Oh, Supernatural.

Feb 07, 2010 22:53

Your plotlines make no sense. It's kind of endearing how little sense they make. Angels need to brawl to smite humans, really? Michael's got Sam spooked with a bullshit argument about predestination that the average Stanford freshman could tear apart at their first kegger, really? Castiel doesn't just give himself a break and live out the intervening thirty-two years in Bora Bora and save himself another time jump, really?

I mean, it's cute how you try, and I won't say no to watching Mary kick ass with a sharp knife. Also, the scene between Sam and John was really touching, though the following "it'll all be fine if we're never born" scene with Mary was Winchester logic at its shit-stupidest. But meanwhile, I'm annoyed that Anna went over to the dark side (though I'm proud that Cas now gets loyalty -- I think he's almost made it out of emotional fourth grade and everything!), significantly more annoyed that Uriel is always an evil black guy (yes, fine, it's passed in blood lines, but still: enough with the evil black guys), and I really would love to sit your writers down and teach them how to test a plot line for plausible cause and effect. I'm not claiming I'm the expert at it, but still. I heard better arguments for causality versus free will in my high school philosophy class.

In summary, it's lucky for you that you're pretty.

* (Cross-posted to Dreamwidth and LJ, but comments are welcome at either.)

episode reactions, spn

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