Title: Inception
Characters/Pairing: Megatron and Starscream (slash), random OC who doesn't matter for plot (what plot there is, anyway.)
Verse: My own weird thingy; same 'verse as
The Beginning of the End, but less broody and more smutty.
Wordcount: 2,000+
Rating: M for spark-sex
Warnings: Sexiness. Of the spark-sex variety, as said above.
Summary: This is a gift for
kaz26 for the holidays. Megatron and Starscream. Being smutty. Yep. That's pretty much all there is to it. It's set in a past that I made up for them both, so it doesn't fit neatly into existent continuities, but it should be clear enough what's going on. Don't read it if shameless robo-smut bothers you, because shameless robo-smut is really all it is.
Inception )