Ideas abound!!

Oct 27, 2006 20:44

Date: October 23, 2000
Time: Late evening
Location: Weasley Wizard Wheezes, Ginny's room
Character(s) Involved: George Weasley, Ginny Weasley,
Complete or incomplete: Incomplete
Rating: PG

There's nothing more dangerous than a Weasley with an idea... )

character: george weasley, status: complete, location: weasleys wizard wheezes, status: invitation only, status: incomplete, character: ginny weasley

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redheadedjokers October 28 2006, 04:17:43 UTC
George hurried into the room, as if he were afraid to lose his train of thought or that someone would overhear them or... something...

"Okay," he started, pacing a bit, "so several months ago... (and I tell you in the strictest confidence because if this gets out, Fred and I are dead men) Anyway, several months ago, Fred and I were commissioned to come up with a new pair of glasses for June. She, of course, doesn't know this. She just thinks we came up with the idea.

"So after much tweaking and work," he continued, still pacing, "we managed to put together a combination of charms that help her to know where she is, where people are, et cetera. I don't know if you noticed that she's moving around a lot better, the last time you were at Spinner's End...

"Well, I just got this message from her," he went on, "asking if we knew anyone who made prostetic eyes... And not eyes like the one Moody has, but ones that look... well... normal. Well, I suggested to her that Fred and I could try coming up with a pair, but apparently, she's under strict orders to not ask us to do that...

"And I got to thinking..." he stopped pacing and sat down at Ginny's desk, "what if we did come up with them. Only it wouldn't be us making them, exactly. What if Fred and I went into business doing prostetics, but under assumed names. I mean, then no one would know the difference...

"I mean we already make fake eyes, extendable ears, fake limbs and stuff for pranks. How hard would it be to make the real thing?" George slumped for a moment. "So what do you think, so far?"


fire_n_freckles October 30 2006, 21:38:52 UTC
Honestly, taking everything in with the amount of enthusiasm that George was projecting was a little intimidating. He spit-fired these little pieces of the past at her with a speed she rarely heard him speak at; his W.P.M. rivaled his Quidditch skills at the moment. But his mouth wasn't the only thing moving quickly, his feet were quickly burning a hole in her carpet, and quite frankly, dizzying her up a bit. How could he have this much energy this late in the evening?

Patiently, Ginny listened to his words and waited for an opening. She'd known a bit about about June's glasses as her healer, of course, and always thought they were brilliant. If the twins could come up with the items, she figured that the prosthetics would closely follow- especially with the developments they'd already made. And really, it would be awfully convenient to be working with the prosthetics during their "in progress" phase while working with June while she was recovering at the same time.

But why was he telling her this? And what did it have to do with the clinic?

"I think... Other then it being related to June, what's this to do with me? I'm glad that you've got goals other then to spread chaos, panic, and disorder across the land, but what am I to do with your prosthetics? Aside from June, of course."


redheadedjokers October 31 2006, 17:30:15 UTC
"Well, I was thinking," George replied, sitting up again, "that you could go in on it with us. It would be safer, for one thing. I mean you remember that whole incident during your one exam... How many more people are going to be put out that you're trying to help the werewolves, instead of killing them on sight? I mean, okay... So everyone already knows that you work with Remus's pack, but I'm not sure that they realize you're serious.

"So what about it?" he asked.


fire_n_freckles November 6 2006, 23:02:30 UTC
"You want me to go in on it? As in, to open a separate shop which sells fake body parts? I'm glad you want to protect me, but I'm still not entirely sure where you're going with this... You want the shop to be a part of the clinic? Is that right? And you're funding this little endeavor? Completely?"

Aside from her confusion, Ginny felt a little sting from people not thinking she was serious. When had she ever done anything half hearted-ly? Honestly, how rude! It's none of their business, anyways, unless he or she was a werewolf. And then said person should feel grateful.

"I'm sorry, George, you must think I'm a flake tonight. Just... a little more information? For instance, how you think this will work?"


redheadedjokers November 7 2006, 06:48:51 UTC
George practically jumped out of his chair again. "We're going to open another branch of the joke shop in Hogsmeade," he explained. "Think of it as a cover for both the werewolf clinic and this idea of mine. After all, if we're going to legitimately go into prostetics, we're going to need the help of a healer. And who would go to a joke shop to be healed, eh?

"As for how it will work," he continued, "I'm still working that part out. But it's a good idea, right?"

Who ever said that the twins only thought of jokes and making money? They could be serious. And George had really liked the challenge of helping June out.


fire_n_freckles November 7 2006, 15:59:29 UTC
The ideas were starting to mix in her head and beginning to formulate a plan. Perhaps this was the work required to think like one of the Twins.

It was brilliant, she had to admit. A chance to open her clinic, the help and security of her brothers, and a chance to help develop June's eyes. Sure, Fred and George would be doing the bulk of the work, but she could actually see every step of the process. Everything June's eyes would need would definitely get made, because Ginny knew what June needed better then her.

"It is a good idea, George. When were you thinking of starting this?"


redheadedjokers November 8 2006, 08:52:40 UTC
George beamed at Ginny's approval. As for when he planned on starting this project... He'd start on it right now, if it were up to him... However, there were several practical issues to consider. Most of them revolving around money.

