Oct 01, 2004 22:47
I really hate it when david works saturdays. he goes to bed super early, and like the fool that i am i dont think to make plans ahead of time. well, even if i did it'd be pretty messed up cause i'd be like "yah after the more important person goes to bed, i'll come hang out with lowly you cause im just using you." Which in reality isnt how it is at all... but heavens. it comes across that way sometimes. i DESERVE to be alone. i've tried to get ahold of some people, but everyone's already got plans.
eh, stop my whining.
but darnnit, its my journal and i can whine as much as i like.
so im watching "Underworld". i rented it for david and poor thing couldnt even stay up long enough to watch it. maybe i'll go exchange it. is blockbuster closed already? crap yah. its already 11. this movie isnt very happy to watch by yourself at night.. wearwolves and vampires.. oh my! **sidenote: it makes me SO angry in movies when a man just backhands a woman. just BOOM. and she does nothing. like its ok. ugh.
i lost a coke. how does one just lose a coke? unless maybe one was just fat and drank it then forgot.. that would explain the mysterious dissapearance. but one would not prefer this explanation. leaving one in quite a predicament.
will someone PLEASE be my friend?!