I Am Your LIAR. I'll Be The One Who, Tells You What You Want To Hear.

Feb 16, 2005 21:07

Okayyy. I woke up really early this morning, so I wasn't it the best of moods to start off with...

Urrr played on THUG2 for aberges because I was bored, I completed it in that space of time... Shows you how lame I am. Then I watched some really horribly produced TV programme.

Messed around with my hair for a while && had a shower. Wow exciting! Yah.

I have done nothing today, even though I wanted to go & do my English coursework I was too lazy to do that. Instead I went out around 2 o'clock... Left my MSN on, I was out for about an hour not even that & I came back home; returned to a lot of nice messages from people...

Urrrr yep. I don't know what I am doing tomorrow, either going to Sheffield or going to town with Miss Sarahhh...

I am soo bored right now, playing the emoticon game over webcam to people is THE most funniest thing ever <3.

I'm Outside Of Your Window; With My Radio.
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