Jun 04, 2004 11:35
well im at school once again and we are in the libary doing work! YAY! so i did my work and now i am looking at guitars and going LJ its not so bad apart from earlier on today andrew, alex, sam, and I yes thats write i used correct english! woo im improving.. maybe. but anyway we got taken out side and we got told "netx time i have to bring one or any of you out side your all out of here"*waves hand and try to be scary*
it sucked ass cos we werent doing anything wrong, yeah sure we talked a bit so was every fucking else aye. its gay she treats us like we are in year 8, and then she gives us a letcure about how this is a senior campus and its for ADULTs. THE TREAT US LIKE FUCKING ADULTS AND WE WILL ACT LIKE THEM YOU STUPID DYKE!.... i didnt say that i was thinking it tho, wish i had now.
well anyway im going to go look at more guitars =) seeya!!