and then there was darkness...

Feb 01, 2010 19:23

While my head has been buried elsewhere, in the codes and procedures of surface condensers and turbo-generators, I missed the day I've been waiting for; dreading.

Once I read a book, and I saw every naked fear I possessed but never understood laid bare for the horror of comprehension.

The handful of dust, the fields of dust (for what this journal was named after in homage to T.S. Eliot).

I have seen our culture become ash, our purpose become dust; we have now ended the Age of Reason and entered the New Feudalism. It was inevitable, we raped our mother, have long been Oedipus in all of his imperial hubris; the world will not long tolerate us and we have earned this coming iron hand, the soulless serfdom of corporate citizenship.

It is, perhaps, our ultimate curse that we will survive what comes; lowly and shameful, horrible in our servitude.

I learned about it from a friend, or person whom I would like to be friends with if I had the luxury of those anymore; her livejournal.

The Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United vs. FEC is nothing less than the end of the ambitions of our forefathers, our fore-philosophers, our literal fathers and great-great grandfathers. Ironically, I happen to be reading Thomas Paine's: Common Sense - the ideology which, above all others, stands as anthesiis of this ruling, this dark and lip curling path we have set upon.

Today is the final exam of the hardest class I have ever taken, I want to vomit and destroy my desk.

I sincerely hope everyone has their plans, that they bring them joy and freedom and far from dependancy on every lie they have come to accept.

I hope you have the strength to be the Savage sans the rope; say hello to your Brave New World.

This will be my last entry, time to burrow into deeper parts of the internet. Take care, be well, be free.
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