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First Guest Room broken_harry July 30 2006, 07:01:08 UTC

... )


4 PM/16:00 crazedxxcreevey July 31 2006, 00:14:36 UTC
So far, Colin had taken a good number of photographs, as he had been hired by Hermione to do so. It has been a while since he had done photography, for Hex Me Up! had been occupying much of his work time -- and he just didn't feel motivated to deal with schedules. However, he was excited about the party. Aside from taking pictures, Colin also went up to the room where the pup was kept, to check on him. When he had kept the Golden Retriever in his own little him, he was glad to find the puppy wasn't much of a trouble maker. Perhaps it was because he was brought away from home for the first time, and he was bound to become more exuberant ( ... )


4 PM/16:00 broken_harry July 31 2006, 00:28:19 UTC
Four hours...and counting. It had been four hours of mingling, false smiles, thank yous and not enough alcohol. Though he'd intended to drink, something kept him from anything more than that first mug of ale. Probably the thought of pissing off Hermione further. Or doing something completely inappropriate, while drunk...and involving a certain blonde Slytherin ( ... )


Re: 4 PM/16:00 crazedxxcreevey July 31 2006, 00:40:23 UTC
He hadn't even heard footsteps to let him know of one's presence, and it was Harry, of all people! Colin looked startled for a brief moment. With the bundle in his arms, he looked as if he was stealing something. The jacket had slipped a bit, revealing the pup's head. His own gaze lowered, looking sheepish.

"I, uh.." Colin started, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "Well, I remember you mentioning that you were thinking of getting a dog, and.."

The boy stepped closer, gently removing the jacket from the pup. "Dogs.. They really do make great companions. They don't talk, yeah, but they always have this look of understanding. That's how it's like with me and Jasper." Colin didn't even know why he was saying this, instead of just giving the pup to Harry and wishing him a Happy Birthday.

"Hermione said you wouldn't mind, so here you go, Harry." He held out the young Retriever to Harry, smiling. "Happy Birthday. I thought it'd be all right to give it early. Felt kind of bad leaving him in there by himself."


4 PM/16:00 broken_harry July 31 2006, 01:10:08 UTC
The look of confusion seemed to be permanently etched on Harry's face. Even after Colin's words registered and Harry realized what they meant.

He looked down at the dog, back to Colin, back at the dog, and repeated. A few times. Brow furrowed, he reached out and silently took the puppy from Colin, holding him out a bit to look him over.

"You...got me a dog?" It was an expressionless statement, being that Harry's shock had run away with anything other than surprise and confusion remaining. Harry pulled the pup closer to his face, studying him as if he'd up and disappear at any second. The dog tilted his head a bit and studied Harry right back. Apparently finding him satisfactory, a tongue whipped out to cover the end of Harry's nose in slobber.

A slow smile spread across Harry's face as he repeated his words in a low whisper, a happy whisper.

"You got me a dog."


Re: 4 PM/16:00 crazedxxcreevey July 31 2006, 01:29:01 UTC
The smile on Colin's lips grew broader with confidence, as Harry's expression was what he was hoping for. His hands had lowered back to his sides once the pup was in possession of Harry, and... It reminded him of the memory of when Jasper was given to Dennis for his birthday. Well, the gift was a bit delayed, since his birthday was in April. He was still at Hogwarts at the time ( ... )


4 PM/16:00 broken_harry July 31 2006, 01:52:45 UTC
"I do, Colin...he's brilliant. Thank you." Harry pulled the pup up to his shoulder, where the dog decided Harry's ear looked like it might taste good. With a gentle hand, Harry nudged the dog's muzzle away. The dog obeyed...for about three seconds. Harry chuckled and shook his head. "Really. Thank you."

He watched as Colin pulled out a bag with - a lot of things in it. Puppy things. Including something called 'wee wee pads." Harry blinked twice, pulled the dog's face away from his ear again, and nodded.

"Don't worry about it, Colin. We've got to have something downstairs he can eat. Or I can send Dobby out. Or we can walk him down to town and pick something up."

Merlin, he was like a kid on Christmas morning who'd just gotten...a puppy.


Re: 4 PM/16:00 crazedxxcreevey July 31 2006, 02:05:04 UTC
It was just too cute to watch the pup nibbling at Harry's ear, too cute that he'd want to take a picture of it. His fingers did a slight twitch, but he restrained himself. Even though the flash wasn't as annoying as it used to be, Colin didn't want to ruin the moment.

He'll take pictures of Harry later on, perhaps when the birthday boys blow out the candles of the cake, or when they're too occupied to notice a small camera flash.

"Oh, okay," he said with a grin. "I have to say, you have a very nice place." It was probably one of the nicest homes he has ever visited in his life. "And the town must be nice, too. Mm.. Did you happen to see Jasper around? He kind of just disappeared on me, but I'm thinking he went off to play with Oliver's daughter. He's quite fond of that girl."


4 PM/16:00 broken_harry July 31 2006, 02:56:52 UTC
The puppy squirmed a bit in his arms, so Harry set him gently on the ground and watched as he sniffed about the landing. He'd pay particular attention to the space beneath a closed bedroom door, as if deciphering the room's contents from the scents seeping through the small space.

"Thanks, Colin. I think it's a bit bigger than we planned on, but we like it. Plenty of room..." for avoiding people. "...for a dog, that's for sure. The town's small, a village, really, but it's nice. Not that many people and no one knows me."

Harry glanced down the stairs, with no real reason why outside of reflex when asked if he'd seen someone...or some dog. "Sorry, Colin, I haven't seen him around. Did you want to go look?"

Moving to where the puppy was heading down the hallway, a bit farther than Harry's protective instincts thought was all right, he picked the puppy back up, turning him on his back in his arms and patting his stomach. "We can have the puppy here sniff him out."


Re: 4 PM/16:00 crazedxxcreevey July 31 2006, 03:28:50 UTC
Colin watched the pup do a bit of his own exploring, and his lips remained curled into a smile. If he knew that Harry has been.. troubled lately, or something of the sort, he would be positive this pup could be one of those cheering-up medicines.

"He grows to be about... twenty-something inches at the withers," Colin said. "He's one of those medium-sized dogs, so it should be all right." He grinned, folding his arms for a moment. "Yes, lots of space. Golden Retrievers like that."

"Well, I'm not too worried about Jasper, but I think I'd like to see what my buddy's up to."


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