Ady and LavLav

Nov 18, 2006 23:56

Date: November 18th
Time: Late Evening
Characters Involved: Lavender Brown and Adrian Pucey
Place: Lavender and Parvati's Flat, Diagon Alley
Rating: PG-13 for drinking, cursing, a flirting

She'd worked the morning at Puddifoots. It was lots of for Lavender to serve tea and other drinks to all the romantic couples coming in and out of Puddifoots. The Madam was wonderful to Lavender and they got along great together laughing and trying to play matchmaker with different singles who came in. There were a few married couples that came to Puddifoots every Saturday morning. They told Lavender that they had started snogging here in this place of pink and chintz years ago when Puddifoot had just opened. Hogwarts sweethearts. Lavender got a giggly and silly when she heard about such things, though it made her a little sad. She would never marry someone who had been her sweetheart back at Hogwarts. There had just been Seamus and Ron...

Lavender ran about her flat after she got back from work. She knew that Ady would come over soon and she had to make herself look nice. On the way home from work she'd picked up a few bottles of firewhisky and some other drinks at the Leaky and had them set out in her room which was, now, quite clean. Lavender skipped to her bathroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror, smoothing her dark hair. She blew kisses at her own reflection and then giggled. She hadn't spoken to Ady in a long time. Not since... Well, since she had told him about Marcus. She wondered if he'd remember, but -- Oh well, if he did, that wasn't something that a dozen shots of firewhisky couldn't take care of.

Now, she just needed him to wait to arrive. Lavender exploded into giggles as she walked out onto her patio, looking to see if that handsome long haired man was somewhere nearby...

status: complete, character: adrian pucey, character: lavender brown

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