
Oct 28, 2011 16:06

Looking for something in particular? The easiest way to find it is from my tags -- you can browse by fandom or go straight to my fanfic. You can also check out my website, which exists due to the benevolence of svmadelyn and anatsuno.

Questions? Leave a comment. : )


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Comments 7

svmadelyn April 7 2008, 04:11:36 UTC
Heya! I don't know if you're weird about aesthetics like this as I am, but just in case? If you want to remove the 'www' from the url address of your wordpress (so if you want it to be http://fiercely rather than http://www.fiercely), just do this:

Your WordPress blog has a setting in the Admin section under Options, which sets the URL of the site. There, you will need to change that value, as WordPress will always redirect to that value. :)


fiercelydreamed April 7 2008, 04:29:00 UTC
You're amazing. :) I figured there had to be some way to do that, but I had no idea how. I've got it switched over now.

Thanks again for hosting me! Really, I'm so geekily gleeful that I have a website. It's very kind of you.


svmadelyn April 7 2008, 04:38:31 UTC
No problem! I think I might actually have messed something up in the first place in the domain default, so it reset everyone's wordpress blogs to the www. (Still no clue if it was me or something else though.)

You're very welcome! Your site looks lovely! Just let me know if you should need anything else down the line. :)


deliranteverse January 25 2010, 05:13:53 UTC
Hi~ I left you an email through your site but I'm not sure if you received it? I was interesting in podficing one of your stories & would love if you could consider my request?


fiercelydreamed January 25 2010, 05:21:57 UTC
I'm so glad you left me this comment -- I never got the email at the site. (Updating the contact info there needs to go on my to-do list.) Yes, you're welcome to record anything of mine that you like -- I love podfic wholeheartedly, and I give blanket permission. I'm curious what you plan to record, but you don't have to tell me in advance if you'd rather it be a surprise. The only thing I'd ask is that you leave me another comment when it's up, so I can be sure to listen to it and put a link up here. :) Thanks so much for your interested! I'm excited to hear what you do.


deliranteverse January 25 2010, 05:49:44 UTC
THANK YOU! I was just getting slightly worried or more like very eager so I thought an email & a LJ comment would be a good idea.

I was just wondering if I could have permission for “Joining with the Jackal Pack" to be turned into a podfic? It's one of my favorite SGA AUs. I don't think there are enough words to express how much I love this fic.

Most recently, there was a fandom effort to raise money for the tragedy in Haiti through the LJ community, help_haiti. I bid on someone (temaris) to podfic some of my favorite SGA stories and yours was one of the first ones to come to mind.

I'll definitely keep you updated on the progress/send you a link as soon as it's finished!

Thank you again~


fiercelydreamed January 25 2010, 06:23:44 UTC
Oh man, I would be delighted if there were a podfic of Jackal Pack! I love that story, and I am incapable of recording it myself -- I don't even know why, but I tried once and it just did not work in the slightest. And the idea that it might be recorded as a charitable effort just makes me extra warm inside. You've made my night!


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