this sound like a wives' tale to anyone else?
Sure, many men don't know that as few as 7% of women can reliably come from vaginal penetration alone - in which case, do you really want to sleep with them? - but for those who do, now they can just look at our vaginas for clues! New research might explain why some women are able to come from vaginal intercourse alone, and most women aren't. According to the Los Angeles Times, it's something called "the rule of thumb": "Clitoris-vagina distances less than 2.5 cm - that's roughly from the tip of your thumb to your first knuckle - tend to yield reliable orgasms during sex."
Basically, if your clit is close to your vagina (C-V distance), you can come from sex. If not, you're S.O.L. Kim Wallen, a professor of psychology and behavioral neuroendocrinology at Emory University, is the one studying the C-V distance theory, but he isn't the first to notice a correlation.
Also, uh... when did that become a reason not to sleep with people? Hell, only one of my male partners ever came from penetration alone. OH NO I WAS ROBBED BY THE OTHERS OH WAIT I WAS HAVING A GREAT TIME AND SO WERE THEY NM.
Seriously, I want to find whatever idiot it was who decided putting your hand on your clit/dick/etc. while getting fucked in the wherever is cheating and introduce them to the clue bat.