A rendezvous at an exotic place, with an exotic person.

Jun 28, 2006 20:47

Date: Wednesday, June 28th, 2000
Time: Two in the afternoon-ish
Place: Greece!
Characters Involved: Tonks & Myron
Rating: PG? -13?
Incomplete or Complete: Incomplete

Tonks was losing her mind, but that had been the least of her worries. First, she had dropped her hairbrush into the toilet when she fumbled to retrieve it from a shelf in the loo. Then her wand had gone missing under a pile of clothes she stuck together before crawling into bed the night before, which took her a good moment to find. And then last but certainly not least, she ended up spilling juice all down her favorite purple tee, and had to redress- after fumbling up the stairs, twice.

Normally mornings went this way most of the time, but this time she was not enjoying it much at all. Tonks was pressed for time, for today was a day for a sporadic plan that involved an exotic place and an exotic person. Myron and Greece. She didn’t even know if she could survive the anxiety of this adventure, let alone the anxiety of her morning mishaps. If her day started out this way, surely the rest would follow suit. God, I hope not. God had nothing to do with it. This was like living a dream. Like falling to sleep and imagining an adventure. She was going to Greece with the lead singer of the Weird Sisters. Was this heaven? It could not be really happening, even if it really was.

Finally with a clean, pale blue shirt with a criss-cross design at the collar, a pair of jeans, and her good traveling boots, Tonks was ready to go. Underneath she had thrown on her bathing suit, something she had to find stashed within one of the many boxes in her room last night- but find it she did. Now all she had to do was meet him. Because she lived at Grimmald now, he wasn’t able to ‘pick her up’- which would have driven the anxiety plane into a cliff at the very idea of Myron coming over to her place- so there had been plans made to meet up elsewhere. With wand in hand, and a bag thrown onto a shoulder, she marched herself, and then apparated, to the planned destination just shy of noon. There was definitely no turning back.


At first Tonks could hear birds, seagulls and other, introducing her location vividly. Then the roar of water as it rolled, and fizzles of it receding away from sand drowned their lively voices out. They had arrived at a beach, there was no doubt in her mind now, but Tonks had not immediately seen their end destination. Tonks had closed her eyes tight when Myron joined his arm with hers, and prepared for Side-Along Apparition. She didn’t enjoy that mode of travel at all, but would not argue with her escort when he suggested it, for how could she? Tonks soon learned that she couldn’t do much but smile and nod when she met up with Myron before they apparated.

Now they stood, arms interlocked, on the shores. Her senses were swimming within new delights, and it took her a moment to open her eyes. She was also battling a quick flush of nausea from the mode of transport. Reluctantly Tonks finally slipped her arm away from Myron’s as she opened her eyes. Attentively she took in this new exotic location. The fact that she had never been here before was partly cause for excitement, and it showed now as she stared at the landscape. Incredible. Tonks was speechless, and therefore did not speak while she took a few steps toward the water. She admired the sprightliness of the Ocean, enthralled by the vision of the deep blue it sparkled. Her hands clutched at her bag tightly, weaving around the strap on her shoulder as if it would ground her down into the reality of standing in sand before Neptune’s palaestra. She really did feel like she was dreaming, because every part of this adventure had never happened to her before. Mryon, Greece, slipping out from work within the middle of the week with reasonable excuses…. All of this did not happen to her. Yet it was.

The coast air had free roam around the beach, and it danced over Tonks happily, toying with her purple hair, trying to remove strands from the ponytail that contained it. Tonks had to let go of her bag to protect her face from the wind, and such an action woke her from her frozen stance. She decided to turn around and glance at Myron, but doing so made her squint, for the sun was glowing down just behind him as it made it’s way across the sky. It was almost overpowering and nothing compared to the sun she knew back home. But Tonks looked to Myron still, wondering if they had to go further in their travels before they could enjoy the place, or if she could set about throwing her bag down and sprinting toward the water. She even debated, as she glanced at his friendly face, if she would just jump in with all her clothes on, even if her suit was underneath. She wasn’t about to waste any more time if she could help it.

status: complete, status: invitation only, character: nymphadora tonks, character: myron wagtail

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