Another Wild and Crazy Friday Night

Nov 18, 2006 06:37

Date: Friday, November 17, 2000
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Spinner's End
Characters Involved: Mandy Brocklehurst, June Connors, open to Spinner's End residents
Rating: G

It was in the nature of benevolent conspiracy. )

status: complete, character: mandy brocklehurst, character: juneau connors, character: perry derrick, location: spinners end, group: werewolves

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mind_over_mandy November 18 2006, 07:00:49 UTC
The truth was Mandy had only had a small lunch earlier in the day, only about half a sandwich worth to be honest. She tended to roam the house more when June and Perry were away at work during the day and Zak was usually at the twins' shop which left her free to wander about without discovery or socialising. Once the pack began to return home, however, she was usually tucked back safely into her room ( ... )


inner_human November 19 2006, 05:06:57 UTC
It was evening, it was after curfew, and Perry wasn't off rebelling against law and order with his girlfriend or rescuing small children (err, not that he made a habit of this). He was where he was supposed to be... hiding in his room. Perry was much improved since he first came to Spinner's End. In fact, by Perry standards, he was damn near cheerful (again, Perry standards). He was out of his room more, talking more, and less inclined to snap at or insult his packmates. It was a subtle change, anyway. He still had a talent for clamming up or carefully talking his way around subjects he'd rather not discuss, and his favorite pass time still seemed to be brooding alone in his room.

At least, he was until he got very bored, and there was only one thing that could combat this level of boredom: food. He'd eaten earlier, but nowadays (especially so soon after the full moon) Perry was rarely not in the mood for a meal. He wasn't so surprise to walk into the kitchen and find June, but Mandy there caused a raise of the eyebrow. June ( ... )


sightlesswolf November 19 2006, 06:25:07 UTC
June felt a small, silly surge of victory when Mandy admitted to being actually hungry. She kept it to herself, however, and merely grinned. "Both sounds like an excellent plan to me!"

Pack hierarchy wasn't something June gave a lot of thought to, outside transformations. Oh, sure, Remus was in charge, and Glamis was everyone's stern but kind uncle - and she did feel a certain sense of responsiblity for the rest of them, not unlike a cadre of younger siblings, but they were younger. But she hardly thought of herself as 'above' them, or expected them to defer to her, not in everyday life - how ridiculous! They were still people above all, not wolves ( ... )


mind_over_mandy November 27 2006, 07:37:06 UTC
"Right then, both. Admirable really. Zak should win some sort of award for providing such an endless supply of health food for the house ( ... )


inner_human November 28 2006, 23:00:06 UTC
He grinned innocently at June's reply, but oh, not only had she started on him, but Mandy as well! And if he were more juvenile, he might have stuck his tongue out at them both. He'd already got himself very comfortable, hands in his pockets and legs crossed. He unfolded himself and met Mandy's sardonic glance with a raised brow of his own and a smirk.

"Very cute." He stood. "I can certainly 'manage' one if you think you're willing to risk it. I've been known to become something of a safety hazard in the kitchen."

Nevertheless, he stood and began the process of filling the kettle and heating it. It wasn't that he couldn't cook, he just didn't like to. He wasn't a culinary master and what he did know was very basic; edible, not always tasty. And besides, kitchens were tight, closed spaces. Especially difficult to move around in when there were more than two people ( ... )


sightlesswolf December 6 2006, 18:34:37 UTC
"Convenient excuse," June teased. "But you're supervised at the moment. I'm sure that between Mandy and I, we can manage to contain any disasters that you might cause in the process of putting the kettle on." Not that June herself was much of a gourmet, but she could usually manage to avoid crises. Especially when they were talking sandwiches.

Locating the bread knife, she began slicing pieces off the loaf for all of them. "What we were discussing?" she repeated innocently. "Why, you, of course. Well, boys in general. And makeup, and the latest fashions. Really, Perry, everyone knows that's all we girls ever talk about." Truth, June couldn't remember a time when she'd even had any idea of what was in fashion, let alone had a serious conversation about it. And though she wouldn't pretend to know much about what Mandy's life had been like before she'd been bitten, she had the feeling Mandy wasn't much of a 'girly girl' either. The which Perry perfectly well knew ( ... )


mind_over_mandy January 14 2007, 17:13:26 UTC
It had been ages since Mandy had paid a mind to such girly things as make-up and clothes, or rather, it had felt like ages, and really she couldn't remember the last time she had put eyes on a copy of Witch Weekly. It wasn't that she didn't have the time, and there were usually copies of such media floating about the house if one was willing to leave the room and ask, but Mandy preferred to fill her days with pages of dry literature and academia. Far more boring, but a sight better for the mind than the drivel that filled Witch Weekly ( ... )


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