Falmouth Falcons vs the Applebee Arrows, Round Two

Aug 09, 2006 01:07

Date: Tuesday, 8 August
Time: Early Afternoon
Place: Who knows? Wherever Myron wants to take a grumpy Snape after his team lost the second match.
Characters Involved: Severus Snape, Myron Wagail - since there is likely shopping to be involved, possibly others but ask first, please.
Rating PG - 13 just to be safe.

Two hundred to ten! That was how soundly the Falcons had walloped the Arrows yesterday! TWO-HUNDRED to TEN!

Today, in the space of less than an hour, they lost by almost the same margin - eighty to the Arrow's Two hundred ten.

Bloody seeker! They all deserved to be strung up and harvested for Potions ingredients!

Severus sulked next to Wagtail as they slowly made their way through the queue to exit the stadium. Wagtail was proving to be surprisingly patient with Severus' quicksilver mood-shifts, and surprisingly good company - in spite of the obsession with trying to 'improve' Severus' look.

As though such a thing could be improved!

"Well. Our itinerary left five hours for the match before dinner. Since the Falcons couldn't 'fly' to the ground by jumping off a barn today, we are left with nearly four and a half hours to entertain ourselves. I am open to suggestions. Preferably nothing with the words 'broomstick' or 'snitch' contained therein," he said moodily to his companion.

status: complete, status: invitation only, character: severus snape, event: quidditch match, character: myron wagtail

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