Live-blogging "Quarantine"

Jan 19, 2008 14:49

Because if I'm going to take a break from homework, I'm going to make it count.

Ahahhaaha, trapping the guy who's about to propose marriage in a small room with his intended, with no way to communicate or reach the outside world. Marriage = No Exit, and hell is other people you're married to. Oh SGA writers, you crack my shit up.

Also, John? "Wham!" is maybe an inaccurate sound effect to use to indicate labor. I'm just saying.

N'aww pigeons. And I love how embarrassed Radek looked -- dude, it's your adorable hobby, not a still from the Hot Airforce Chicks Play Beachball 2007 calendar.

Okay, Teyla, this isn't the direction I was expecting them to take you ... but it does make sense, even if I'm a little twitchy.

John, the "your child has a family" line was adorable.

Keller: "I don't think I've ever met someone with such reckless aggression. [pause] That's not a compliment." Oh, man, I like her so much right now.

Ronon, why did you look at her like she suggested strip poker? Also, love how Keller gets extra-Midwestern when she's flustered. Also, Keller/Ronon = HOT LIKE BURNING.

Katie, a) quit pouting, and b) how have you been dating Rodney for two years and totally missed this side of him?

Also, Rodney's "You forget despair" made me a little wibbly. All you haters: shut it.

Carter sticking up for Rodney: awesome. Ahahhahhaa, Radek's "other than the doors being stuck."

John, how much do I love that when you realize Rodney's locked in botany with no computer, your reaction isn't "well, shit, there went the person most likely to spring us before we all suffocate," but "he's going to be freaking." You are so going to be that bridesmaid at the wedding, John: the one who's in love with the groom and catches him before he goes up to the alter because this bow tie is crooked and you want his day to be perfect for him.

Ironically, Katie and Rodney are the least likely to die because they're trapped in the room with all the oxygen-producing plants.

... Why do we have to know Rodney's password to get into the computer system? However, I forgive you that dubious assertion in exchange for the uber-geeky explanation of the password, and the fact that Rodney offered it to John like a fifteen-year-old girl slipping her crush an emo romantic mixtape she's positive he won't stop to decode.

Radek, regarding your gaze dropping to Carter's cleavage: I was right there with you, buddy. Right there.

Katie, this is not your best make-up day ever. Less eyeliner, sweetie. And oh god, never caress a cactus like that while you say "a little TLC" -- SGA writers, you're losing points for a joke that lame and cheap. Though John's crack about "second base" back in the first scene is starting to look a little on the nose.

Oh, Ronon, I forgot your wife was in medicine. Was that actual pre-ship set-up, writers? I'm ... maybe a little impressed.

Oh god, if Jason Momoa cries, I'm totally going to be dragged over the edge after him.

John, that is the sixest face anyone has ever made with their hand on a pregnant lady's stomach.

AHAHAHAHAHA "Batman did it all the time." John Sheppard: TOTAL DIPSHIT.

You guys totally did a bottle episode so you'd have the budget to do that shot of John on the tower, huh.

"They're not for eating." Aw, Radek, your sense of humor does not weather claustrophpbia well.

... Okay, the dangling pull-up sequence is hot. Fine. Be gratuitous. (Nnnngh.)

And now that the self-destruct's on, I'm kind of wondering if they're going to have some lame deus ex machina where the city just arbitrarily lets everyone out.

Oh man, is it chemistry time with Ronon and Keller? -- No, but team movie night is now canon, as is Ronon acquiring John's taste in 80's blockbusters, so I'll accept the trade.

Teyla climbing out the window: fucking rock. Teyla going back in the window: ... okay, fine, pregnant bouldering is maybe not the best idea ever.

I think this episode is probably the biggest canon rejection of the John/Atlantis fanon. Seriously, if he could actually sweet-talk the city, he would have by now. We're officially writing that from the land of "wouldn't it be cool if."

Chuck! You're in more than one scene! I'm so proud of you, sweetie -- with your fluffy hair and shirt sleeves, awww.

Radek, your bravery is endearing, but Carter is actually smaller around than you are.

Hooray for actual character arc for Keller and her nervousness! Also, I'm starting to think she has more in common with Rodney than anyone else in the city. And Ronon, of course you like a girl better after she's initiated an explosion.

Ahahahahahaha Czech monologuing: always awesome. As is bendy!Radek. I bet he's doing yoga with Dr. Ambrose.

Oh man, Keller/Ronon -- dude, was that a hair kiss! o.O He totally kissed her hair.

Ahahahhahaha Czech pratfalls: also comedy gold.

Nonononono, Ronon and Keller, go back to making out! No one is sick! MAKEOUTS NOW!

Aww, Keller's all pink and coming over to the team table. Oh, Ronon, you're cracking my shit up: "What?" You are officially less subtle than Rodney.

Oh Rodney: "Shortcomings, perhaps?" If Heightmeyer weren't dead, she'd be so proud of you. -- okay, and now I'm proud of you. And hell, SGA writers, I'm a little proud of you, too. Wow. I can't believe that you actually recognized that marriage isn't like asking someone to go steady in seventh grade -- aka, you shouldn't do it just because your sister told you too. That's a pretty big step for you guys. I think we've made real progress today.

Overall, I've gotta say that wasn't a half-bad episode. In fact, it was actually kind of new territory for you -- and new territory I didn't hate! There was actual character development, for multiple characters, Radek got to save the day in a relatively plausible and un-showy way, and dude, Keller/Ronon. SGA has actually created a canonical ship I can get behind! Jeez, if they'd actually kissed, I might have had to go change my underwear. Nnngh.

episode reactions, sga

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