updates and explanations for people who will probably never see them and a question!

Jan 29, 2011 04:08

Messed with my layout and icons (thanks again to plastique for a bunch of them, though I... don't think I used any that I actually requested, ffff. THEY'RE LOVELY THOUGH.) What do you guys think? All that's new layout-wise is the header and color scheme; I like this layout too much. XD

Oh! I also have a plurk now! You can add me here, though if it isn't obvious who you are by your username/profile stuff/whatever, please comment here and let me know.

Let's see... College has been kicking my butt lately with a bunch of assignments that mostly seem like busy work. Classes are either too easy (and boring) or are about dull things (and therefore boring), so I'm not as motivated as I'd like to be. I'm an extreme perfectionist when it comes to school, so as much as I would like to half-ass things, I won't.

I've been playing at ilpromenade and having a blast so far. For once, I'm not playing any FF or KH characters -- I'm playing Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4, Rebecca Crane from Assassin's Creed, and Dr. J.S. Steinman from Bioshock. My tags have been kind of slow thanks to lolschool, unfortunately, but I'm having a lot of fun.

There's wank on the anon comms already though, of course, which... just makes me paranoid, really. I am kind of socially inept and I'm the first to admit it, so I'm hoping people will come to me if they have a problem they need to discuss ;_; There's been stuff about chat being cliquey, which makes me panic because, due to doing fifty things at once (usually school, ahaha, or continuing IMverse shenanigans), I don't always greet everyone/respond to everything in chat. I do usually click on links, though, just because shiny. SO IF ANYONE FROM PROM IS READING THIS, I'M NOT TRYING TO BE CLIQUEY OR IGNORE ANY OF YOU OR ANYTHING, I SWEAR. I'M ALSO SORRY THAT MY MIND IS IN THE GUTTER.

In addition, I've been trying to tag more and get more CR, but... well... Here's a question for those of you that rp: Am I the only one who gets nervous about tagging a character that I don't know when I also don't know the mun that well? Or is it just me being a ball of anxiety? (Speaking of, why is "ball of anxiety" not one of my tags? /FIXES THIS) I'm not really sure why it makes me so nervous, it just... does. That and I've been so unfocused lately that I haven't had the brain for logs x_x It doesn't help that I'm PMSing, fffff (NOT THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT, SORRY GUYS).

Um. What else. My cat has been sneezing a lot? This is pretty typical, though, it just sucks because he sounds so pathetic... and because he gets snot all over everything. ...Okay I'm just going to stop typing before I gross you all out.

oh lord i'm thinking again, ball of anxiety, kitties!, life, rping

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