Date: October 4th, 2000
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Location: Trésor Littéraire
Characters Involved: Anyone and everyone is invited
Rating: PG
There was no other way to describe the morning then a mess. They had finished cleaning a half hour before the opening, though there was no salvaging certain items, like the chairs, which she replaced with a few from the apartment until she could get the seats reupholstered. She had managed to get the same number of books for the signing by the grace of god and a good deal of networking with Lucius' publisher, assuring them that it would work out in the end.
She only prayed that it did. She prayed that this book signing wouldn't be cursed because of the break-in. The painted threat had been scoured from the walls with charms, the bookcases righted and the books re-shelved, she had spent the last few days reorganizing the sections and what not. There was still more work for herself.
There had been no salvaging the paintings, which made her angry. She had taken them down and she had written to tell Charlie about that issue. She hadn’t heard back from him. He was probably going to be very upset as well. The glass in the windows had been repaired and the curtains re-hung. She had cut back the poor flowers, so that the flower boxes were still filled with green, but not with broken magnolias.
All of this was hard on Charlotte, but she kept going, once the signing was over, she'd would deal with the rest, but for now, she had to keep her mind on the tasks at hand. In addition there were things to replace and re-shelving to do. There was replanting that would also need to be done. It disgusted her that people were so cruel to others.
At least it hadn't been a death eater. She was not a death eater supporter and didn't know why someone would think that she was. She shook her head and sighed as she looked around.
The set-up table had been put back together and all the shredded copies of Lucius' book had been dealt with and stowed in the back for inventory later. The three aurors that the ministry had provided were mostly in the way, but appreciated, otherwise, Lucius might not have agreed to continue on with the signing. The helpers had been tremendous in getting the store back in a working, though not perfect order.
There had been the outpouring of sympathy just after the attack. She appreciated it and only hoped that it meant that the signing would go well. Her friends had saved her from having a mental breakdown. She could do that later. There had been far too much work to do, not to say that she hadn’t gone through the emotions over the last couple of days.
She told the aurors that she would be back in a little bit and went to shower and change for the day. She hadn't slept a wink the night before, so putting on a couple of strong pots of coffee were in order. She was determined to make this work though. She dressed herself professionally, though with a splash of style. A white blouse complimented the black and silver skirt, which was covered by the silver dress jacket. She left her hair down, she had been told that it made her more approachable. Black shoes and modest jewelry complimented the outfit before she went downstairs to greet Mr. Malfoy.