.

~S. Snape


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