In which gender does a triple axel, and I send up every fanfic convention I can think of.
Title: Tab A Slot B
Rating: R/NC-17 (though more for language than anything else)
Summary: The men spend the entire meeting trying not to stare at each other's tits and failing miserably.
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I have to admit though, I don't want Rodney or even John (though he's career military, how much internalised homophobia must he have? Given that he is clearly at least a little bit gay) to be homophobic or transphobic! I like the idea of SGA much more than the show itself in general (though I have seen all the episodes, I mainlined them over Christmas) so when I think of them I tend to transpose them to the happy queer world in my head. But in the real/remotely related to canon world, I think there's no way Rodney would ever have done the kind of self-analysis that would let him recognise his immediate reactions to the discomfort he'd feel at a Pride Parade or confronted by Parrish in a dress as homo/transphobia, so, yes.
I was just looking at the other comments and I really agree with graycastle about the actual (read: queer rather than fandom parlance :) ) genderfuck you had going on, ie that in their changed bodies nobody was ever anywhere near passing. Personally I find that way, way hotter than the idea of John or Rodney or whoever as a 'real' woman anyway... But that's always been one of my personal perversions.
This is exactly my reaction -- as far as I can tell, the SGA fandom is fueled by what the show could be (genius), rather than by what it consistently is (entertaining, sometimes very good, intermittently clunky as hell).
But that's always been one of my personal perversions.
Hey, I'm all about queering the queers. *laughs* That's an awesome compliment to get, particularly because I opted for the more complicated version of genderswap because it interested me more, without really considering its ramifications re: hotness. But yeah, I think my tastes are similar to yours -- I've always been turned on by sex (real, fantasy, or fictitious) where people focus on producing the most pleasure in their partner's body, ignoring (or purposefully manipulating) potential meanings of those bodies and those acts.
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