Date: Saturday, 19 August, 2000
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Place: Flourish & Blotts in Diagon Alley
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, open to others
Rating: G
Seamus took a short break before the cocktail and dinner hour could inundate The Leaky Cauldron with patrons. He knew that with Hogwarts starting up again on September first, he’d better be seeing to the supplies he’d need for his research at Hogwarts before the rush of students began to flood Diagon Alley, and particularly Flourish & Blotts.
Once inside the bookstore, he realised he’d nearly put this shopping trip off too long. The store was quite crowded, but he had a fair idea what he was looking for, so he headed to the Quidditch section. He’d lived in Diagon Alley for a long time now, and he always checked for new Quidditch books whenever he went into Flourish & Blotts. Seeing nothing that really caught his eye there, he wandered over to the Charms section and generally looked for books about wands. He saw practically nothing addressing wands at all - except for the one title he’d bought here a couple of months ago, Where There’s A Wand, There’s A Way. Clearly, he’d have to do more looking in the Hogwarts library, particularly in the restricted section.
He tried to remember the book Nott had mentioned, wracking his brain for the title as he collected several books of bound plain parchment, several sheaves of loose parchment and headed off to the counter to inquire after quills.
He stopped short as the name came to him,
LeRouche's An Ye Be Nice. He wandered back over to the Charms section, but did not see the title there, so he went back up to the counter and asked after it.
There was a nice young looking witch working here, someone new for the back to school rush he figured. He smiled broadly and asked after the title and also after new quills, especially ones that could copy sections he found useful during his research.
“We don’t carry LeRouche,” she said after checking in the store’s records. “Not much call for texts in Old French,” she advised him, but she smiled back and then went off to look for some quills for him.