Hogsmeade Carnival, Day Two!

Aug 27, 2006 13:19

Date: Sunday, 27 August
Time: All Day Long!
Place: Througout the entire Village
Characters Involved: EVERYONE! (Remember to add your character's 'tag' if you enter the thread here.)

Day Two )

status: complete, character: severus snape, event: carnival, character: remus lupin, character: fleur delacour-weasley, location: hogwarts, event: hogwarts, character: millicent bulstrode-morsus, character: hannah abbott, status: open, character: nymphadora tonks, character: seamus finnigan

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Re: 12:00 Noon diva_myron August 29 2006, 13:14:03 UTC
It'd been a fine day, as it always was with him, and Myron thought that life couldn't get better-- because of flowers, colours, balloons, smiles, and funky dresses. Everyone seemed to exhibit happiness and simple contentedness with life, something that they lacked in 'normal' days. Grey, grey, grey, how awful!

Walking down the, what seemed to be infinite, isles, he had to stop at nearly every booth to try out this and that, or- which happened more often - say hi and sign autographs for those few that recognized him. Well, maybe not really few, considering his outstanding appearance and popular icon status. Not that he ever liked that title.

"I love carnivals," he said, sitting down at the closest table of the cafe located near the Kissing Booth. "Hallo, hallo? Garcon!" Myron tried to catch the attention of the man standing behind the counter, talking to countless numbers of clients. (The poor man! - he thought, meanwhile.) "On second thought, I probably don't," he continued, turning to face his chance interlocutor-- who, VOILA! - turned out to be none other than Severus Snape himself. Like in faerie tales. (If one were to ask Myron if faerie tales existed in the world of magic, he'd say without an ounce of doubt, "Most certainly! I'm the living proof of it." And smile, of course, because it'd be a good-natured joke.)

"Merlin, you're omnipresent, Mr Snape!" he exclaimed, clasping his hands in sincere surprise and happiness from having met the other man. "I'm overjoyed and I think my level of excitement has just been topped." Placing his hands on the table, Myron leaned forward, smiling playfully. "And what are you doing here, Mr I-Know-No-Emotions? Waiting for your turn to the Kissing Booth?" He grinned.


Re: 12:00 Noon subtle_simmer August 29 2006, 18:25:11 UTC
Severus snorted derisively, casting Wagtail a brief, but not very heated glower. He'd seen the younger man approaching before Wagtail noticed him, so he'd had time to be prepared.

"Hardly," he said dryly. "I have been mentally inventorying my Potions stores to determine if I have enough curatives to cover all the diseases my housemate is likely contracting."

The glower faded into a more complacent expression - Mr Wagtail rarely earnt his ire. Granted, he seldom cared whether the recipient of his temper had earned it, but Wagtail had become somewhat of a special case. The corners of his lips twitched, and he allowed the indulgent smirk to escape.

"I would not object to your use of my given name, Mr Wagtail," he added dryly. "We did spend three days together and I have you to 'blame' for my present appearance."


Re: 12:00 Noon diva_myron August 30 2006, 01:44:31 UTC
"Which is very elegant, by the way," Myron said raising one eyebrow. He leaned back in his seat, admiring Snape's new look, which he had something to do with. Maybe sometime after he dies (and obviously, the other people too, including Snape, of course), people would remember him not only for his beautiful music, but also for his impeccable (if a bit too flighty) style that he was known to share with others generously. Or something.

"Buuut, thank you so very absolutely much!" he continued, grinning widely. Brows furrowing for a moment, he tried to pronounce Severus's name the way it is supposed to be. "Would you prefer me calling you S`everus or Sev`erus? I kind of like both. Although, if you ask me, the first option rings closer to my heart - you know, all the Latin, and things like that, making me reminisce the school days and things of that nature." Myron chattered away happily, before widening his eyes and stopping for a second.

"Oh gods, Merlin, and whoever else - I can use your given name? Really?" It seemed like the possibility had just hit his head, which it really only had. "But you'll have to refer to me by my first name too then, yes?"


Re: 12:00 Noon subtle_simmer August 30 2006, 11:37:19 UTC
Casting Wagtail an expression that was a mixture of exasperation and something almost like fond indulgence - an expression generally reserved for Draco Malfoy and few others - Severus arched one brow so high that it disappeared into the fringe now dusting his forehead, thanks to the haircut obtained at Wagtail's encouragement.

"Severus," he said, pronouncing his name in the 'mundane' way it had always been said. "And never, ever 'Sev' or any other 'cute' derivative, or the offer shall be rescinded... Myron."

