Slow Day at The Leaky...

Jul 01, 2006 15:32

Date: Saturday, 1 July, 2000
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Place: The Leaky Cauldron
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, open to ANYONE!
Rating: G, maybe
Complete or Incomplete: Incomplete

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. - Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967) )

character: colin creevey, status: complete, character: lisa turpin, location: leaky cauldron, character: seamus finnigan

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crazedxxcreevey July 1 2006, 23:57:31 UTC
"Haha, true, true." Colin chuckled, encouraging the Pembroke Welsh Corgi to enter with him. Jasper padded into the pub beside his master, and the duo made their way over to the counter. He allowed the canine to 'do his business' not too long after Madam Lorelei dismissed him, so it won't be a while until Jasper would need to 'go' again. Colin took a seat by the bar upon a high stool, and the small dog settled down beside it. The dog panted lightly -- it was a way to cool himself off.

"Mm, I'm not sure about milk, but water'll do just fine!" Colin has never given Jasper milk before, and he was a bit worried the dog might be lactose intolerant. So water would be safer.

As for Colin.. only two choices of refreshments popped into his head: butterbeer of firewhiskey, and both didn't seem suitable for the summer. Acid pop? He raised his hand, scratching his cheek gently with an index finger as he thought quietly to himself. "D'you happen to have apple cider?" he asked, grinning. "Either that, or ginger ale, if you don't happen to apple cider." He doubted that, though, because it seemed that the Leaky Cauldron had everything.

He glanced up as another customer arrived, someone whom he wasn't exactly familiar with.. but he felt that he had attended school with her at Hogwarts.


safinnigan July 2 2006, 02:16:14 UTC
Seamus was glad to meet the friendly little corgi as he came into the bar with Colin. He’d not ever seen one of the Queen’s favorite dog breeds up close, but if they were all as friendly and personable as this one, he could better understand why she loved them so much.

“Well then, water it is, mate!” He set the saucer back under the bar to be disposed of later. And reached for a small bowl as Colin thought about what he’d like to drink.

“Right, lad, we’ve both apple cider and ginger ale here at The Leaky, along with lemonade, iced tea or iced coffee and other soda’s, including cherry syrup and soda with ice, but I’d have to conjure you an umbrella!” He laughed, figuring Colin would certainly have had that at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade at some time or other, it was a favourite drink there.

Then he spotted another Hogwarts graduate, Lisa Turpin, coming up to the bar. He didn’t know if Colin knew Lisa, so he made quick work of the introductions.

“Cheers, Lisa, lass. Howya?” He winked at her and smiled, glad she had chosen a seat next to Colin. “Well then, are you after remembering our own Colin Creevy then, luv? Gryffindor lad strong and true! He and his stout fellow Jasper are keeping me company this afternoon when everyone else is out enjoying the day then.” He turned back to Colin just briefly. “Colin lad, this lovely lass is one Lisa Turpin, studying her best at St. Mungo’s now, right luv?” He winked at Colin, smiling all the while. “Right, I’ll be after getting that water for Jasper. You and Miss Turpin decide what you want now and Seamus the barman will fix it right quick then.”

Seamus quickly disposed of the milk and put cool water into the bowl for Jasper, coming round the bar to set it where Jasper could get at it, but where it was not underfoot for either Colin or Lisa.


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crazedxxcreevey July 2 2006, 04:02:54 UTC
Ah yes. Colin missed the Three Broomsticks and the drinks they served there. He also missed the Hogsmeade trips back when he attended Hogwarts. Nostalgia. He laughed along with Seamus until the bartender introduced the newcomer, Lisa. The younger of the Gryffindors turned to face the former Ravenclaw, that smile of his glued to his lips. He extended his own hand, giving Lisa's hand a brief shake.

"Colin Creevey's the name," he said. "Pleased to meet you, Lisa."

Jasper wagged his little tail once more with added enthusiasm as his bowl of water had been brought to him. He lowered his head and began to lap up water with his tongue a bit loudly, causing Colin to chuckle.

"I'll have a glass of apple cider," Colin said to Seamus, making his order. He'd love to have one of those sodas, but he craving for cider at the moment. It was really good to see that the fellow Gryffindor was doing well. All right. Now for small talk.

