
Sep 18, 2006 01:50

In the past 15 minutes or so I have killed 4, countem 4, mosquitos in my room.  I don't know where they're coming from, but I will not take this assault lying down any longer!  I have exacted my revenge on 3 FEmales (thanks Tim) and one male (a killing I felt a twinge of guilt making, knowing that the gigantic boy mosquitos are actually harmless, but I had to make my point!), and will probably continue on my rampage into Inbal's bathroom, where her method of dealing with the excessively large and horrifying mosquito problem is "turn off the light and hope it's not there in the morning".  Oh Inbal.

We initiated the new E8 babies on friday night...there was some elaborate a cappella style hazing going on but I was already mildly intoxicated at that I just remember yelling at Casey for "hurting my babies!"  while he yelled at them for not singing notes correctly as they sat blindfolded on the couch.  It was a brief but successful time: I think we're going to have fun with this group.

Lately, it seems I can't do anything right.  From baking, to singing, to being a well-rounded, educated person, to arranging, to teaching said arrangements, even to my social interactions: I am frequently lacking.  I can't pinpoint what is so wrong: I have so little to do that the resulting laziness causes me to do everything half-assed?  I have too much time to think, honestly, and it's bad for me to over analyze everything in my life so much.  Last year when i was in duress I was able to find solace in others: this year it doesn't help, but rather serves as a momentary distraction.  I don't even want to talk: I feel so unnecessarily whiny that it only makes me feel worse.  Don't get me wrong: I'm still having fun spending time with's just that sometimes I come home and I get sad and I wish I could figure out why.  Perhaps it has to do with worry for the future, for the loss of this life I've made.  I worry about changes to come, changes that have already occurred that I'm still trying to deal with .  I worry about everything and end up making things worse for's silly.

A cat that I've had since the 1st grade was hit by a car today. Though he was given to my mom by her mother, I got the pleasure of naming him, and dubbed him Charlie, after the dog in "all dog's go to heaven".  If you don't remember that movie, WHICH YOU SHOULD, I will remind you that Charlie the dog was completely badass but with a heart of gold;  the cat grew into his chosen name by turning out to be the sweetest, most impressively badass cat you'll ever meet.  11 pounds of solid muscle,  a menace to any rodent within a 3 mile radius...we would often be left disgusting "presents" on our doormat.  Yet, he was the most chill and lovable cat you could ask for when he came home at night.  Charles, you will be missed.

I need to stop drinking.  Last night I harrassed my sister on the phone for a half hour about borrowing her bow and arrow for my halloween costume.  Jen: "no Kristine, I am not going to give you a WEAPON when you are going to be COMPLETELY SMASHED".   I suppose she has a point.  Also, I made a full pancake and blueberry muffin pancake breakfast for the dragoncloud boys, and later proceeded to almost smash their TV.  Good times.  Sometimes I think power hours are a bad idea.

In conclusion:  pudding cups are amazing comfort snacks: brings me back to that whole "after school snack" feeling of elementary school...and everyone knows snack packs were the shizz to have in your lunch at school.   I'm so weird that I think about these things.

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