Heat rose to his cheeks then, leaving him horrified and out of sorts. It was just a bloody name for Merlin's sake! Had he been thinking, he ought to have 'offered' its use ages ago. Though, in retrospect, he really hadn't expected Wag... Myron to want to continue the association, nor had he expected himself to so eagerly welcome it. He must be more discomposed than he realised from the entertainment of watching Lupin kiss the endless parade of women.

Whoever had designed the booth had done an interesting job of it. The small tent was closed on three sides, so you had to be almost directly in front of it to see the occupants within. The dutch-door style opening meant there could be no 'improper' contact between the 'kissers' - they met leaning over the wooden partition separating them at mid-torso height on Lupin. But the fourth side was left open, so the kissing could be... witnessed... by anyone who cared to be close enough to watch.

Severus wasn't watching now - he was not so rude to his present companion to be that distracted - though he did find himself more than usually distracted by Wag... Myron's lips! His mind on 'kissing', his attention was likewise drawn, and he realised that he, himself, in his admittedly limited experiences, had never kissed a man, even though he had always suspected his preferences to at least include men, if not preferred them altogether. To that alarming realisation was added the one which informed him that Mr Wag... Myron had the sort of full, pouty kind of lips that seemed to beckon kissing.

This was not something he particularly cared to discover about himself or Myron Wagtail at this moment in time! Willing the blush away - or to at least fade, damn it, he waved his hand negligently at the stand behind him from which he had purchased his soup.

"The atmosphere is not as elegant as the meals we shared during the Quidditch set, but the various soup here is quite good and the bread bowls some of the best I've had outside of the Hogwarts elves. Would you care to join me for lunch?"

Best to get his mind off of kissing!


Re: 12:00 Noon diva_myron August 30 2006, 12:49:33 UTC
"How nice, Severus," Myron repeated the other man's name as if acquainting his tongue with the foreign sounding name. Although when it came down to it - both of their names were not very ordinary. Myron himself used to be puzzled by the meaning of the name given to him by his no less strange parents. It obviously had something to do with the Hellenic culture, from which his Mom had come, as it meant Fragrant Balm in Greek. But why exactly 'balm'? And fragrant at that? It was only later on that he realized just how perspicacious his mother had been by naming her child like that. Not that he thought himself a cure for every disease, but he hoped that what he did with his music brought at least some semblance of healing, whatever it was from.

"I like your name, Severus, it rolls down from the tongue with this slight murmur at the end that makes you remember it. At least musically. And I'd love to join you for lunch," he then said, fixing the other man with an earnest gaze, before turning it away at the person behind the counter.

"I guess it's about self-service here," Myron added after a few unsuccessful attempts at catching the attention of the waiter, who was clogged up with the number of people that were willing to buy themselves this and that. Lips pouting, he looked back at the man in front of him and eyed the soup. "And I'm getting hungry now looking at your bread bowl," he added, raising a slightly sheepish gaze at Severus. "Oh well, I'll wait until the crowd dissipates and then get something to stuff my stomach with. And until then--"

At this Myron once again turned his gaze away from Severus (who looked very attractive in his new attire and with new haircut) to glance at the booth. "Poor Remus," he commented, "As far as I'm all for peace and love for everyone, I think even I wouldn't have had the guts to sit there all day, kissing millions and millions of people." Myron shook his head in sincere horror, suddenly imagining just how sore Remus's lips had to be by now. "He obviously deserves some kind of a reward for this, I think," he added, turning back to look at Snape with a grin.


Re: 12:00 Noon subtle_simmer August 30 2006, 13:21:10 UTC
Waving a negligent hand, Severus prepared to stand.

"I invited you, I will get your lunch. There is an advantage to being almost universally loathed, you see - I tend to make my way through a crowd quite easily," he said dryly.

Having his attention called, once again, toward the booth he had been surreptitiously watching, he felt heat rise to his face again - but this time in a heated flash of anger which he could not explain, even to himself.

Nymphadora Tonks was at the booth, grinning cheekily at Lupin!

Why this sight should make him angry, Severus could not have said. He suppressed the sensation quickly and arched a sardonic brow at Myron, an unusual plan already forming in his Slytherin mind.

He had never kissed a man, even being self-aware of his own leanings. It was probably a fairly safe bet that Lupin never had, either. At this moment in time, Severus was in no humour to even speak to the werewolf, let alone berate him for his idiotic display and the dangers inherent within it.

Unwilling to talk to the beast did not constitute lack of desire to embarrass him! Maybe a healthy dose of shame would bring him to his senses.

And then there was the undeniable curiosity and something like... attraction... which he felt toward Myron. HE, Severus, would never dream of kissing anyone somewhere like this - public and visible to all - but that did not mean he was not finding it voyeuristically entertaining, if not almost enjoyable.

