and I love it.
I'm not as fond of the song as I am of other songs of hers, but the concept? Goddamn.
Click to view
I have to say here how glad I am to have a fabulously kickass femme friend in my life to show me wonderful, wonderful stuff like this. HELL YES, WITH SPARKLES.
On that note I've been seeing rather a bit of nastiness aimed at feminine people lately, from some drama on f!s about someone who wants to cosplay during sex "demeaning" herself to the Johnny Weirdrama I posted about a little bit ago. Dear internet, hate not on the sparkly, for they are fierce and their glitter alone owns you forever.
I shouldn't have to say this, really, but it seems I still do, even now that I'm away from the wasps and the bees and the "fuck the sparkleponies" bullshit that I saw day in and day out when I tried to be a capital-F Feminist, but:
A safe world, a world free of sexism and homophobia (and just look at the way people treat feminine men if you doubt that sexism and homophobia love to do the tango), is a world in which all genders and gender expressions are recognized, celebrated, and honored. PERIOD. END.