So, three Ravenclaws walk into a club...

Jun 18, 2006 13:49

Date: 18 June, 2000
Location: Padma's flat on Shelton Street to a Muggle club.
Time: 17:00 until Merlin knows when.
Character(s) Involved: Padma Patil, Myron Wagtail, and Terry Boot
Rating: PG-13. (May be changed, we'll see!)

He couldn't help but think that this whole thing was a horrible, horrible idea. --Who 'danced'? What was 'dancing'? An excuse to bump bodies and spread disease, was what. )

status: complete, character: terry boot, status: invitation only, location: muggle london, character: myron wagtail, character: padma patil

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diva_myron June 19 2006, 15:18:09 UTC
"Hello, my good man, it's nearly six, and I must proceed, I MUST PROCEED!" Myron crashed into the main doors, looking his most stylishly flamboyant. Not a single strand of hair was ruffled, even as he came running - his sunglasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of his nose - a diva, a real diva!

Not that he didn't know this already.

But DuPont's tactel shirt's heavenly shining did not have the necessary effect on the doorman, who blocked the entrance to the lifts with a rather dispassionate face. Of course, he was an old man, what did he understand in the club culture? A minuscule of things!

"You don't understand, my good man, I'm here to escort Padma, that beautiful and smart Indian girl that needs loosening up," he explained, barely containing his impatience. Honestly, sometimes he really could understand all those misanthropic sentiments of some of his fellows. Especially in cases such as this.

"Can I go and fetch her and her friend now?" Myron vogued questioningly. "Hello-o, old man, can I now? We have to be running, seriously."

How strange - why was the old man staring at him like that and all silent too? Myron pouted and without another second's regard, bent down and pecked a kiss on the doorman's cheek, sending him into a temporary stupor - just enough to jump past him and into the lifts. He was already on his way to the upper levels, when he heard the doorman come into senses and call after him with the number of Padma's flat and the floor it was located on.

"Knockie, knockie, knock-knock-knock!" Myron repeated after his peculiar knocking style, waiting on the door to open, so he could grab the two newest 'friends' of his and disapparate into the club with them.


prophecyofpadma June 19 2006, 16:01:12 UTC
Padma arched an eyebrow at the vibrant -- need we say, hyperactive -- knocking at her door, swallowing a pained groan. Oh, this was going to be an interesting night. Glancing up Terry, Padma sighed, "I'm really, really sorry for putting you through this. And I promise to make it up to you tomorrow." Kissing Terry briefly on the cheek and quickly wiping away a smudge of lipstick -- non-smear, my ass -- Padma stood and strided over to the door, pulling out open.

Leaning slightly on the open door, Padma smirked, "Two boys in one night. The doorman probably thinks I'm some kind of freak. Come on in, Myron. Terry's already here, and we're ready to go. Well, ready as we'll ever be."


terry_schtiwl June 19 2006, 23:08:05 UTC
Terry moved on the sofa as Padma got up to answer the door. With the sudden change in weight, the couch had seemingly deflated and he had to use the armrest to pull himself from the crack between two cushions he'd fallen into. "Oof-" It only took a moment-- and- He was free! And just in time, as the door opened to reveal a tall, slim man in a rather- shiny outfit. Terry blinked and re-adjusted his spectacles.

Then, realising he'd gone rigid, Terry lifted a hand to rub at the place Padma kissed, certain he could still feel lipstick, but kept his eyes fixed on --Myron.

This was the man behind the journal, then. This was the man who envied the lives of pink bunnies.



diva_myron June 20 2006, 02:50:03 UTC
"Ta-da!" Myron entered the room with a wide smile that seemed a bit artificial in combination with the ultra-stylish glasses - but of course, he was very sincere. It was the quality of non-handmade things to artificialize everything and there was not much to do about it.

"The poor doorman," he continued, proceeding into the room and settling himself in the larger of armchairs, hoping his height would fit in. "I pecked him on the way, you know," he added, raising his hands to check out his nails (clean or dirty?). "He was being difficult, on purpose as I'm sure, so I had to confound him someway."

All of this time, Myron was addressing Padma, in a way, because he wasn't introduced to Terry officially yet - but hey, when had he bothered about traditions and etiquette. Turning toward where Terry was located, Myron studied him for a minute silently, not a muscle twitching on his face. Being creepy wasn't really his style and liking, however, so in a few he let out a light laughter, and taking down his sunglasses, Myron nodded.

"Hello there, you must be Terry - and I'm Myron. Nice outfit, by the way, glad you listened to my advice." As if remembering something, Myron turned toward where Padma stood, eyes widened-- "And oh gods, your unearthly beauty in that enviable jacket made me forget that I had to actually let you know how awesome you look like that, darling - but I'm back to my senses - I love your outfit, Padma!"


terry_schtiwl June 20 2006, 03:32:59 UTC
Still using the armrest for leverage, Terry pulled himself to his full height of-- well, short. Eyes never moving from Myron (that's not to say he wasn't blinking), he took a few steps forward, bringing himself to Padma's side. He smiled weakly, shoving his hands furitively into his pockets as not to be forced to shake. "Er. -Yes, thanks. Padma did it-- and hello.--"

Words failed him- he never was a conversationalist.


prophecyofpadma June 21 2006, 00:07:12 UTC
Looping her arm with Terry's, Padma reached out to gently adjust Terry's tie, -- that didn't really need adjusting -- patting him lightly on the chest to try and reassure him, "Isn't he handsome? You really should dress like this more often, Terry," She said, grinning as she turned to Myron.

