Dreamwidth/LJ compatibility.

Aug 22, 2009 21:25

 All right, so, here's the scoop, yos.

I'm currently established under this name at both LJ and Dreamwidth. I'm importing my old LJ entries to Dreamwidth, and I'll be posting there with all entries crossposted to LJ as well. I'm not currently planning to disable comments at LJ -- as far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to comment wherever you're reading, unless/until I run into some problem with that arrangement. I'm continuing my policy of reciprocating the level of access you grant me -- I don't make personal RL posts on this journal, and I only read its friendslist/reading page sporadically. The only things I tend to make friends-only (or the DW equivalent) are posts about in-progress works, so you're not missing out on much at all if you opt not to friend this journal/grant it access.

As always, questions, comments, concerns, and snappy comebacks can be left below.
(Cross-posted to Dreamwidth and LJ, but comments are welcome at either.)


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