"So," Colin started, resting his forearms upon the counter before him. "What're you studying over there at Mungo's?"


safinnigan July 2 2006, 14:32:47 UTC
Seamus came back around the bar and set out Leaky beer mats for Colin and Lisa. The lass seemed to be thinking over what to have, so Seamus reached for one of the Leaky’s drink menus. “Well then, lass, here’s a bit of what’s here with some specials for this month, but don’t you know you can get anything that you’d like at The Leaky.” He paused and gave her a big smile and a wink before continuing, “…to drink that is, lass.”

He got out the carafe of apple juice from the bar fridge and poured Colin a generous glass, refilling his own water glass while he was at it. Setting the drink on Colin’s beer mat, he smiled and asked after what Colin was doing these days.

“Well now, hardly recognized you then Colin without your camera then lad. What are you up to these days, mate? Right, besides tending Jasper then.” He laughed, it was always nice to see a Gryffindor lad and be able to catch up with old friends.


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crazedxxcreevey July 2 2006, 15:53:06 UTC
Colin didn't drink alcohol, period. Well, he didn't drink alcohol.. yet, even if he was already of age. Perhaps the only alcoholic beverage he has ever tasted was champagne, and he has yet to try something else. For now, he still kept his drinking innocence with a glass of apple cider. "Thanks, mate," Colin said as Seamus gave him his drink, which he took a decent gulp from.

As Lisa gave him a look of apology, he offered her a look of assurance in return. He glanced up at Seamus, grinning. "It really has been that long, hasn't it?" he asked. "Haha, I may not have my camera with me at the moment, but I still do photography. I'm a freelance photographer as a side job, and I work down at Hex Me Up!" Colin laughed gently. "All this time I could have came by to visit you. Ah well.."

"What about you, Seamus? What've you been up to, aside from bartending?"


safinnigan July 2 2006, 19:09:50 UTC
Seamus turned a kind eye towards Lisa Turpin. She was clearly one of those lasses that had a hard time making up her mind about anything. Or maybe she was just shy. Either way, Seamus was here to make life easy for customers, not more complicated.

“Aye, lass. ‘Tis a warm one today, why not try some of The Leaky’s fair iced tea or lemonade? Seamus the barman can always slip something in it for you later if you’re after something a bit stronger. Well then, there’s always Butterbeer, the favourite at Hogwarts, and mild for a day like today.” He smiled warmly at her, encouraging her to feel more comfortable and not at all rushed.

He was glad to hear that Colin was still active with his camera. He was a free-lance photographer? He wondered if Luna had considered doing that. Well, to be honest, he wondered if Luna had considered doing that at places other than his flat at 2 a.m. That made his smile all the broader.

“Well then, mate, ‘tis good to hear all that practice at Hogwarts wasn’t for naught then.” He thought about how to answer Colin’s next question. What had he been doing besides working at The Leaky? Aiding the Order? Fighting off dementors and Death Eaters? Trying to stay alive and fight for the Light? None of these truthful answers were ones he’d consider saying aloud, but they did flit ‘cross his mind as he instead gave his standard answer to those who inquired. “Right then, Colin lad, not much better in life to be had than to bartend right here at The Leaky! Pub born and bred then is Seamus, and ‘twood be tending at Finnigan’s at home if not tending bar here. ‘Twill be only me own pub would take me from here and that’s a while yet in the coming.” He paused to see if the Ravenclaw Miss, had decided on her choice of a liquid, then looked to Colin to keep the conversation going.

“So tell us then lad, ‘bout this Hex me up. ‘Tis one place I’ve not been in Diagon Alley. Right, they’re probably not after blokes who like Quidditch for their customers then, mate. They’d not ‘hex’ me if I came in the door then?” Seamus laughed lightly. He’d see if Colin wanted to talk about his work, or maybe Quidditch. If not, he’d be just as comfortable talking about nearly anything else.


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crazedxxcreevey July 3 2006, 01:10:10 UTC
Well, Colin just won't be Colin without a camera, or the mention of a camera. He had loved photography since he was young, and was simply born to love it. The former Gryffindor especially loved to take pictures of people, and loved how everyone had their own unique and individual traits. It's just that he didn't like the schedules he had to set up, making sure his appointments with his customers weren't in conflict with his job at HMU.

Jasper finally finished his bowl of water, padding over to the spot between Colin and Lisa. He glanced up at the two humans, putting on the cutest expression he could muster. When Colin glanced down at his dog, he immediately knew the canine desired attention. He smiled and reached down, giving him a scratch behind the ear before returning to his cider.

