Out of curiosity ...

Mar 03, 2011 18:50

Does anyone reading this journal speak Farsi or Mandarin?

I've got the seeds of an original writing project that's going to use the occasional word or phrase in each of those languages. I'll be doing my own research (both lingual and cultural) as much as possible, but it'd be useful to be able to send over the occasional batch of sentences to make sure I've got appropriate words and names in context. Also, I'd really love to know whether I'm mentally pronouncing my characters' names right. *chagrin*

If I successfully turn this from idea to substance, I may post again in the future looking for Persian/Iranian or Han-Chinese cultural betas, but that's far off and offering up lingual spot-checks by no means volunteers you for any other duties.

Thanks as always, internets!
* (Cross-posted to Dreamwidth and LJ, but comments are welcome at either.)

fishing, meta

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