"I need to go up to Hogsmeade in the next month or so, to have another look at the old Zonko's shop," he explained. "It's just been sitting there, for four years... Like no one's had the heart to touch it. And, of course, there's the matter of buying the property, setting up the shop, getting identities together for the other stuff... I think I remember that shop having a rather large basement, which would be perfect for the clinic."

George paused, going over the financial numbers in his head. Why hadn't he ever been able to find a compitent accountant he could trust? "If things go as planned, we should have the shop by the end of the year. After that... We could probably open for... say... an anniversary of the end of the war?"

George cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, waiting to get Ginny's opinion.


fire_n_freckles November 8 2006, 20:17:19 UTC
She nodded in response, counting in her head how long that would be. Until then, she could continue working from Spinner's End with the Pack and continue working for Fred and George. She shut her eyes and pictured how things would work in her mind.

"And what exactly would I have to contribute? I mean, the only funding I have is what Severus offered..." This one thought triggered a whole string of thoughts, escaping her mouth faster then she could finish thinking them. "And do you realize how many supplies I'll need? Potions, files to keep notes on patients, bandages- how many rooms can I make out of the basement do you think? I'd like to at least put up curtains for privacy for each patient. It would be nice to have a place to put all of my medical texts I've been buying... Upstairs would be a shop for medical supplies and prosthetics and things? Would the person operating the shop just be me? Or if we get clerks, we'll want mediwitches and wizards, right? And will they know who really owns the place or would they be under the impression that it's just me and an anonymous backer?"

Ginny realized how soon this could be opening, just a little over six to eight months she counted (allowing for a change of schedule in opening). She'd need to being a licensed Healer by then, she figured, otherwise the clinic wouldn't go very far. She should try to get in an apprenticeship soon...

"And what about a name?" were the last words of her ramble.


redheadedjokers November 10 2006, 03:49:23 UTC
"Don't worry about the funding," George replied, waving the offer off. Although he was grateful that Ginny wanted to contribute Snape's money to their cause. Or... he should say more of Snape's money, since he would probably be finally making use of what Snape paid him for June's glasses... Not to mention the supplies for his house. "If you ever had to explain to him where the money went... That might not be pleasant.

"If you like," he suggested, "I can leave the procuring of medical supplies to you, as well as the interior decorating. Between you and me, I'd rather you did the decorating than say... Fred... As far as having a place to store your books and stuff, we could set up an office for you there, if you like."

George pondered several of Ginny's question. How to get her set up and make it appear that the twins had nothing to do with it... That would be a delema. For that matter, how would they keep the location a secret if it was under a joke shop? The portable tunnels were an obvious solution to that and, possibly, some sort of portkey system? Maybe...

"You could always assume another identity as well," he suggested, only half jokingly. "I don't know... Those are details we'll probably have to work out relatively quickly. Maybe we can 'sublet' a section of the shop and the basement to you? That would work, wouldn't it?

"Do you have any suggestions for a name?"


fire_n_freckles November 14 2006, 19:03:45 UTC
"An office would be wonderful. A place to read, do research, review medical marvels... And a place to get away from crazy people. Maybe I can charm it sound proof. Although I suppose that would be bad if tragedy was ever at hand.

"And don't worry about Severus, he already knows of my intentions. He's discussed them with Remus, actually." The mention of Remus made her think of Spinner's End and the pack. It would be awfully convenient to have some sort of connection between the two places... She recalled the year that Draco helped the Death Eaters into the castle and what she could remember from Harry telling the story. She started explaining the magical theory to her brother and added, "Maybe we could come up with something similar? I'm not really sure how we would do it now, but Hermione's brilliant. I'm sure she could help.

"As far as figuring out the logistics, maybe Severus would like to sit down with us and discuss these things? He'd be a large part of it, obviously, helping with the potions and research and Remus's pack. He might have a better idea of how to work the situation.

And why would you ask me for a name? I named an owl 'Pig'." For a second, Ginny cringed at her youth's unimaginative side. Oh, how odd she'd been.


redheadedjokers November 15 2006, 03:55:42 UTC
Actually, the more George thought about it, the more he realized that they really couldn't keep the werewolf clinic a secret... What with all the registry restrictions and all... Although, if there happened to be some werewolves who managed to not get on the registry, it would be good to set up a secret entrance, anyway... Possibly even an escape route... Just in case... So much for wanting to keep Ginny safe.

"I suppose if you approached him and let him know what you were planning," he finally suggested, "he might be interesting in contributing. Your two 'investors', of course, would be contributing a great deal to the clinic, in exchange for your input on their products, if you know what I mean... And, of course, we would be contributing the space."

Between what Snape had paid the twins and the unrecorded money the twins made during the war, it shouldn't be too hard to invent a pair of "semi-wealthy investors". Of course, any meetings with Snape and/or Remus's pack would require polyjuice potions. That would have to be worked out.

"With your help," he finally continued, "I could have the intitial plans put together within a month. And then we could take them to Snape, Hermione, Remus... whoever."


fire_n_freckles November 27 2006, 03:37:21 UTC
Her neck felt a little sore from all the nodding. There wasn't much to say, because there wasn't much to debate. Everything George threw out on the table, Ginny agreed with. It was usual for them to think on the same brain wave.

"I'll write Severus soon to let him know. I'm sure he'll want to be in on everything. Do you have any concrete ideas yet? Maybe we could start by drawing up a floor plan to make sure that the shop will do nicely. Do you have the dimensions of it yet?"


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