Date: Saturday, 26 August
Time: 6:00 p.m. to Midnight
Place: Hogwarts Great Hall and Grounds
Characters Involved: Everyone! Don't forget to add your character's tag if you join the thread!
Rating: Hopefully not more than PG-13 - this is a public location, folks! Take your libidos 'home' for higher-rated stuff please! *grin*
But first, before the dancing could begin, the Headmistress would address the crowd. )
And she was gone.
"Oh, Neville," she sighed, finishing her drink and putting the cup into a house elves' eager hand. "Hexes and jinxes, I gave you a whole list of adjectives. And you choose 'off.'" She closed her eyes and put her face in her hand. She didn't even care if her gesture of frustration made him uncomfortable right now. He had just gone and ruined something that could have been tame and interesting. If he did this with Luna Lovegood, who was supposed to be a friend of his -- Hexes and JINXES! he really needed a hufflepuff. The tamest Hufflepuff in the world. Someone who would peep out "yes'ms'" and "No'ms" to "Gran" and spend the rest of her time cultivating the earth with Neville.
"That didn't go like I thought it would," Lavender finally admitted, propping her chin onto her fist. "But ... I mean, you'll... learn. She was a bit 'off' -- I agree with you there. But you can't just SAY that. You just don't. I guess maybe you can say it to a bloke who's your mate, but never to a pretty lady at a ball."
Was it because of the changes concerning the Hogwarts houses? Or was she just not feeling well? Or had something happened to Seamus, and Luna worried for him? Too many questions, not enough answers, and Neville caught right in the middle. He wanted to do Lavender right by trying to follow her advice; they were Gryffindors together, after all, but...
"Well," Neville sighed. "What do ladies want to hear, then? I don't think most blokes know that. Seems to be the most difficult thing to suss out."
She grinned at him and giggled. "Go for it, Nev. Give it a shot."
Perhaps he should have stayed in Greenhouse Three like he wanted to.
But how was he supposed to call the girl by her name if he hadn't met her before? He wanted to ask Lavender but thought better of it. No sense her going even more mental if he'd kept on making mistakes.
"Um..." he grinned for a moment, before his face settled into its usual anxious expression. "Hello?" This was ridiculous. Why in the name of Merlin was he doing this? "Er, You? Uh, you look...your's...looks lovely?" There was no confidence in his words. Nearly everything he said sounded like a question. "How are you doing? Today?"
Well, that was...something.
Come on, Neville! she thought. She wanted to smooth his features out of that frightened expression and spill some courage into him. Courage. Spill.
She reached out and took another glass of wine and offered it to him. "Would you like a drink?" she said, looking at himn coyly.
"The party nice. I've seen people I haven't seen in ages. Isn't it brilliant, being back at Hogwarts?" He really did like being back at the castle, even with all the changes, it still felt like home. Most of his memories, good and bad, were anchored at the school.
"A drink'd be grand, th-thank you." He took the glass, but didn't sip at the wine. "It''s nice seeing you here. Tonight. Nice night. Here. Yes."
She leaned forward and whispered, "This is where you would try to ask me to dance."
"My name?" He ought to have introduced himself first. It took all his constraint to keep from slapping his hand over his eyes in pure embarrassment. "Erm, I'm Neville. Neville Longbottom." Should he mention the Order of Merlin? That Witch Weekly list? He didn't wish to sound like a braggart and he'd suspected that some girls disliked it when blokes did that.
"Oh..." he swallowed a bit of the wine and offered his arm to Lavender. "Would you mind if I asked you to dance?"
"Excellent, Nev. Good job." She laughed a little bit more. "Really! Much better than you did with Luna. Fantastic. You're going to be charming any day now, and I bet by next year you'll be moved up to 9 or 8 if you haven't been snatched up by a sweet witch."
She looked around. "Maybe you should try it out on someone else.. Practice makes perfect."
For a moment, he followed Lavender's gaze, sweeping his eyes around the Great Hall and then up towards the ceiling, enchanted to mirror the nighttime skies.
"Wow..." he said with a chuckle, momentarily awed by the starlight shining gently down on the entire hall. "D'you think the stars really are that bright or is it the magic that's making them do that? 'Cos they don't twinkle like that above London..."
Lavender's suggestion brought him back down to earth. "Um! I don't think I'd be able to try it out on more than one witch at a time. But I...I wouldn't mind it if we'd danced. Honest."
She wanted to push him into dancing with another witch but, well, she had made a big mistake with Luna. If she pushed him too much it might freak him out completely. "Fine," she said, waving a finger at him. "But I'm not going to let you get away with running away from witches for the rest of your life." she flashed a brilliant smile. "After all, as the WW said, it is the responsibility of all the bachelors to have more children to fill up," she swept her hand out around the room, "The Great Hall of Hogwarts and the Ministry," she giggled. "Not that you need to start working on that right away."
She held out her arm. "Well, if you don't mind" she gave a giggle. "Than how could I help but be charmed? Nev, make it always sound like it's an honor, not something near a chore..."
"'s not running away, exactly. I just never know if the girls'd really be interested or not. Girls are very mysterious at times, you know that? You're very difficult to understand." And then he'd heard how some blokes thought all the trouble was worth it? Neville wasn't sure he'd wanted to bother with it.
But as he told Lavender, he thought it would be nice to like someone. Love someone? That was going a bit too far. He cleared his throat when Lavender started to quote Witch Weekly. "There were ten blokes on that list, though. I'd figured being at the bottom of it meant being chosen last."
"Erm, th-then I'd be honoured if you'd, y'know, accompany me in a dance." It sounded awfully awkward in his head, but who knew? Perhaps girls liked that sort of stuff.
"And you think that we are mysterious and hard to understand? You blokes aren't exactly arithmatic, Nev. More like runes, and I'm hopeless when it comes to runes. Can't ever tell what's going on in their heads." She frowned. "But with ladies it should be easy. Make them feel pretty, and wanted. That's what they need." She tapped him on the shoulder. "And you are never going to learn if a girl is interested or not if you don't take a chance. Everyone has to take chances, Nev."
She put her glass of wine down. "Look around the room. There's got to be hundreds of blokes here. And how many of them were on that top ten list? Probably not more than... Oh, six of them out here list. You were, Neville. And, if you listen to what I say and manage to get out of your greenhouses for long enough, I reckon you'll start climbing your way down to 8 or 7 if a sweet witch doesn't catch you before you can."
She let out another giggle as Neville re-stated his desire to dance with her. "Much better, Neville," she said, gripping his hand and gesturing with her head that he should try leading her out to the floor. "That's perfect." Minus the stuttering, of course. "You're going to be Prince Charming in no time."
And he didn't want that sort of attention.
"Chances," he repeated, breathing it out in an anxious sigh. "D'you remember the Yule Ball fourth year? It took me ages just to get the strength up to ask Hermione to be my date and..." He chuckled, finding the humour in the situation now, even though he was devastated when it happened. "And then she said she was already going with that Seeker, Krum. Suppose I was lucky that Ginny said yes."
His smile was weak, but at least it didn't disappear completely as he led Lavender to the dance floor. The dance, he could do. As clumsy as he was, he at least knew the steps and could count out the right rhythms. He positioned his hands with Lavender's, his concentration evident in the way the tip of his tongue darted through his slimly-parted lips. "I'd settle for not spilling my drink on her, and not have to think about the Prince Charming bit."
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