A crazy month

Mar 08, 2010 12:14

Yesterday we recorded Momma telling family stories yesterday. I'm hoping to get that transcribed to her blog this week. We're keeping an MP3 recorder close at hand so we can remember to record her more often to get her stories down for the kids and grandkids...and anyone else who might be interested. :)

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED: I will be participating in next Sunday's FREE recital for John Jones' voice students, March 14th, 3pm-4:30pm, at the beautiful "Church of the Epiphany", 2089 Ponce de Leon Avenue at the corner of Ponce de Leon and East Lake Road, about one mile west of Decatur. For directions: http://www.epiphany.org/directions.html

Boring personal update: The last month has been kind of a Romeo & Juliet costumed blur, which I've enjoyed, mind you, but it takes some getting used to. I was very proud of how I was pacing myself, not overdoing, taking care of my health. Then a week ago Sunday I inhaled sawdust from the shop and spent the next week battling off a sinus infection. Tuesday I had food poisoning (probably from the leftover Chinese food I ate the day before) which left me dehydrated. Wednesday I was up early for an R & J student matinee at Whitewater High in Fayetteville. My voice lessons seem to be helping with more than just learning to enjoy singing (which was the goal) because I was pretty much able to project in spite of the "froginess". I had my voice lesson that afternoon, which was rewarding (it always is - working with John Jones is a very zen experience) even though we had to keep it low key and not overwork with the vocal "issues". My stomach was still "iffy" so I didn't eat a lot. Thursday I started prep for Friday's scheduled colonoscopy. Because no anti-inflammatories were allowed since the previous Friday, no vitamins/supplements since Wednesday and the dehydration, the prep ended up being pretty devastating. It got so bad at one point that I had to stop for a while to hydrate, then started drinking the prep every 30 minutes, chugging diluted juice (the prep made plain water taste awful) between. Friday morning I got up to take my Synthroid, drank some coffee and water to finish the purge and was allowed nothing else after 8AM. The procedure was a 1PM but, as requested, we were there at noon. Fortunately Skip can do his job anywhere he has a computer and WiFi so he was able to work in the lobby while waiting to drive me home. As expected, everything was fine. As much as I joked about wanting to eat a big mac when I got home, my stomach was really unhappy from what it had been put through this week, so we kept the food simple and not too much. I think I gained a little weight from the coke and ginger ale I drank for the food poisoning and for "clear liquids" during prep. It also coated my tongue - how do people drink so much soda pop? A little is OK but it very quickly gets overwhelming. Saturday & Sunday I was still exhausted but made an effort at eating, re-hydrating and taking my regular vitamins and supplements. Today I'm trying to get back on track with my routine and exercise, doing my wii weigh-in and yoga. I also wrote in my journal (which I was surprised to note I hadn't done since last November). I plan on taking Kaylee out for a gentle run/walk this afternoon. I also have a new "Hal Leonard" Guitar instruction book I'm excited about starting today.


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