Date: Friday, September 1
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Place: Salford, Pansy's flat
Characters Involved: Perry Derrick, Pansy Parkinson, invitation only
Rating: PG-13 for language... possibly R, they get kinda... "excited" sometimes....
'You cannot love a thing without wanting to fight for it.' ~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton )
Comments 16
"Oh, I was careful. Painstaking. I made sure the stuffing was thoroughly beat out of him before I called it a done job." He then shot his hand out, grabbing hers, the one holding the cloth. "Don't. I only came to use the loo." He braced the other hand on the cushion beside him to push himself up.
She frowned and drew her knees up under her chin, glowering at him. He'd done this to spite her - got himself beaten into a bloody pulp, come over to exhibit his wrecked self to her and then refused to let her help. It was all to piss her off and what do you know, it had worked.
Waving a hand in the direction of the bathroom, she turned her face away. "But if you want to play pretend, you know where it is."
He had only begun to stand and now he paused, watching Pansy with her knees under her chin, waving him off. Oh yes, he was going straight to the look, cleaning himself up without anyone's help, and then he was heading to Spinner's End. Why bother trying to talk to her? Just ignore her, get yourself together, and be on your way.
Perry fell back against the cushions in exasperation. "Does everything have to be a fecking performance with you?" He winced and lay his head against the back of the couch, running a hand through his hair.
"I came here to clean up, and to rest a moment before I head back home. So for once, could we not do this?" And she knew what this he meant.
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