Date: Sunday dinner. 25 June, 2000
Location: Harry's place in Ireland
Time: 18:00 (6pm)
Character(s) Involved: Harry Potter and Terry Boot
Rating: PG, most likely.
After a night of lying and scheming in order to get out of a
set-up (date), thanks to his father, Terry was ready for Sunday to be leisurely, to say the least. He was ready to develop some photographs, read his books, play a little music, and relax, at least as much as someone like him could.
But, instead, he was paid a visit by his parents- who'd come to ask how the date had gone, but already knew, because Rivka's father had gone to the Boot's to 'exchange words' with Selig. Apparently, the man had told Selig, his daughter had come over and saw Moshe (Terry) with another girl. A shiska, even!
It was this, Terry got chided for, until he told his parents they should really be at home breaking challah and praying- to which they both responded with frowns and left him to himself.
That was nearly three hours ago- Now, as the time neared 18:00, Terry, dressed in a
dark, dark, velvet teal suit and dirty brown high tops, had finally managed to get a fire going in his usually clean fireplace. In his left, gloved hand, he held a small fistful of green Floo powder- ready to go- ready to go enjoy a nice dinner with Harry (that was really quite unprecedented, but appreciated nonetheless, even if it did throw his Sunday schedule off).
When the flames reached a strength Terry deemed appropriate for Flooing, he threw some of the powder in and watched, still with a very Muggle sense of awe, as the fire went acid green and hissed dangerously. "Christ."
With eyes clenched tightly shut, Terry stuck one sneakered foot into the fire- it feeling oddly warm- almost soothing, and stated loudly the location he wanted to go to. Pulling his arms in tight, he could feel the world start to turn at speeds that threatened to make him sick.
Bad idea bad idea bad idea!