
Jul 25, 2006 22:15

Date: July 25th, 2000
Time: Early Evening
Location: Padma's Flat
Character(s) Involved: Padma Patil & Theodore Nott
Rating: With these two? Shouldn't be more than PG

Never assume that the guy understands that you and he have a relationship. - Dave Barry )

character: theodore nott, status: complete, status: invitation only, location: muggle london, character: padma patil

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nott_naught July 27 2006, 18:32:03 UTC
Theodore found himself once again in the muggle halls of Padma's flat. He took a deep breath. After (eventually) discussing some things with June, he'd decided to give this -- whatever it was -- another chance. No intentially trying to piss her off or frighten her away. No. Theo was going to be courteous, attentive, and polite.

His lip curled slightly as he skirted a rather sticky muggle child who grinned sickeningly at him in the hallways.

Perhaps something could come of this. Theo was a mature, moderately attractive wizard of some integrity, despite his upbringing. He wasn't lacking in money or magical power. He would make a good... a good...

Theo swallowed hard as Padma's door loomed ahead of him.

A good... *gulp* boyfriend for someone like Padma.

Right? Oh Merlin.

He took a second to compose himself. It wouldn't do to have him arrive on Padma's door looking like he was facing his doom. Once Theo had cleared his throat, straightened his clothes, and released a deep breath, he was ready.

He knocked.


prophecyofpadma July 28 2006, 10:49:32 UTC
Glancing up at the knock on the door, Padma blinked a bit before looking at the clock over the mantle. It was just a few minutes before 6:30, and there was only one person that she could really think of that would drop in unexpectantly. Closing her book and settling it on the coffee table, Padma stood and walked over to the door, pulling it open with a sigh.

"Anthony, this really isn't a--- OH!" Padma exclaimed as she noticed it was Theo standing at the door. Coloring softly and biting her lower lip, Padma reached up and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I was expecting you to floo..."


nott_naught July 29 2006, 05:05:36 UTC
"Anthony?" Theo echoed before he could stop himself.

Perhaps this wasn't the best idea.

"Er, sorry," he said, eyes drawn to her lips as she nibbled on them. "I was nearby earlier..."

Bugger. Why had he taken the muggle way?


prophecyofpadma July 29 2006, 05:13:47 UTC
"Anthony's a friend of mine. The only one I figured would drop by unannounced," Padma said. "Come on in, Theo. It's fine," She said offering him a gentle smile.

Padma stepped back into the flat, casting a glance over her shoulder as she headed over to the coffee table to pick up the book she'd left out in order to replace it on the shelves, "Can I get you anything to drink?"


nott_naught July 29 2006, 14:49:54 UTC
Ah. A friend. A male friend, who would stop by unannouced? Perhaps someone who was interested in Padma as well?

Bloody hell. Theo had to chide himself for being so Circe-damned paranoid and posessive. Padma may not have shown any interest in this Anthony. Perhaps it was just Theo's aversion to the name; his father's name, after all. Surely people named Anthony could actually be honest and decent.


He followed Padma back into her flat, once again admiring the relaxing decor and plentiful books. "I suppose I'll have whatever you were getting yourself," he said. "If you were getting yourself anything at all."


prophecyofpadma July 30 2006, 11:37:08 UTC
Padma was trying not to think about just what Theo might be thinking having accidentally been called Anthony. And considering how he'd reacted to scrawny little Terry, Anthony would probably send the poor boy into a fit. Replacing the book on her shelf in the same place that it had been removed from, Padma slipped into the kitchen.

"Tea's all right, then?" She asked, peering over the counter that divided the two rooms. "Make yourself at home, Theo."


nott_naught July 30 2006, 14:38:59 UTC
At home. Well, Theo was going to give his damnedest. "Tea will be quite fine," he said, hesitantly lowering himself into a sofa.

And now where to go from here? Theo simply couldn't blurt out would you like to see me formally in the middle of a conversation. He couldn't say I'd like to see if you could like me, and where a relationship might go without intense worry about what she'd say in return. No, it was best to sneak something like that into a conversation. Theo didn't feel comfortable asking Padma until he was fairly certain about what her answer would be.

"Um, how have you been?"


prophecyofpadma July 30 2006, 14:46:58 UTC
"Well enough," Padma said as she set the teapot on the stove, lighting the burner and leaving the water to heat up as she went to one cabinet to pull down the package of tea leaves.

