Final SGA Episode: belated livebloggin'!

Jan 30, 2009 20:34

Yes, I'm only now getting to it, for no particular reason other than ... I hadn't felt like it until now? Whatever. Don't hate the non-player.

- Oh, Todd. Still more entertaining than any other recurring character. Never stop calling John Sheppard by his full name. We need you to bring the enemies/crappy-antagonistic-allies slash.
- Colonel Ellison: Here For Last-Ep Comprehensiveness, and Also Cardboard Exposition.
- What? They're booting John from the city? He totally has "what do you mean I have to babysit on the night of the big cross-town game?" face.
- Oh Rodney. Of course you have an acronym for tracking whose gene is bigger. However, SGA writers: I kind of think the dude responsible for developing and administering the gene therapy would know the metrics for success.
- Sam: not leading Atlantis apparently gives her silky, laid-back hair. Unfortunately, that hair comes with eight buckets of makeup, suburban mom earrings, and an ill-fitting jacket that made me rewind so I could make sure she wasn't pregnant.
- Teyla, on the other hand, has awesome hair, while I suspect Jason Momoa's expression in Woolsey's "one last out" speech is at least 25% "only [X] more days until I never have to wear this wig again."
- Yep, SGA writers: still operating under the belief that characters spending two minutes discussing technical information we don't really care about is an effective way of creating plot twists and also exciting on shows other than House. However, I love the hand-talker in the dress uniform they hired to tag-team the backstory with Sam. He is dedicated to the role, man.
- No, no -- if the 302's nosediving, don't shake the camera to simulate it, shake Joe Flanigan. Much more entertaining.
- It's like it never occurred to Sam that John might possibly, say, disobey orders or go on a kamikaze run. Has she even met him? Oh, wait, there was that thing where she was his BOSS for a year.
- Seriously, military technical exposition dude: was he on SG-1, or did they invent him for this episode? Either way, that crack about the IOA was actually well-delivered.
- Okay, the call-back to Wraith tactics actually seems like world-building and as though they've learned from past events. When you do it like that, it works. When somebody says, "Hey, I think this happened to SG-1 this one time" is just cribbing off your own franchise.
- Why have we not gotten more Woolsey and Zelenka scenes? Those two can make the exposition seem exciting and like a conversation actually occurring between two people.
- NO STABBING OF RONON. BAD WRAITH. NO BISCUIT. And oh my god, Rodney and Teyla's distressed little faces.
- And don't think offering me a tense, last-ditch-abort-of-suicide-mission Rodney/John phone conversation is going to make me forgive you.
- Okay, John's face is my face too.
- And ... Ronon's back alive. While normally I would never reward the writers for chickening out of killing someone, in this case I'm all for it, because that would've been an incredibly pissant move.
- Yes, fine, brownie poinss for the Chewie line.
- Why is Jennifer extra-blowdried for the apocalypse? Seriously, is she heading to Graceland after she gets off-shift?
- Carson? Please look less constipated while using an interface shaped like a chair. It's problematic.
- ILU Banks. Still the best at delivering mid-crisis reports without either sounding like a news-ticker or over-emoting.
- Okay, guys? When you've just shown the hive exploding on-screen and you cut to the SGC war room, you can really skip on the line "They did it!" We were watching. We caught it.
- Everyone on earth watching the city fall: "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a ... giant flaming snowglobe?"
- No, seriously, directors -- let the people in the SGC war room clap and cheer. It's called for, and looks far less awkward than all of the sitting around trying to act like tentatively pleased furniture.
- OMG BEDSIDE RONON/BANKS SCENE? And her hair is down and everything? And she springs him from the infirmary? Is it my birthday and you didn't tell me? Also, her arms are amazing in that shirt, holy shit that woman is hot. I can't decide if I more want to hump her leg or let her go ahead and ride Ronon's so I can just watch.
- Seriously, after this last season, I'm kind of amazed they remembered to give Ronon any kind of closing high note to his individual plot arc. Let alone get/be gotten by the hot badass who is far superior to Jennifer Keller (no offense, Jewel Staite) or for that matter any woman on the series other than Teyla.
- What, we don't get Todd for the closing balcony shot? Not that it'd be plausible, but since Rodney's Keller is pastede on, I kind of want Todd slinging his arm around John for a nose-thumbing counterbalance.
- Um. As the closing relationship note of the series is Rodney/Keller (sigh), the cut to Teyla makes me wonder where the hell Torren and Kanaan are.
- Aaaaand ... we have ended this episode as we ended 95% of all others: with the slackening of air wheezing out of a rapidly-deflating balloon. Plus some all-American imagery for good measure. The Golden Gate Bridge visual wasn't half-bad, but I really wish they'd done an ironic nod to their actual roots and had them touch down in the bay by Vancouver. Seriously, how great would that have been.

episode reactions, sga

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