Gacked from an assortment of people

Jan 19, 2006 21:14

Top 10 Signs You're Reading My Fiction

1. It doesn't break the 5,000 word mark.
2. It doesn't actually achieve any concrete kind of closure.
3. If you thought the main characters were totally going to Be Together / In Love at the end of it, well, you were wrong.
4. You finished it and thought, Uh. Wow. That just fucked with my head a little.
5. ... And that was more likely to be the story where the main characters ended up Together / In Love.
6. You can't shake the feeling that all the sex was a symbol or metaphor for something else.
7. All adjectives come in pairs of threes (separated by commas, though, because otherwise you're reading a story by shaenie).
8. It is never, ever in the first person.
9. Any colloquialisms indicating place or time show up in sporadic bursts that correspond to when I pulled up the appropriate online dictionary of slang.
9. There are probably roughly four words of dialogue for every fifty words of prose description (when there's dialogue at all). And the dialogue itself is probably exceeded in word count by the description of how people sound or look when they're talking.
10. The viewpoint character is way too detail-oriented and/or analytical to actually exist.

on writing

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