"Been catching up with people the last few weeks," She said, a wry grin dancing on her face. "I saw my sister the other day," She said, wondering exactly how he'd react to that statement. It was probably so mean to tease him, but she was curious if his flatmate had actually informed him of the conversation she'd had with Parvati.


nott_naught July 30 2006, 17:52:50 UTC
Theo winced. Pansy had told him about how she'd implied something with Pavarti, and he'd expected that it was going to get back to Padma. And blessed Circe, Padma was smiling as she talked about it. Well, Pansy had said that she was joking. Perhaps Pavarti got the jist?

"And how is your sister?" he asked dryly. Theo wasn't one to give up information: he knew that Padma knew that he knew that she'd heard what Pansy had said from Pavarti (Merlin, it was like being in school all over again!) but he didn't want to give up the advantage of being in the position to deny everything. Once he admitted that he knew what she'd heard, there wasn't any retracting that statement, even though he knew that Padma knew already.

Theo stopped and thought over the last line in his head. he knew that she knew that... Right. It made sense.

Although if he were to explain it to anyone else, he'd probably need a flow chart and chalkboard.


prophecyofpadma July 30 2006, 18:04:20 UTC
"Well enough," Padma said as she tipped in the tea leaves into the pot and let them steep. "She quit her job at the Ministry. Said it was becoming thankless and incessant. Well, that's not quite how she said it, but the meaning remains," She said, pouring out a cup of tea for each of them and carrying them into the living room.

As she sat down next to him on the sofa, she offered him a playful grin, "Apparently being out of work as made her delightfully gullible as well," she said, settling his teacup down in front of him before setting hers down and draw her wand, summoning the sugar packets from the kitchen counter. "Not that I can really talk," She said, catching them. "I'm so absentminded sometimes."


nott_naught July 30 2006, 18:42:29 UTC
Sugar packets.

Ah, well. Theo stirred his tea and tapped the spoon on the rim of the cup gently, creating a lovely ringing tone that lingered only briefly in the room. Tapping his spoon was a habit he'd never been able to break, even though the rest of his table etiquette was spotless. The particular tutor assigned to pureblood etiquette had remarked how the tab of a spoon when held properly could tell you the class and make (and thus, the expense) of a teacup. Curious as ever, Theo had gotten into the habit.

"Thankless and incessant does seem to discribe the majority of political work," Theo replied. "There are only a few jobs that come with the glamour."

"What are you absentminded about?" he asked Padma curiously. She had acknowledged her awareness of his awareness of... oh bugger. They had an understanding.


prophecyofpadma July 30 2006, 18:57:10 UTC
Ripping open three sugar packets at the same time and pouring them into the tea, Padma stirred it slowly with a soft smile, "And you know those Gryffindors. They always need glamour and adventure to stick with something long," She said, chuckling as she lifted up her spoon and let it drip off into the cup before settling it down on the saucer.

"A lot of things, really. Like how I forgot to bring the sugar in the first time," Padma said, lifting her teacup and sipping from it. "Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my work I forget to eat and sleep," She said, leaning back against the couch as she took another longer drink.

"So...." Padma said with a devilish smirk on her face. "When did you and Pansy start sleeping together?"


nott_naught July 30 2006, 20:07:47 UTC
Theo had taken a rather large sip of tea while he was absorbing her earlier comments, and choked quite spectacularly. Just managing not to spit it out in shock, Theo mopped up the tea from his jarred cup and sent Padma an annoyed glare with just a touch of humorous reproach.

"Thank you," he said dryly. "I should have expected that."

So much for an understanding.

"I believe that's between Pansy and I," he said in a sanctimoniously stiff voice. Theo straightened his shoulders and back and looked down his long nose at Padma. "And shame upon you for suggesting that I discuss it!"


prophecyofpadma July 30 2006, 20:19:21 UTC
Her grin widened slightly as she sipped her tea calmly as she spared him a glance before shifting to gently nudge his knee with hers, "What? Isn't a girl allowed to know when her boyfriend is out gallivanting with other women?"


nott_naught July 30 2006, 20:46:33 UTC


A wave of shock washed over Theo. Where he'd been wondering if and how to spring the thought of a relationship, complete with thought-out logical points and arguments, Padma had apparently made the leap straight to boyfriend.

Realizing that the slackness of his face really couldn't be missed, especially by a girl as bright as Padma, Theo hastily cleared his throat.

"Am--" his voice squeaked. He cleared his throat again. "Am I your boyfriend now? I am, correct?"


prophecyofpadma July 30 2006, 21:02:34 UTC
Padma blinked a bit at Theo's expression. What had she said that could have possibly knocked him dumb like that? As his voice came out in a high pitched squeak, she smiled gently at his question. Wasn't that what they'd been doing for... What had it been now: three months, four?

"Aren't you?" Padma asked softly.


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