Jan 21, 2012 10:56
So yeah. Home from work today (as my shift was called off due to rain and the shift that the other lead was tentatively offering me tonight would be too short as to be worth the gas to get there) and tired but otherwise good.
I got a LinkedIn invite from an old college friend, a girl who, honestly, is the single most naturally gifted artist I've ever met. She's also a ridiculously sweet person. So I accepted the invite... and now I'm in the throes of a strange cocktail of "inferiority complex" and "must do something with my life!!1!" which, at the moment, is equalling "must do artsy things and be productive today! Go Go Go!!!1!". Whether I end up pissed at myself for not being a better artist or glowing with a new surge of self-esteem by the end of the day remains to be seen.
Anyway, on this morning's docket is a little sketching to warm up and then work on the shadow mass on my Sherlock portrait. Then I'll work on the Sarah Jane piece I'm aiming to do for Gally. (I'm shooting to have a Sarah Jane, a Brigadier and an Eight done before the con!) Prints will be on sale at the con, for those of you who are going!