Why not increase his own pleasure, add to Lupin's embarrassment, and perhaps enable himself to answer some bothersome questions about his own thoughts on the subject, all in one shot?

Withdrawing two sickles from his pocket and holding them up between nimble fingers, he offered Myron a rare, almost mischievous grin.

"A reward? Perhaps you are correct - and if that be the case, you seem as eligible a person to give that reward as anyone."

He passed the sickles across the table.

"I will get your soup - and you can go and 'reward' Lupin," he said, unaware of how alight with curiosity his own eyes were at the moment. "Though, I would rather you not draw his notice to my presence in the business - we tolerate each other well enough, but I would not want to spoil his enjoyment of his 'reward' by any embarrassment he might feel if he knew I was near by."

That was not the least bit accurate - though he didn't want Lupin to know he was watching! It was to prevent his own embarrassment in the process - and to allow himself to feel free to watch!

Standing to go and purchase Myron's lunch, his brows were still raised in inquiry.

"Well? Are you willing to do it?"

He didn't really want to consider why he wanted to watch this, nor whom he was really wanting to see in the act of kissing another man - Myron or Lupin!


Re: 12:00 Noon diva_myron August 30 2006, 14:39:47 UTC
What?! Kiss Remus? That was a bit too fast for Myron - they hadn't even exchanged I love you's for that to happen, he thought. Not that they'd necessarily need to proclaim their love for each other in this exact case, especially considering that however warm Myron's feelings for Remus were, they very much obviously were not love. Now SnSeverus was an altogether different case, although Myron himself did not know much about the nature of his attraction to the man.

But still, the question remained - KISS REMUS? Myron sat back in his seat, gaping at the other man incredulously. Why was Severus challenging him to that? Was he testing whether Myron was a promiscuous and immoral man? Well, everyone knew (or as much as they were allowed) that the lead singer of the Weird Sisters had never been one to restrain himself when it came down to feelings. It was not necessarily promiscuity, as he rarely engaged in the sexual activities when it was not with someone he already knew a part of his heart belonged to - but still.

How absolutely strange.

Silent for a few more seconds, Myron finally realized Severus had been waiting for his answer, and he started moving, leaning forward, eyebrows raised. "Is that supposed to be a challenge?" he questioned, still not quite believing that he was asked that. Not that he was about to refuse, of course--.

"Because if it is, I wanted to tell you that challenges do not work with me - it is always better to just ask me, because I rarely do object to my friends, and you most certainly are one, even if you don't like considering this-" Myron's chatter came as a sort of an abstractive move on his part to win some time. Well, why the hell not? he asked himself, shrugging in response.

It would most certainly be an interesting experience, he told himself. There was Remus, kissed by so many strangers even Myron hadn't endured in all his musical career - and here was he, about to do the same to him. He would have to be gentle, of course, for the fear of hurting poor Remus even more than he already was, despite the air of cheerfulness he had to put on for the hordes of lustful.

"Which is why, I will do as you suggest - Remus most certainly does need a bit of a break from all of this non-stop kissage going on," he said, standing up and adjusting the stylish vibrant blue tie on his white shirt, beneath the black velvet suit enveloping his slender body suitingly. Why had he even chosen to wear something so formal, even with the distracting and joyful colour of his tie?

"I am known to be a very gentle kisser," Myron added, winking at Severus before moving away toward the booth.


Re: 12:00 Noon subtle_simmer August 30 2006, 19:35:50 UTC
It was no secret to anyone who knew him that Severus could be a manipulative bastard, indeed. Then again, having lived his life being manipulated by Lucius Malfoy, the Dark Lord, and even Albus Dumbledore, it is perhaps not to be wondered at that he felt this was a reasonable and normal method of getting what he wanted.

However, he hadn't intended to offend Myron, but before he could offer any protest or awkward apology, or even rescind the request, the younger man had winked at him and crossed the pavement to join the queue only a few paces behind Nymphadora.

Severus' mind was in complete turmoil. He moved to the queue to purchase Myron's lunch, but was grateful that the line seemed to be slow-moving and indisposed to make way for The Next Dark Lord, so as to give him a clear vantage point to the lip-locking going on across the way.

Seeing Lupin and his former lover together, Severus realised all Lupin's protests of the nature of that relationship were misleading at the very least!

However, his mind could not completely focus on the uncomfortable feelings attendant to that line of thought, when it was so utterly distracted by the idea of Myron Wagtail being a 'very gentle kisser'. The rational portion of his mind protested that this was far 'too much information', while the newly re-awakening libido eagerly combined with his innate curiosity, insisting that he wished to research the claim more thoroughly.

None of his inner turmoil betrayed itself in his expression as he stood in line, apparently watching the crowd with an air of bored impatience, even as his attention never left the gaudy pink booth and the activity within.


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