"You're kidding... You probably scared him to death," Padma said, giggling a bit to herself. "But that's all right. He's told me several times that he thinks my guests are a bit 'off'. I guess I'll be hearing it again tomorrow."

Fluffing her hair at the compliment, Padma tried her best to ignore the color suffusing her cheeks, "This old thing?" That she'd just whipped up about an hour before. "It's nothing."


diva_myron June 27 2006, 17:08:38 UTC
"Very handsome," Myron said, eyebrows rising in a curious studying of the young male. "Sparkles," he added smiling mysteriously, referring to Terry's eyes - the diamond shining of them could be visible even through the thickness of specs - any kind, really.

"Ahh," he sighed demonstratively, "Why is it that there aren't that many beauties like you two, hm?" Myron's smile widened even farther, as he briefly contemplated the possibility of showering the two youngsters with his compliments, which could get more and more uneasy to take - although always very true. It was a special talent - saying the truth in compliments. Easy for Myron, as he had an eye for natural gifts and winning features of almost all of his interlocutors.

"Anyway - are you folks ready?" he clapped his hands. Judging by the way they looked, they were. However, they still could have little unfinished businesses to take care, so he waited. There was a very small smirk, friendly in its nature, as he thought on how awesome the night was going to be.


terry_schtiwl June 28 2006, 08:06:43 UTC
Making an anxious face as Padma adjusted his tie, Terry allowed himself to be spoken of without giving much of a reaction. He smiled slightly as Padma said something about scaring the doorman to death, but was almost immediately forced to frown again as Myron said something about sparkles.

Terry looked at him a moment, contemplating something, before dropping his eyes to the man's shoes. His arm looped through Padma's kept him next to her- otherwise, he would have gone back to the couch- and probably, propped a pillow on his lap to pass the time- to keep his eyes on something other than part of the human anatomy. "Ready?" He turned his head slightly towards Padma's- his eyes still on the footwear. "I am."


prophecyofpadma June 28 2006, 08:14:42 UTC
"I'm ready," Padma said, trying to keep her face happy and yet passive at the same time as she squeezed Terry's arm gently. Bugger, she still didn't think this was a good idea. But... She wouldn't judge. Be open to new experiences. Besides, she was curious.


diva_myron June 30 2006, 15:23:34 UTC
"Well then, why won't we go, hm?" Myron rose from the armchair he had comfortably seated himself, and moved toward the two younger Ravenclaws.

"I am not exactly sure as to the nature of this house, so I do not suppose using Apparition in front of your poor doorman would make him feel better about the earlier pecking," he continued, smiling slightly, as he towered above them. "What do you think we should do? Take the cab or 'whoosh' into the nearest dark corner near the club I'm taking you two?" he inquired curiously. Both ways were acceptable, although he doubted Terry would have liked riding the cab, which was not exactly the paragon of cleanness.

"At any rate - on to Fabric!"


terry_schtiwl June 30 2006, 20:53:36 UTC
As Myron spoke, Terry kept focused on the shoes- it was easier to think, for him anyway, when he wasn't looking at someone. It let some pressure off or something. His mouth remained in its downward slant as the options for transportation were given. "A cab?"

His eyes made their way hurriedly up to Myron's as his eyebrows contracted. "-Ah, cabs are- so many people sit there in a given day. You never know- what might be living there."

Terry bit his bottom lip a moment and looked over at Padma. "Do you have anti-Apparation Wards up?"


prophecyofpadma July 2 2006, 13:56:49 UTC
Padma grinned at Terry, "I do, but I've got them set to drop for up to five minutes when I trigger them," She said, drawing her wand from out of the deep pockets of the jacket. "Shall I?"


diva_myron July 20 2006, 12:02:40 UTC
"Please," Myron nodded, urging Padma to do as she was wondering. In a few moments, their way was clear and Myron grabbed the two youngsters by their hands, as only he knew the way to the club that was awaiting their glorious arrival. There was a distinct 'pop' in the air and they all had to endure the horrible squeezing sensation, before Apparating in a darkened alley at the back of the large building.

"Here we are then," he said, releasing the two, as his hand instantly flew up to adjust his ruffled hair. Ruffled even more now, Myron looked his most gorgeous self (in his opinion), and with an excited grin he pointed toward the corner of the building that was lit up with an amalgamation of variously coloured lights.

"Shall we?"


terry_schtiwl July 20 2006, 19:40:13 UTC
Terry had been about to ask Padma a question about something or other when Myron grabbed his (and Padma's) hand- and away they went. When they landed, it took Terry a moment to regain as balance- he blinked a moment, bearings lost. "-Oy."

He watched distractedly as Myron 'fixed' his hair, then turned to see where the man was pointing to.

At least it looked nice- all the colours. And a heavy bass could be felt through the concrete, even from as far off as they were. Terry glanced to Padma and adjusted his glasses. "What's this place called again?"


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