Colin chuckled in response to the words 'practice at Hogwarts'. Most of his photographs at Hogwarts had been that of Harry Potter, when he had a big obsession over the Boy Who Lived. He still admired him, but his compulsiveness has mellowed down a notch. "Ah, a pub of your own, eh? I look forward to it," Colin said to Seamus, grinning broadly. "It's so good to see that you've been doing well, though."

"Haha, the shops's had the occasional guy come by," Colin continued, laughing gently. "Usually to buy something for their girlfriend." He cleared his throat a bit, though his smile remained. About ninety percent of the time, it would deal with lingerie, and it took much restraint for Colin to not be embarrassed when aiding the guy with selections. "Hex Me Up's open to any witches, whether they be rebellious or conservative. Madam Lorelei, the seamstress there, was considering making her shop unisex, but it seems she's not confident with men's clothing yet."


safinnigan July 3 2006, 13:54:08 UTC
Seamus gave Lisa a wink as he busied himself getting her iced tea ready. He served it with a saucer that held both lemon and lime slices so the girl had her choice in the matter, and also made sure there were sugars near by, both natural and the sugar substitute variety. You never really knew who wanted what in their tea.

As he worked he was listening to Colin chat about Hex Me Up. Gifts for girlfriends? Hmm…he just might be in the market for something like that himself. He absently wondered when Luna’s birthday was, and realized he had no idea.

“Unisex? Right, like t-shirts and sweat shirts?” Seamus’ frame of reference for clothes worn by both sexes was rather limited. He’d not had any sisters and it did not seem to him that the girls of his acquaintance wore clothing he’d be interested in wearing. The only exception to that was sports insignia clothing, and general t-shirts with or without slogans. Girls didn’t wear the same jeans as boys did, he was pretty certain about that - or at least they didn’t in Kenmare.


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crazedxxcreevey July 4 2006, 03:30:09 UTC
T-shirts and sweat shirts.. Unfortunately, Colin couldn't imagine Madam Lorelei sell those items in her shop. She was more of a.. classy and conservative seamstress, with bits of funk here and there. Perhaps if he could give her a bit of Muggle influence, like the idea of jeans or graphic tees.. Maybe, just maybe. "Not sure," was Colin's response, followed by a small laugh. "T-shirts, maybe, but I'm uncertain about sweat shirts."

He took another few sips of his drink before taking notice of Lisa once more. She was certainly the quiet one, but he had the feeling she was feeling left out. Colin had asked her a question about her work earlier, but she has yet to respond. "So," he started, again. "How's work coming along at St. Mungo's?" Colin asked Lisa, glancing at her. Even a one word response would be nice.


safinnigan July 4 2006, 17:42:02 UTC
Seamus listened and shrugged as Colin made a short response to his question about Hex Me Up. Clearly, he had little understanding of whatever it was Colin meant by unisex, and even less understanding of how that would be offered in a clothing store for witchy women.

Frankly, he was relieved when Colin asked after Lisa and St. Mungo’s. The lass hadn’t said much of anything as yet, so it was generous of Colin to try to include her. Seamus gave his willing support by adding, “Aye, lass, right then, do be telling us blokes ‘bout St. Mungo’s and how you like working there.”

He thought they had to be all crazy or worse after first declaring Bellatrix LeStrange insane, and then declaring her cured. Cured of what? Her dark mark? Harry had done that.

He was anxious to hear what the lass had to say of the place. She worked there. She ought to have some kind of opinion. Maybe it remained a decent hospital in spite of that lapse? Neville still worked there as far as he knew, so there must be some other decent folk there.


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crazedxxcreevey July 7 2006, 09:52:45 UTC
Ah, Colin didn't mean it that way, nor was he asking for an indepth answer, but Lisa gave them a decent response nontheless. Though he didn't know facility of St. Mungo's Lisa worked in, he figured it was more confidential than the other floors. He decided not to ask further questions about her job, and yet it seemed so obvious, especially with Bellatrix's release. She must work in the Psychiatric Ward, perhaps.

Colin gave a small nod of his head and a grin before downing the rest of his drink. He glanced down at the menu to check his drink's price, and fished some change out of his pocket to pay for the cider and Jasper's water. "That was refreshing," he said, placing the money down onto the counter with a smile.

"I should probably get back to work soon." With all the smiling Colin did, one would wonder if he ever got tired of it. Well, his mother once told him that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.. which he never understood. "I can't help but be a bit worried about Madam Lorelei. I'm her only salesperson, you see." Yes, he was worrying about his boss.


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