Jun 20, 2006 17:31
...It's happening again.
I seriously have no idea where this is coming from. I haven't blushed since, oh, elementary school, or the first year of junoir high at most. But today, I've been blushing right and left. It's ridiculous! I gave up my seat in Japanese class to a registered student (I'm still just crashing it--ugh) and went to sit on the cabinent. It was all normal, nothing to blush about--this class is so full we have crashers like me sitting all over the floor, even. But by the time I've settled down on the cabinent, I felt that familar heat on my face that meant I had a major blush mojo going on. Then later, when I had to push through a group of people, up went the blush. Then, when we were doing an excersize in class, voila blush. Now, i'm sitting here thinking about how I was blushing, and I have to admit, it's sorta making me blush a little. And these blushes aren't just the little itsy-bitsy cute ones that cover your cheeks and afflict helpless damsels in stories everywhere. They go over your entire face, down your neck, and on your ears.
GUH. Why? They had no business coming back!
On other other hand, I found out that my dad spent a year in seminary school training to be a pastor and learning how to read and decipher ancient greek texts before deciding it wasn't for him and dropping out. Huh? I never knew this before. I guess he just decided he wasn't going to bother because it "wasn't that important," or something. This is becoming more and more characteristic of my parents. Next time, it'll be, "Oh yeah, your grandfather spent five years in a monastary in Mongolia training to follow the path of the spider ninja. By the way."
The following scene also took place up at a restaurant we went to with my relatives to celebrate my cousin's graduation. We were all crowded around our table and asked the waitress to take a picture. She was having trouble with the digital camera, so my dad says,
Dad: Don't worry. If the picture turns out badly it's not the camera's fault!
Waitress: Smile, Nod, Smile.
Dad: We're just a bunch of ugly bastards.