Back in Daddy's Arms

Nov 16, 2006 13:12

Date: Nov 15th (backdated)
Time: 6ish
Characters: Oliver, Wini, Ginny
Place: Oliver's Cottage
Rating: PG-13 for language

It had been a crazy past few hours for Oliver. He had heard that Wini was found, and everything else hadn't mattered. He'd left June alone in the cottage to go off and find out what all the ruckus had been, and there she'd been. In Diagon Alley this whole time. The woman -- that crazy Quaffle earring woman -- had been on the floor, knocked out. Oliver hadn't properly thanked Perry. He'd been too busy demanding that the Aurors let him take his daughter home. He wanted her to be home, because he couldn't believe it was all real, and that she was safe, until they were there.

His mother had bathed Winifred while he had written in his journal. She was refusing to be held or touched by anyone other than themselves. The Aurors had sent Healers to give Winifred and examination to ensure that she was safe, but the girl had given such ear splitting screams and cries that Oliver didn't have the heart to force her through it. He managed to convince the Healers to go if he'd call Ginny Weasley. Wini knew Ginny. She liked Ginny. And Oliver trusted Ginny.

As soon as told him she'd come he'd found Wini and held her tightly to his arms, waiting. She would go through periods of staring straight ahead and then would suddenly burst into tears and keep repeating, "Da, Da, Da."

"Gods," Oliver muttered, feeling as helpless as he had when he had first been a dad. "I'm right here, Wini. I'm right here."

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: ginny weasley, character: wini wood

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